Food prices 2018 __gvirt_np_nn_nnps <__ False of Eat this, not that!
Your guac can be a rider! Find out which one of your favorite foods are not really food.

You have heard of "false news" lately. But here to eat this, not that !, We also worry about another major problem (LY) in America: "False food!"
These vegetable fries? No real vegetables. Guacamole? No lawyer in sight. And this syrup "maple" you pour on your pancakes? Just corn syrup with fructose with disguise.
With so many fake foods happening to the real deal, we glide a light on the biggest impostors of the market. These "winners" of 2018 fake food highly anticipated are actually the biggest losers; Thanks to the combination of labeling labeling and good shaped marketing labels, manufacturers sell less trustworthy food than the SUSHI gas station (or your ex shotchy ex).
Find out if the processed foods you eat are really what you think they are, compliments researchers to eat this, not that! - And be sure to avoid the50 instant feed on the planet.
Truffle oil

Have you really thought that these "truffle fries" served at your local dinner are made from mushrooms harvested with pigs? Chances are, you eat chemical imitation. According toThe New York Times,This "flavor" or "essence" that you eat is really the 2,4-dithiaped chemical, also called methane bis (methylthio).
Canned pumpkin
When autumn strikes, canned pumpkin is found in dozens of recipes, pumpkin bread with pumpkin pie with spicy lattes of pumpkin. But canned pumpkin puree which has become synonymous with autumn is not really pumpkin at all. At least, orange pumpkins are not used to sculpt in Halloween and decorate your mantelpiece. Libby pumpkin, the popular brand of pumpkin pumpkin canned, actuallyuses a type of squash called the squash of Dickinson in his pumpkin puree. In fact, it is closer to a butternut squash than a pumpkin. Although it is legal for the Brand Libby SA pumpkin pumpkin as pumpkin because it is difficult for the FDA to draw a line between pumpkins and winter squash, according toSprker, Simply know the same pumpkin you are used to choosing the vine is not the same in your homemade pie.
Original Superfood Smoothie Odwalla
BottledSupermarket Smoothies are already bad enough for weight loss, especially with shocking quantities of sugar in each of them. Odwalla's original Superfood Smoothie is no different; In fact, it houses calories of 240 calories and 51 grams of sugar in each bottle. Even if the juice is green, the "superfood" in question here is mainly just just concentrate apple juice. The other main ingredients include fishing purees and mango concentrate and banana puree. This smoothie is actually only 55 milligrams of curly cabbage, which represents 0.002 ounces. (For reference, 1 mug of chopped Kale is about 2.3 ounces.) There is alsoLess than 1% Other green too, including spirulina (for color), wheat grass, barley grass, wheat cabbage and artichoke Jerusalem. Do not let the green color fool you; It is only fruit juice and fruit puree.
'Maple syrup
Yes, technically brands such as Aunt Jemima, Ms. Butterworth's and, the most misleading log cabin, call only their "syrup" products, but their marketing states the opposite. If their amber dark color shines through transparent plastic bottles or hidden lies in the same plastic pitchets that have hosted maple syrups for generations, there is no difference that these companies want you to assimilate Their product with the real stuff, grade of maple syrup - You know, the sap who shot maple and is boiled in a sweetener rich in antioxidant? But unlike this functional sweetener, these syrups are mainly composed of high fructose corn syrup, artificial flavors and caramel-colors-all the ingredients that have been connected to a series of health problems, foie gras disease. Cancer.
White chocolate
Think of white chocolate like white and refined flour: too treated and devoid of nutrients. The only "chocolate" of white chocolate comes from the cocoa butter (the rest is solid milk, milk and sweetener fat), and even this ingredient generally loses its antioxidant properties during a step "deodorizing" . Non-fatty cocoa-free, white chocolate has no flavanoid-antioxidant compounds that have been demonstrated to improve glucose metabolism and lower blood pressure - orPrebiotics in good health, who help reduce inflammation and fight against weight gain. It also lacks the ability to stimulate the incident chemicals of the euphoria that real chocolate does, including serotonin. Catch chocolate?The darkest best. More cocoa means more chemicals happy and less sugar.
Cool whip
Whisk, as in whipped cream, right? Not exactly. Kraft cool First whip ingredient is the water, followed by hydrogenated vegetable oil, corn syrup rich in fructose, corn syrup, and finally, skim milk. Makes pleasure, the original recipe was "non-slag" did not even have milk! Kraft started adding that skim milk and light cream in 2010. And although Kraft is the brand bought in the most common store, you should also check the ingredients of any generic "whipped" in the lead there. Looking for whipped cream? Buy a small carton of thick cream, take a mason pot, and start shaking!
Bits bac'n
When an apostrophe replaces a letter in a food name, it is a dead donation this product is not what you want you think it's. Oh, and "flavored bacon. »From the labelTextured soy flour and oil to provide the "bit" red contaminated carcinogen 40 and caramel staining provide such things that the visual markglance Like the bacon, and the combination of yeast extract, disodium inosinate, disodium guanylate and otherwise known as msg-supplies meat, umami flavor. These so-called "taste exhaustors" were questioned in the increase of the appetite as well as stimulate your body to pump insulin, the hormone storage of fats. If you fried a tranche of bacon and crumbled, you could eat double calories, but you want to save you 180 mg of sodium.
