Each Star Wars Film Classified

Put a scientific fact in science fiction.

Choose your favoriteStars wars The movie can be like choosing your favorite child. Whateverparent Can you tell you that it's not as difficult as it sounds. Some children are intrinsically adorable and easy to be proud, while other children, well ....Stars wars Films have similar personalities. They can be full of delicious surprises and potential potential, or they can be obtuse. But even the ugly - those who do not even seem to want to try, coming out of their way to break our hearts - we love them too. They are still part of our family, for better or worse.

You know a realStars wars Fan if he is still upset by the BLKS pavilion. The rest of the world has evolved and found other things to be bored, but real believers simply can not. Because we will despise Jar Jar, as much as it makes the skin crawling, it is still part of the barrel. We can not divorce from him, because whatever our personal feelings, he is part of theStars warsmythology.

That said, here is the definitive ranking of all (current)Stars wars Movies, the incontestable worse to the best of the irrefutable. This ranking is not opinions, by the way; It's a hard science. And you can not debate science.

The ghost threat (1999)


There are so many episode reasons that I should be one of the bestStars wars movies. But it fails in a myriad of spectacular ways. After such a long absence for the series - something that many of us took to signify the long-term episodes that one to three would always remain rooted in our imaginations - a newStars warsThe movie was the most beautiful gift we had never thought to live to see. We would have been grateful foranything. The film could have been Boba Fett playing Dejarik with Chewbacca for two hours and we would have greeted her a masterpiece.

Instead, we had a surprisingly stranger of a foreigner named Jar Jar Binks, who said things deeply infants like: "Expiring me" and an unnecessarily complicated intrigue on intergalactic taxation on trade roads (or some thing as well, we stopped paying attention after one while). Of course, it receives bonus points for sports gymnastics among Jedi and a promising naughty in Darth Maul. But then lost all goodwill when they killed it (as far as we knew at the time) after a pussy pussy battle ... then leave Jar-Jarlive.

Clone attack (2002)

star wars attack of the clones

This pre-prequel has committed an unforgivable sin (at least among those of us who cherish theStars wars Movies like Gospel): He made Boba Fett Uncool. Has any age watched the original trilogy and think: "I would like Boba Fett's narrative arc to have been more likelyThe courtyard of Eddie's father? "(In addition, Yoda do judo strikes in the air like a black-level belt was disconcerting, not great. It is like the suddenly discovery of grandfather has taken Jujitsu classes for decades. Orlearning that ChewBacca is inexplicably speaking with a British accent. Stop playing with the natural order, Lucas!)

Overall, this addition to the series is (surprise, surprise) too heavy on the CGI and too light on the development of the character. And then there is the tedious romance between Anakin (Hayden Christensen) And Padmé (Natalie "How am I in this mess?" Carrier), apparently written by a person who had never been in a relationship with another human being. An example of a line: "You are in my very soul, tormenting me." To comeoooon. If writers needed a primer on how to do aStars warsRomance, they should have just revisited the Treaty of Han and LeiaEmpire hits. "I love you." "I know." Boom, two sentences,ended!

Solo: a story of Star Wars(2018)

solo a star wars story still frame

It is a perfectly fine sci-fi movie, with a fast plot, stellar action, breathtaking visual effects and captivating side characters. (Donald Glover's Lando Calrissian is a particular standing.) But the character at the center of all this is not Han Solo.Harrison Fordis Han Solo. If he does not play Han Solo, so it's not a movie Han Solo.Alden Ehrenreich is a fine actor, but he is not Han Solo. There is really nothing else to say.

Maybe if they changed the title and gave the main character a name that was not Han Solo, we would all be in. Otherwise, it's just confusing. You would not take a movie likeDieAnd say, "The main character is Han Solo now." No it is not. Since when isBruce Willis Han Solo? Ever. Just say that something does not make it true. This is not the way life works! Adjusted for inflation,Solo: a story of Star Wars performed worse at the box office than any otherStars wars movie.

Revenge of the Sith (2005)

star wars revenge of the sith

He receives our respect for the title, who finally delivers the threat we were refused withReturn of the Jedi, a movie that was initially supposed to be entitledJedi's revenge Before Lucas decided, "Nah, too cool."Revenge of the Sith Most of the time lives up to the title, as with all the pre-Lucas, it could have lost 80% of the CGI and be a basically better movie.

There is an anti-fascist theme in the heart of history, but really the only reason we look is to see Anakin lose his marbles, melt his face and become Dark Vader. In this, he satisfies ... a little.Hayden Christensen Do not really have the actor chops to get the job, which is both a good thing and a bad thing. It's bad when he tries to do a convincing business for Darth's descent. It is good when his lack of nuance causes moments like the anxious Dark raising his fists to heaven and shout: "Noooooo! "

Overall, we are not sure to laugh or accept the melodrama on the value of the face, which makesStars wars Movies generally such a fun walk. For each thrill inducing goose flesh, at any time, you might abruptly come out of reality with a line reading that asks you ifWooden wood directed. It's not a criticism, it's a compliment. Years from now on, when this movie is observed solely byStars wars Fillissic, Darth Vader screaming "Noooooo! "Will be the only thing everyone remembersRevenge of the Sith.

the force awakens (2015)

star wars the force awakens still frame

Finally, we come to see (spoilers to come!) The tragic and brutal death that Han Solo had been refused inReturn of the Jedi! (More than that later.) And in the hands of his ownson Not less. Those of us who feared Han lived at an old mature in an Ewok retirement village of Godforvenken had finally closed. In addition, theStars warsUniverse has now received a new heroe, not as white or male as their predecessors. It tookNot a word. Abrams To give us theStars warsFollowing we did not realize how much we wanted. ThisGeorge Lucas has been kept out of the process - forbids to make suggestions like "and if you added some other strange foreigners in this scene?" - I just opened everything that works.

