Here is a dark fact, we bet you did not know about your state
Is your state the one who delivers a pizza by plane?

Each state of the US has its own set of bizarres, of strange history andvernacular This distinguishes it. Some of these singularities are fundamental for the identity of the state, while others are only eccentric details that give the state a little extra flavor. Chances are, there are many things you still do not know the state you call at home. It is therefore time to know 50state facts It might simply make you love the place you are even more. And for more plates assumptions, checkThe most famous celebrity of your state.
The only state with an official alcoholic drink isAlabama.

You may not know that each state has an official drink. Most opt for juice, soda or milk as their beverage of choice. But not Alabama. This is the only state to have an official drink that requires you to be a legal drink age to enjoy.
In 2004, Alabama raised the bar, if you want, and named Conecuh Ridge Whiskey his official drink. This Moonshine whiskey was produced and marketed by a distillery of the same name and was initially rendered illegally in the middle of the end of the 20th century. The owner of the distillery was actually broken up for violations of the alcohol law, and she is now sold under the nameWhiskey of Clyde May's Pest MAY.
You can get your pizza delivered by plane inAlaska.

Pizza at the airport At Nome, Alaska will fly hundreds of kilometers just to deliver pizza to remote areas of the state. The founder of the company, Matt Tomter, was a former Bush driver, and now flying the pizza for a free shipping charge. Their most popular pizza is made of reindeer meat, feta cheese and red peppers. Any way you slice, the delivery of air pizza is quite cool.
We haveArizonathank for the Federal Aviation Agency.

TheFederal Aviation Agency (FAA) was created in 1958 following a collision that occurred in Arizona. In 1956, two planes diverted on the Grand Canyon for a better view and finished by collision, killing the 128 people on the two planes.
The tragedy emphasized the fact that even if the American air traffic had more than doubled since the end of the Second World War, it was done to mitigate the risk of collision. As a result of the accident, the FAA was created to provide safe and efficient use of national airspace.
Arkansasis the birthplace of Walmart.

Today, Walmart is one of the largest retailers in the world, employing2.2 million associates All over the world, and serving more than 200 million customers every week toMore than 11,000 stores in 27 countries. But everything started at Rogers, Arkansas.
Despite growing in Oklahoma and Missouri, the owner Sam Walton opened his first Walmart in Arkansas in 1962.
Californiais the house of the highest and lowest points in the country.

Thehighest and lowest points In the United States contiguous are only 85 miles apart from each other, and both are located in the state of California.
The highest is the mont. Whitney, which is at an altitude of 14 505 feet southeast of Sierra Nevada. The Badwater Basin is the Basin of the Death Valley, located 282 feet below the sea level, making it the lowest point in the whole of North America.
The most dangerous criminals in the United States are held inColorado.

Florence, Colorado is home to Adx Florence Prison, the highest level security prison in the United States. It provides distinct long-term housings for inmates classified with the highest security risks in the penitentiary system - and those posing a serious threat at the national and global level.
His prisoners included Oklahoma City Bomber Timothy McVeigh, Unabomer Ted Kaczynski, KGB Spy Robert Hanssen, Bombardier Richard Reid and Boston Marathon Bomber Dzhokhar Tsarnaev, to name a few.
ConnecticutDefine the first law on the motor vehicle.

Connecticut was the first state to adopt a law on the motor vehicle in 1901.First law Define the speed limit to 12 mph in cities and 15 km / h on the country roads.
The speed limits had been established previously in the United States for cars, trolleys and sleds, but it was the first speed limit ever defined for automobiles. It included requirements for drivers to slow down when approaching or going to horsepower vehicles and stop completely to avoid scraping animals.
DelawareHas long held the competition of the Punkin Chunkin World Championship.

It does not seem like anyone likes to see a large pumpkin breaks out on an impact more than Delaware. Since 1986, the State has held the annual competition of the Punkin Chunkin World Championship Association, which involves competing teams that continue with catapults, slingshots and other "chucking" devices.
In 2016, ainjury In the contest led to a trial that threatened the organization. The event was on hiatus, but Delaware can only hope for a triumphant revival soon.
Floridais filled with buried treasure that can be worth billions of dollars.

Trillion treasure Hidden on the ocean floor on the Florida coast, according to estimates.
Thanks to the shipwrecks and wankers European travelers, divers continually find gold coins and other precious stones in the waters of Florida. In 2015, for example, a diver discovered hundreds of genuine 300-year-old gold coins off Vero Beach, a literal$ 4.5 million GoldMine.
A funeral director inGeorgiaMay lose their curse license in front of a corpse.