Guacamole Dean flavored dip
Simply because the label indicates "guacamole" and things inside is green does not mean that this product is filled with the samegrease blasting properties that the lawyer. Keep reading and you will see one of the most revealing words in the brand image: flavor. This impostor is composed mainly of skim milk (of!), Oil, water and tomatoes. And less than 2 percent real lawyer! With all its liquid, how is this guacamole style dip-measuring? It is egg yellow emulsification, gelatin, a large number of gums and gels, and the upward thickening with isolated soy protein. And this green color that you see? It is just blue, red, and yellow food dyes. Besides the fact that real lawyers lend their free radical advantages combat, stick with green fruit also help you avoid this enlargement concoction.
If the tastes of the sun, such as corn syrup, modified corn starch, canola oil, cellulose gum, artificial sweeteners, artificial aromas, artificial dyes and preservatives, Sunny D certainly unleashed he. And while Sunny Tangy original promotes that it has 100 percent of your vitamin C for the day, the majority (an exorbitant amount of 98 percent) of this drink is just water and high corn syrup with high fructose content. That's right. That the orange you see on the label is only present in the "2% or less" section, as well as five other fruit concentrates, so that amount of vitamin C is probably coming from ascorbic acid. If you want a little orange juice, you are better to go with something that needs to be refrigerated, like the orange-cold juice of fresh hurry evolution.
Fruit snacks
Yes, the first ingredient is usually fruit and a mixture of vegetable juice from the concentrate, but according to the sugar, the corn syrup and the modified corn starch, at the same time as the more sugar and the sugar. Carnauba wax. Heck, some roll-ups, even partially hydrogenated aka oils that obstruct the trans fat arteries now prohibited by the FDA! And do not be fooled in thinking these gummies are as good health as the real thing just because they have the word "fruit" in them. In fact, the fruit juice is one of theWorst sweeteners added for your health Because it is rich in fructose liver clearing and low in slow digestion fibers that make healthy fruits in the first place. Snack on real fruits to get the fiber and nutrients that come naturally integrated into the file.
Melted cheese
Whiz or Whizout? This is the question you will often be asked for if you want your philly cheesteak aspergé with a soup spoonful of Cheez whiz. Or should they be called a cheezteak? Indeed, the cheez whiz, as well as melted cheese products like American cheese and Velveeta are not really cheese at all. In fact, the mandate of the federal laws that each of these products are considered "melted cheese" or a "cheese product" from their manufacturing process is quite different from natural cheeses: they start with only true cheese of 51 for One hundred, add artificial aromas, colors, charges, preservatives, emulsifiers, acidifiers, preheated, then wrap it. Scope for a 100 percent block of Cheddar in the United States as well as the actual import more than necessary, if cheese prices are on the waypoint down.
Dannon fruit on the cherry background
If you are thirsty pieces of fresh cherries in your fruit on the yogurt down, you will need to look elsewhere than the version of Dannon. Indeed, the fruits of Dannon on the bottom is cherryactually made with pieces of strawberries And less than 1 percent of "natural aroma, fruit juice, vegetable juice and (for color). Aside from that there is no mention of cherries to all in the list of ingredients, this yogurt is one of the worst for your waistline with 22 grams of shocking sugar.
Veggie chips and straws
There is a Veggie Straws garden reason are atcenter of a trial; The ingredients are mostly the potato flour and potato starch. Even with the garden Veggie Chips. Although the tomato dough and spinach powder are used to make these snacks, powdered and processed vegetables do not have the vitamins and nutrients of their fresh counterparts - a cry away from the fresh garden of the garden on the packet photographed snack. Although they contain 30 percent less fat than chips, the veggie chips and straws garden are not much more than a snack potatoes.
creamy coffee
We do not know for you, but when we read the word "cremier, the dairy cows come to mind. Unfortunately, that's not what you get when you take coffee like Crémier Coffee-Mate. In fact, the brand that it even qualifies without lactose! Real reliable food mode, this crem tree is other than water, corn solid materials, and hydrogenated vegetable oil, and artificial aroma in disguise. In fact, the closest thing this cream has milk is a milk derivative: sodium caseinate. If you are looking for something to add to your coffee, add the thick cream. It's one ofThe best foods rich in fat to lose weight.
Oreos can himself project "favorite cookie of milk," but soak the famous chocolate cookies sandwich in a glass of milk is the only dairy you will get. Indeed, the filling inside a OREO is not the cream at all, but rather of "cream", a food term that should be used to describe something that is not really dairy products. Sowhich is that kind of white thingsIn the center of a OREO? Sugar, palm tree and / or canola oil, corn syrup rich in fructose, soy lecithin, artificial aroma and. Basically, sugar and hydrogenated oils. Cookies are themselves essentially vegan (we say "essentially" because there could be cross-contamination with milk when producing cookie).