Really, the only thing that bridges this movie is how far it carries its fandom on its sleeve.the force awakens Maybe a little also in love with his own nostalgia. And not only because the ancient souvenirs of trilogy sells resale prices in this universe. Some "original" pieces of the movie - like the base of Starkiller, a mobile ice planet with a giant laser capable of destroying solar systems, but who have also built with an exploitable flaw - just feel a little, uh ...familiar.

Snape One: a story of Star Wars (2016)

rogue one a star wars story still frame

The enemies go hate, but it's really one of the best suites that are not technically a suite in theStars warsCanon. What makes this job so well is that it does not feel superfluous. He answers the questions that needed for the answer, at least for hardcore fanatics. (Why was the star of death built with a fatal fault that the rebels could use to destroy it with a single shot? It looks like a fairly massive design error.)

In addition to that, do not worry, no spoilers, here is the first movie to amerend the good guys-versus-bad-guys M.O. who dominatesStars wars mythology. (Thebright side against thedark side? Could you be more on the nose?!) InThugThese are morally gray characters operating in a morally gray conflict. It is a fresh perspective and also close to true thatStars wars can get.

CornThugThe greatest achievement is that it delivers one of the rarest creatures that have always inhabited theStars wars Universe: a legitimately funny robot. Robots inStar Wars Films tend to be like comics on cruise ships: Humor of grandparents, but that's about everything. K-2SO (achieved brilliantly by Alan Tudyk), however, is honest with hilarious kindness, with more pathos de Deadpan than any human actor in eachStars wars Film that came before going out, with the possible exception of Harrison Ford.

Return of the Jedi(1983)

return of the jedi star wars

Should it be higher? Of course he should! Any movie in the original trilogy should be included in the first three of allStars warsranking, without asking any questions. And if we only judge on the opening scenes on Tatoine, where Han is recorded and the Princess Leia is in metal bikini and Boba Fett falls into the Sarlacc pit digest for 1000 years, while it's one of the Best movies never done, never. But the rest of the movie is happening, and there are ewoks, and everything becomes unbearable and it only worsens if you know anything aboutStars wars The story and what "could have been. »

Long before, there were Ewoks, the plots were in progress for a planet of wookies, or, better still, crawling lizards that were anything but cuddly. Oh, and Han was originally supposed to die, castigated in a flamboyant of glory as he tried to save his friends. You know, the way a guy like Han was supposed to go, not high fiving friends at a tedy teddy bear. Harrison Ford pushed Han's death, but Lucas was not in her.As Ford explained, "George does not think there was a future in the Han Dead toys. It's hard to look at this movie without wondering what could have been.

The last Jedi (2017)

rey star wars last jedi
Walt Disney Studios Motion Pictures

This film is one of the biggest in theStars wars dynasty for reasonThe trolls hated. They complained of the awkward dialogue and the intrigue filled with contradictions and absurd jumps of logic. Well, Duh. It's aStars wars movie. That's what they do! To complainStars wars intrigue holes is like complaining thatGame Of Thrones episode is too hostile.

But the real reason for the trolls hated this movie with a white intensity was because of women.The last Jedi To women in executive positions, women save the day, women do not wait for men to manifest themselves and the breath of getting out of the difficulty. In the center of the film is Rey (Daisy Ridley), The disgusted trap that is more difficult than all boys and are not at all interested in their guardianship,who is theAtlantic called "Stars wars"First feminist protagonist".

It's not going well with a certain subset of fans who still have their kennerStars wars The action figures in the original packaging, and which prefer their heroines to wait patiently in the sting cells to back up. Their reactions are not in the difference Baddy Kylo Ren (ADAM driver) Breaking his helmet in over-privileged rage access after learning that there is no Darth Vader. Oh, it hurts so good.

Stars wars (1977)

star wars a new hope still frame

I know we are supposed to call this oneEpisode VI: a new hopeBut I refuse general principle.Stars wars Did not become a cultural phenomenon, the biggest sci-fi nipper forever change the world for millions of children, such as "the fourth part. He was and will always beStars wars, First of the name, the holy writing on which all the other suites are judged. This ranking applies only to the original theatrical version of 1977, and not 1997 "Special Edition" where Lucas added a pile of CGI who, very frankly, makes a smallest film. We do not need the extra scene with Jabba, or lighter beasts and almost human foreigners.

And for the love of all that is holy and decent, whatever the way Lucas tried to rewrite the story, Han shot the first. I'm sorry if it's hard to hear, but he just did.

The Empire Counter-Attack(1980)

darth vader in the empire strikes back still frame

Whatsoever the biggestStars warsmovie is not open to discussion. There will never be another movie quite like her, certainly not involving the universe created by George Lucas. Try to explain why is almost like trying to explain why the testimony of a boreal aurora can be impressive and changing life. It had to be there to understand. To be a child in 1980, just after seeingEmpireIn a world decades away from the internet, was a wonderful time to be alive.

The film left us more questions than answers. Han Solo was still alive? Darth said the truth about being the father of Luke? Who was Yoda allusion when he assured the ghost of Ben Kenobi, "there is another"?The Empire Counter-Attack Recognized a fundamental truth about the magic of the film: your audience does notneed to know everything. He does not necessarilywant to to know everything.

We could even say that ifReturn of the Jedi has never been done, and every afternoon after and prequel never arrived on the screen, we were finebetter that well. The inheritance ofStars wars would be stronger than ever. We would always discuss what we had seen inEmpire, And what could have happened beside, and these wonderful mysteries and unanswered questions would have kept our imagination for future generations. And to see what is on the horizon for the biggest series of science fiction all,Here's all we know aboutStar Wars: Episode IX .

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