There are many bizarre laws in every state, but it in Georgia is quite unique. In the fishing state, a funeral director could lose their license to curse a corpse.
According toState Law"Use a profane, indecent or obscene language in the presence of a dead human body, or in the immediate hearing of the family or the family of a deceased, whose organization has not yet been buried or otherwise disposed "Is reasons for revocation of permits. Funny: Texas also has a similar law.
Those who callHawaiiThe house live longer than any other American.

The term "time of the island" takes a new meaning in Hawaii. The state has theLonger life expectancy rate, which is an average of 81.3 years.
Hawaii has indeed been considered one of the healthiest states in the US for several years. Only 19% of Hawaiians suffer fromobesity, who is thelowest rates in the countryside. Also, only on14% of the Hawaiians smoke. Hawaii also has some of theLowest depression rate in the country too. Are you all going to Hawaii, are we going?
The first ski chairlift has been erected inIdaho.

In the worldfirst air chairlift came to Sun Valley, Idaho in 1936. With it came a four-storey ski lodge, making the sun valley the first destination of the countryski station. While the original chairlift is no longer active, Sun Valley is still one of the first American ski destinations and a training base for many Olympic skiers and snowboarders.
More people have vanity license plates inIllinoisthan in any other state.

In 2007, theAmerican Association of Automotive Vehicle Administrators Inquiry into which states have the most personalized license plates (AKA VANITY). Although Virginia had the highest percentage, Illinois had more than any other state - nearly 1.3 million, to be accurate.
WithoutIndiana, the most famous American buildings would not exist.

You can thank Indiana for the Empire Empire building, the Rockefeller Center, the Pentagon, the American treasure and many other famous buildings. This is because the city of Bedford, Indiana has one of the richest limestone in the world, which has been used to create these historic monuments. The city is actually known as the "Limestone capital of the world. "
Iowagave us the glory of sliced bread.

Otto Frederick Rohweedder, an Iowa inventor, designed the first automatic bread slitting machine for commercial use in the 1920s. So it is literally the greatest thing from the sliced bread. The new Rohwedder machine was first put into practice in the Korn bakery - in its native city of Davenport, Iowa-in 1928.
KansasIn fact the city the most duration.

Chicago may have won the title, but the most lively city of the US Dodge City, Kansas. According to the data ofThe practical scientific response book, The wind speed of Dodge City averaged about 14 miles per hour. In comparison, the average speed of Chicago is just over 10 miles per hour.
Mother Nature Network notes that there are locations in the United States with higher averages, butDodge City is the most self with a large population (about 27,000 people).
The first radio came fromKentucky.

The first "radio" was invented in Kentucky byNathan B. StubblefieldIn 1902. The wireless phone at the battery, as called, could be transported to different locations and used on mobile platforms such as boats. Stubblefield has received an American patent from his radio system, but failed to market it. So-called, a New Yorkers group then stole its invention and made the first official radio.
LouisianaUsed to distribute Tabasco sauce at Old Cologne Bottles.

The most famous hot sauce,TabascoComes from Louisiana, first produced by Edmund Mcilhenny in the mid-1800s. Milehenny, which is currently used by the same family, is still based in Louisiana.
Back in the day, to distribute its sauce, Milehenny used cogo coggles from a new Orleans glass provider for its Tabasco sauce. "He found cottons from Cologne who had bonds with watering sprinklers," Paul Mcilhenny said in NPR. "The sprinkler would allow something to be distributed by the drop or dash rather than flowing and its sauce was so concentrated that it was convenient, the legend is so that it found old bottles of Cologne and the filled with tabasco sauce. "
MaineProduct 99% of the wild blueberries.

Maine can be known for his lobsters, but proportionally, it should probably be better known for its blueberries. The state is the source of practically 99%, to specify - ofThe wild blueberries of America, harvest some80 to 100 million pounds each year.
According toBangor Daily NewsA small amount of Maine blueberries is sold fresh, but "99% is treated, making its way into blueberry muffins, cereals, yogurt and other food products."
Marylandis where the first hot air balloon took off.