Before buying vanilla extract, make sure it contains, you know, vanilla. Some brands are made with vanillin, a synthetic flavoring agent and dyed with a caramel color. Real vanilla content: zero.
Snaple Peach Raspberry
Snapple has a wide range of juice and teas, but some of the flavors are misleading. Its raspberry peach drink, for example, has no raspberry juice at all. Instead, the lists of the nutrition panel of the ingredients such as: filtered water, sugar, concentrated pear juice, fishing puree, citric acid, natural aromas, concentrated vegetable juice (for the Color), and acacia gum. So, unless the raspberry taste is tapi in the "natural aromas," this should actually be called pear fishing juice.

You asked for an iced tea, not an iced tree. Back in 2013,The Guardian reported that tea leaves can be contaminated with sawdust, turf, fern leaves and even branches. For more shocking surprises, click here to discover20 vegetarian foods that are not!
Editor's note:A previous version of this article The extra virgin olive oil list as a fake food, written:
"Larry Olmsted, AuthorReal Food, false, RecountMother Jones. "Most oils sold in the United States are wrong," he writes, and probably diluted with soy or even the oil rancie."
We would like to give a precision to this published statement. He has since come to light that the Olmstead Declaration that "most oils sold in the United States are false" is misleading, inaccurate and hyperbolic. This assertion has no evidence cited in support and distorts the gravity of the amount of olive oil fraud in America.
While independent investigations have found that olive oil fraud-The sale of cheap olive oil under the name "extra virgin" orMix of olive oil with other oils (Like sunflower or canola) -No occur, it does not make the majority of the oils in the grocery store. On the contrary, independent quality control tests by the only group in countries to perform independent tests of any kind, theOlive Oil North American Association (Naooa), revealed thatOnly 2 percent of olive oil Sold in American outlets is falsified.

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