The 40 most funny words of the English language - and how to use them

These words Fanty-Sheeny mistakes all your friends!

TheEnglish language is wild enough. And thereby we hear that it contains players that seem too strange to be real, but are absolutely. So, if you enjoy a varied vocabulary and want to kiss a larger range of words, then you are lucky! We can help you make your friends bumped with the most funny words undeniably Fanty-Sheeny and will leave you in a finalistic atmosphere. If you do not believe yourself - or if you have an idea of ​​what it means - so take a look below to find out more about the funniestwords in English and how to use them.

1. Brouhaha

If you're tweeting something divisive, herself a lot of conversation, you could say that you started a little bit ofhubbub. This is a better way that "concussion" or "tumult".

Example: "His speech started a brouhaha on all open news channels 24 hours a day."

2. Petifogger

You have seen them in local movies and advertisements: lawyers who are ready to do anything to mark a customer or get a victory. In other words,peptifoggers.

Example: "The peettifogger of the Prosecution called pretty shaded witnesses."


Hammered. Destroy. Drunk. Forget all these boring words to be intoxicated- "soaked"Makes it almost sophisticated.

Example:"Do not let it order another drink, it is already struck."

4. Wassail

If you like warmed wine, you can getsoaked on Wassail.


5. The fork

Okay, then maybe this one poses only in a conversation if you are a weaver, but it's always a fun word. According to Merriam-Webster, afork is "a strip of color linen or a braid woven on a very narrow weave craft and used for cutting."

Example: "my pidette will not stay in place!"


Have a lot of brothers and sisters? Your parents probablymother The youngest, which means that they their baby and adult them, no matter what they do.

Example: "Stop mollycoddirling, she's an adult woman!"

7. Skirl

If you are traveling in Scotland (or go to a Scottish event of pride), you will almost certainly hear someoneskirl, that is to say, play the kisses.

Example: "Let's go closer, pickles are about to start fire."

8. Hoosegow

A wild party could land you in thehoosegow to break the law. It's just a funny word for prison!

Example: "Come on, we have to skip it out of the hoosegow."

Close up on key locking jail cell
Mikedotta / Shutterstock

9. RigMarole

Try to do anything with a government agency and it will be a lot ofgallimatia. This can mean a lot of circular discussions or just a typical test.

Example: "Let's make the gigmarkle of the documents supported."

10. Empic

Despite the reputation of the animal in this word,prink actually means gauging or mortgage something in your possession.

Example: "I will impicinate this watch for extra money."


We are all confused and annoyed from time to time, perhaps even to the point where we could describe as perplexed. But if these words do not capture quite your disconcerted state of mind, you may want to use the termbumfuzzle.

Example: "This film was Bumfuazzling and left me, well, bumfuzzled."

12. WinkerPicker

While a WinkerPicker sounds like that should refer to someone who chooses Winkles (all that could be), aWinklepicker is actually a shoe or shoe that has a pointed heater.

Example: "I am looking for the perfect winklepicker to go with these pants."


A perfect example of a word that looks like its meaning,hullaballoo Refers to a runkus or tumult that is unpleasant.

Example: "The Hullaballoo was totally wild."

14. Argle-Bargle

Blah, Bla, Blah, some people like to roll as long as others are willing to listen and there are these particular types of spirit engagement conversations that never seem to end. Arguments without definite meaning and chatter, whether by talking or writing, is calledarbor.

Example: "This is just a bunch of unnecessary arrives."

15. Doodlesack

Scottish musicians are well known for their skill with the cornecks, but they are not as famous for their talents with thedoodlesack. And it's a little funny that this funny word is just another word for the kisses.

Example: "What songs do you prefer to play on a doodlesack?"

Scottish bagpiper
Anon_tae / Shutterstock

16. Gobbledygook

The slang is one thing, but people who engage ingibberish Are many turkeys that also swell, swell, swell or use an essentially incomprehensible language.

Example: "He likes to continue with the gobbledygook."


If you like everything in your world to be perfectly balanced or even enjoying numbers and identical amounts, you like things to beEekse-peeksie, which is an end for equal.

Example: "I think it should be EEKSIE-PEEKSIE for each of us. "

18. Nudiustertian

No one would like to blame you to think thatnuidiêtrian had something to do with being naked, maybe represent a cheeky lifestyle that rejects clothes. But the word has nothing to do with the projection of your body. Instead, it refers to yesterday's watch.