TheFirst hot air balloon In the United States to transport a person who took off in Baltimore in 1784. Peter Carnes, a Tavern guard and a lawyer, built the ball based on French designs and sold tickets to a vast crowd of spectators.
Unfortunately, he did not test his creation before the big day of launch and he turned out that he was too heavy to get into the ball itself. A 13-year-old boy got up and took the ride in his place. Its successful flight was the beginning of the country's balloon craze in the late 1700s and early 1800s.
MassachusettsAt the longest lake named around the world.

Lake Chargoggggmanchaugggggchabunagunggggggg is the real name of a lake in Webster, Massachusetts. It's not just the longest geographic name of the US, but it is also the longest name for a lake around the world. The 45-letter lake is called Webster Lake by locals because its real name is obviously difficult to read or write, not to mention.
MichiganAt its own version of the triangle of Bermuda.

TheMichigan triangle is also mysterious as the triangle of the Bermuda. The region has seen many deviations from unexplainable ship and aircraft, and many stranger stories have been reported, including UFO observations and time travel suspicions. So you probably want to avoid the region stretching on Lake Michigan Ludington, Michigan in Manitowoc, Wisconsin.
A large number of first medical occurred inMinnesota.

If you want first order medical care, head to Minnesota. His city of Rochester is the house of the first Mayo clinic. The state therefore has an impressive story of the rupture of landMedical research and innovations. The first open-heart surgery, the first human bone marrow transplant and the development of the first successful heart pulmonary machine occurred in Minnesota.
MississippiReceived $ 69 million from the government to grow marijuana.

In 2015, theUniversity of Mississippi received $ 69 million from national health institutes togrown on marijuana and analyze. The University's Marijuana Research Laboratory produces a federal legal marijuana since 1968. OLE MISS bidder and won the government contract for new cannabis cultivation methods containing different levels of THC (the chemical responsible for "high" "Psychological effect of pot) and cannabidiol (a non-psychoactive compound used to treat disorders such as epilepsy).
MissouriAt the most popular underground marriage place in the country.

For those looking to take a deep commitment to their partner, theBridal caveIn Camdenton, Missouri is the ideal place to do it. The location is the most popular underground marriage venue in the country, offering ceremonies among stalactites under the local Thunder mountain. As a bonus, wedding packages include passes for life atcaves For the couple.
Montanaelected the first woman in the federal office.

Montana is the first state of the U.S to elect a woman in Congress. Jeannette Rankin, a native Montana, was elected to the House of Representatives in 1916 and re-elected in 1940. She was the first woman to organize a federal office in the United States. Rankin was against world wars and also opposed the US attack on Pearl Harbor. His vote was the only one at the war.
Nebraskawhere is Kool-Aid started.

Oh yes! Kool-Aid started his departure at Hastings, Nebraska, thanks to Edwin Perkins. The concentrate of liquid that the inventor had done was not only expensive to ship, but that does not end up damaged in transit. So the Perkins had the shiny idea ofDehydrate the sweet drink of fruits instead of.
His powder "Kool-ade"(Who would soon become Kool-Aid) could be sprinkled in the water, proving cheaper, less risky and very popular.
Nevadahas a lake that detects tsunamis.

When a tsunami strikes Japan, Nevada the esteem - at least one geothermal pool in the well-known death valley under the name ofDevil hole Is. The cave is about 500 feet underground and would have been formed about half a billion years ago. What is really crazy about it is thatWhen earthquakes Hit other parts of the world, the hole of the devils experiments its own "miniature tsunami" as direct result.
New Hampshireis the only state where you do not have to close.

New Hampshire is the only state thatdoes not have a safety belt law For adults, taking the motto of the "Live Free or dies" -A soon away. New York was the first state that adopted a law obliging everyone to carry a seatbelt and a few years, all the other states followed ... with the exception of the new Hampshire. In this state, only passengers or drivers under the age of 18 must wear a seat belt.
New JerseyAt festivals dedicated to the pork roller.
Pork roller is a popular breakfast workshop in New Jersey. Also known as the Taylor ham, the processed meat is usually slim trench, pan-fried, then served on a sandwich "breakfast in jersey". It is a pork roll, an egg on the dish and cheese on a hard roll with salt, pepper and ketchup to send it back.
The inhabitants of New Jersey so much love their pork roller that there are several festivals dedicated to it each year, including those ofTrenton andPhillipsburg.
More people hold doctorates inNew Mexicothan any other state.

