You will not see this on your favorite beauty products

Say goodbye on this word on more than 100 branded products.

Times continue to change and with them, our vocabulary. Unilever-which possesses a lot popularBeauty and personal care The marks, including the dove, the ax, the noxzema, the ponds, the Saint-Ivive, the Suave, Treesémmé, Vaseline and Love Beauty and Platon are establishing a new initiative aimed at promoting a "more inclusive definition of beauty" . According to a statement of March 3 of the company based in London, it eliminates a specific word of more than 100 of their beauty brands' advertising and packaging as part of the new strategy. To learn what word you will never see on these products, continue to read and for more products that have obtained a contemporary update,Aunt Jemima has just received a new name and logo.

More than 100 brands eliminate the word "normal" of packaging and advertising.

Dove deodorant on shelve

Do not expect to see the word "normal" on many of your favorite beauty and personal care products, shampoo skin. Unilever has just announced it will be "Delete the word "Normal" of advertising and packaging, around the world. It is one of the many commitments that society is part of its new "positive beauty vision and strategy - defends a new era of inclusive, equitable and sustainable beauty. "

The decision comes after a recent survey of 10,000 people from nine countries revealed that seven out of 10 people reported see the word "Normal" on beauty packaging had harmful effects. When the investigation focused on children aged 18 to 35 specifically, the number has increased to eight in 10. The word "normal" had already been used to describe items such as skin or hair type.

"With one billion people using our beauty products and personal care products every day, and even more to see our advertising, our brands have the power to make a real difference for the lives of people. As part of This, we are committed to addressing harmful standards and stereotypes and shaping a broader, much more inclusive definition of beauty, "Sunny JunePresident of Unilever Beauty & Personal Care, said in the Declaration. And for more recent removals,Dr Seuses will stop publishing these books due to accusations of racism.

These brands also allow to stop all the numeric modifications of the models of the models.

St. Ives Instagram ad
Stitiskin / Instagram

Another aspect of Unilever's new strategy is a commitment "to end all digital changes that modify the shape, size, proportions or skin of the skin, and to increase the number of advertisements describing people from various groups and under-represented. " NBC reported that the dove, one of the biggest brands of Unilever, made this change in 2018 and now the rest of the trademarks. And for more significant changes,These familiar logos receive transformations due to their racist origins.

Unilever brands have already been at the center of controversy.


As recently as on September 20, 2020, Unilever had to take an ad and all its very tiredhair care Products from South African retail stores for 10 days due to intense reaction. According to Reuters, the announcement describes black hair images like "frisongze and dull" and "dry and damaged", while the hair of a white woman were called "normal".

In July 2020, one of Unilever's Indian subsidiaries announced that they would change the name of its "fair" skin brand to "Glow & Belle" after receivingYears of consumer thrust on the negative stereotyping of darker skin tones, depending onStrong. And in 2017, the dove was called after an ad described a black woman removing his shirt to reveal a white woman.Colombe apologizedbut he left many loyal clients confused on what the company's intentions had been, likeThe Washington Post reported. And for more detail news delivered directly to your inbox,Sign up for our daily newsletter.

Unilever's investigation revealed that many people find the problem of beauty and personal personal care.

Woman shopping in beauty aisle

According to the Unilever survey, more than half of the respondents found that "the beauty and personal care industry can make people excluded". Seven out of 10 participants stated that the industry must expand its definition of beauty. Six out of 10 stated that the industry is changing a singular idea of WHO or what is considered "normal", which makes consumers believe that they should have a specific way. And for more companies that have angry clients, That's why people are now Boycotting Trader Joe's .

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