New Mexico is an intelligent state. It's at homeMore people who hold doctorates per capitathat any other state of the country. Many of them come to Albuquerque because of the multitude of research facilities a 20-minute drive from the city, including National Sandia laboratories and the Los Alamos National Laboratory. Fun: Microsoft was also founded in Albuquerque in 1975 by Paul Allen and Bill Gates.
InNew York's The largest city, you could only go from May 1 May until the mid-1900s.

Of the colonial era until 1945, the only day, people were allowed to move to Manhattan wasMay 1st. The date indicated when the Dutch was initially decided to colonize the city.
On February 1, which was also known as "Laple Day", the owners would note the new rent amount to their tenants, who could then renew their lease or to make their apartment hunting at the beginning of spring for their next home. All leases expired at 9:00 on May 1, causing thousands of people to move at a time. Every New York knows it's a real nightmare.
North Carolinais "the Atlantic Cemetery."
The outdoor banks of North Carolina are a beautiful tourist destination, but it has a deadly reputation for sailors. The region is nicknamed the "Atlantic Cemetery"Due to a series of sandbars, hurricanes and strong currents that have sent many marine vessels to an aqueous grave.Selon the archives of theNorth Carolina underwater archeology branch (UAB)More than 5,000 vessels destroyed in the region.
North Dakotawas Lewis and Clark's favorite state.

Explorers William Clark and Meriwether Lewis headed for many parts of the country, but nothing seemed to captivate them as well as North Dakota. It was here that men spent more time than any other state during their trip. Their discovery body injured twice between 1804 and 1806, spending about214 Total days in North Dakota during their visits.
Thanks toOhio,We have the environmental protection agency.

TheCuyahoga River In Ohio was one of the most polluted rivers in the country and attract the trains of the sparks that would fall into the water. In fact, he caught fire at least 13 times, causing many deaths and millions of dollars of damage. After a highly media fire in 1969, the Congress was inspired byClean pollution across the country, possibly establishing the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA).
There is a three-day Bigfoot celebration inOklahoma.

Many people reported observations from Bigfoot to Oklahoma, leading the state to welcome an annualBigfoot Festival In Honobia, a city nestled in the heart of the Kiampi mountains. The three-day event attracts believers, skeptics and Bigfoot enthusiasts.
OregonAt cities named sisters and brothers.

The state of Oregon has a city namedSisters and another calledBrothers. There is also a boring named city-which is thesister of the Scottish city of Dull. They even have their own state holidays "boring and dull days." It looks like an explosion.
PennsylvaniaTwo NFL teams merged in one season.

During a season only in 1943, the Pittsburgh Steelers and Philadelphia Eagles merged their teams and formed what is officially called Eagles Phil-Pitt Stegles-Steelers. Eye-catching, huh? The reason for this merger was that many NFL players headed abroad to fight during the Second World War. Rather than close the two teams, the league approved the merger. Coach Steelers Coach and Eagles led the combined team, called colloquially calledRod.
Rhode Island is the only US state that has not ratified the amendment of the prohibition.

In January 1919, the Congress ratified the 18th amendment to the US Constitution, which prohibited the manufacture, sale and transport of alcoholic beverages within the United States and its territories. But only one state rejected the amendment:Rhode Island (Although Connecticut is held a little).
RumWas a flourishing industry in the state and its large Catholic population - mainly composed of Irish and Italian immigrants - considered the 18th amendment as an attempt by Protestants to impose values. RAGE ON, RHODE ISLAND REBELS.
Caroline from the southAt an island of Singes only.

Caroline from the southMorgan IslandBest known as Monkey Island, is home to some 3,500 monkeys, one of whom one of the only two rhesus monkey colonies in the country.
The island of 2,000 acres became the island of Monkey after an epidemic of herpes b thanks to a group of monkeys at theCaribbean Premium Research Center In Puerto Rico in the 1970s. For fear of virus extending further to Puerto Rico, monkeys had to be removable. The state of South Carolina broke out and offered an empty island where primates could live.
Also today, humans are forbidden to visit Morgan Island, thanks to a mandate of the National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases. That said, it's not far from the biggest known and a big biggest Hilton Head island, so the curious can expand monkeys via binoculars from the distance per boat.
South Dakotawas once the "divorce capital of the nation".

Sioux Falls, South Dakota was known as "Capital of divorce of the nation"In the late 1800s. Couples who wanted a fast divorce at the time would go to the city because most states would only bedivorce on the patterns of adultery. South Dakota would issue a divorce on five other other chefs.
In addition to this, most states have asked you to establish a residence for at least one year before filing a divorce. In South Dakota, on the other hand, you only have to create a residence for six months. The rich couples out of the state would pay for a hotel room for months, then come back later for their divorce hearings.
More than 6,000 divorces were granted in South Dakota from 1889 to 1909, when a Reformed Divorce Act entered into force. Two-thirds of these divorces involved people who were not really residents of South Dakota.
Maxwell House Coffee has been named after a hotelTennessee.

The famous Maxwell House coffee brand is from Tennessee. It is named after the Maxwell House Maxwellct in Nashville, the first coffee coffee shop. But this is not the only connection of Maxwell House in Tennessee.
His famous advertising slogan had come from the succession of Andrew Jackson, the Hermitage, near Nashville. In 1907, former President Theodore Roosevelt drank a Café Maxwell House during a visit to the Hermitage, where he proclaimed the coffee was "good until the last drop. "
Texas has the largest state capitol building in the United States

Everything is really bigger inTexas, including his capitol. This state isCapitol Building in Austin Makes a statement, standing up 311 feet high, about 23 feet more than the American Capitol.
Although Nebraska, Kansas, Florida, Illinois and Capitol Buildings of the State of Louisiana are always larger than Texas ", it is technically the largest to360,000 square feet.
The official state bird ofUtahis the Californian seagull.

The seagulls miraculously helped to save the life of the pioneers shortly after their arrival at the Salt Lake Valley in 1847. After placing about 900 acres of wheat, millions of crickers came from the foothills and threatened to clean up crops. The pioneers could not get rid of the parasites until a herd of seagulls attacked them, save the cultures back.
The event was nicknamed the "Miracle of Gulls, "And the California's seagull has since been named as UtahOfficial State Bird.
You can stay in a lodge belonging to the Von Trapps inVermont.

The von Trapp family that inspiredThe sound of musicMoved to Stowe, Vermont in 1942 after visiting the United States as singers of the von trapping family. They chose a farm with sweeping mountain vistas that remind them of their beloved Austria.
Today theTrapp Family Lodge Date of 96 rooms and sits on 2,500 acres in Vermont, where you can savor tons of amenities. He is still owner and operated by descendants of the Von Trapp family.
The majority of all internet traffic flows throughVirginia.

On70% of all internet traffic Flows in data centers located in northern Virginia. Centers represent a total of 5.2 million square feet. To put this in perspective, it is the equivalent to 25 Superstores of Walmart, less than 521 square miles.
A false city was created inWashington To deceive the enemy bombers during the Second World War.

WhileThe Second World War, Boeing camouflaged a secret bomber plant south of Seattle, Washington by covering entirely with afalse This was created by a Hollywood Set designer. There were false houses, artificial trees and even false sidewalks to give the illusion that it was a real neighborhood, hiding the fact that thousands of 5-17 bombers were produced.
Mother's Day startedWestern Virginia.

In 1907, the second Sunday of May, West VirginiaAnna Jarvis held a memorial for his mother at the Methodist church of St. Andrew. His mother, Ann Reeves Jarvis, was dead on the second Sunday of May in 1905.
Anna had the impression that Americans have too often neglected the important place of mothers. She started campaigning to make Mother's Day to a widely recognized holiday. West Virginia was the first to make it a formal holiday in 1910. and a few years later in 1914, President Woodrow Wilson made a national national vacation. So, mothers everywhere have Jarvis to thank adorable hand cards and coupon books.
WisconsinThe cheese cheesehead hat is native to a couch cushion.

The famous wisconsin cheesehead hat proudly worn by fans from Green Bay Packers who came from a sofa cushion.
One day in the mid-1980s, Ralph Bruno de Wisconsin used the cushion foam from his sofa of his mother, he burned holes, the yellow painted and headed for the game of the packagers. And the rest as said, is the story. Today, La Cheesehead Hat is trademarks and belonging to Wisconsin Foamation Inc., who has been making them since 1987.
Wyoming At half that many residents than Rhode Island, but are nearly 100 times larger.

Wyoming is the least populated state in the country, even if it is the 10th largest state. Its total population is about 579,000 people living in its 98,000 square miles. To put this in perspective, the smallest state of the United States, Rhode Island, is only 1,200 square miles and its population is 1.1 million people. And for more dark anchors, check100 random facts so interesting that you will say, "OMG!"
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