Example: "I went to work on this morning Nudiustertian.


Although we do not get out of waste windows in the way people have done it years ago, it's always worth knowing that if you hear someone shoutsGARDYLOOO"Then you'd better pay attention to flying garbage because it is the appropriate warning to use.

Example: "Gardyloo and watching!"

20. Tittynope

This is another word that could make you blush until you find his meaning perfectly innocent.Tittynope Do you call a small amount of something that is simply remnants.

Example: "There is a taittynop of sugar in the bowl."

21. Edit

If you know someone who is rather lazy and who lacks a kind of enthusiasm or ambition, so they areapathetic. This is probably one of the funniest words because of all these syllables.

Example: "My colleague never does his job because it is founded."

22. Snickersnee

Snickersnee is definitely a funny word, but the article behind its meaning is not a joke. The term refers to a large knife (and obviously super pointed).

Example: "It's not a snickersnee. It's a snickersnee."


Some people are not reliable and do not seem to be disturbed by their own stupid atmosphere. And while we generally accept that they are the volsy among us, you can also call that some people aflibbertigibbet.

Example: "My friend FLIBBERTIGIBET failed to show up again."

24. Face-Sheeny

If you like the finer things from life - and show them, so you enjoy everything that isghost, which is a word that can be used for someone or something that is fanciful or even ostentatious.

Example: "His house was filled with fantasy-sheeny furniture."

25. Cattywampus

If something is from Askew, a team and alignment in a way that is not totally straight, such as diagonal-basically, slightly off center or not quite right, it's not just boring, you could say it'schattywampus.

Example: "The books on the office are all Cattywampus."

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26. Woebegone

If you know that "misfortune" is a word of sadness, then it might seem like Woebegone is a term to want the sadness to leave. But as "Begone" is actually an old word to be in something, it turns out thatsorry is actually one of the funniest words to be in a sad state.

Example: "He was left Woebegone, but Estem."

27. TarainDdle

It may seem like a pretentious absurd to use as stupid of a word thattaradiddle To describe, well, pretentious absurdity, but it would certainly be for that exactly what Taradiddle means.

Example: "His stories are more taradiddle than the truth."

28. Maltipoo

The next time you plan to get a new pet, you may consider aMaltipoo, which is a Cross Provincing of a Maltese Terrier and a thumbnail or toy poodle. Otherwise, you might also consider a puggle (a pinch and a beagle mixture) or a Dorgi (a teckel and a corgi cross).

Example: "I have just adopted the cutest Maltipoo puppy."

29. Wabbit

Elmer Fudd cartoon character was famous for calling bunny bugs a "wacallygiv, "What we supposed was because of his particular way of speaking. But maybe he really used the word Wabbit, which means tired or exhausted.

Example: "your wabbit rabbit."

30. borborygmus

When your interior does some noise, you can accurately call thatborborygmus. This is the word for the noisy roar and Gargism that comes from your median. It is caused by moving fluids or gases in your intestines.

Example: "Can you hear my belly Borborygmus?"

Young woman holding stomach
PhotoRoyalty / Shutterstock


If you are looking for a new hobby and you prefer extreme efforts, you could take parachuting or white water rafting. But you may want to tryfancy Instead, which is another way of saying the running of the rope.

Example: "I always thought that funambulism seemed fun - but I'm afraid of heights, so no thanks."

32. Widdershins

Counterclockwise, it's rather fun to say, but take things to the Word-Work-wise notch when you refer to how you're heading that your walkwiddershins, which is another word for counterclockwise.

Example: "I took a track through the forest."


If you encounter stomach pain or nausea, whether due to an illness or anxiety, then you feelcolic, a term for this Icky sentiment.

Example: "I have collywobbles in my belly."

34. Quomodocating

While the word seems rather complicated, it's a meaning is simple.Tomodocating is a way to describe something (or someone) that makes money in all possible ways.

Example: "He is a quoomodockering businessman."

35. Diphtongue

When you combine two vowel sounds together in a word to create something a little different, you use adiphthong.

Example: "The sound" Oy "in the boy or toy is a diphthong. The same goes for" or "in you or strong".


If you have given you the task of finding a word to describe a person who likes to walk, then you can opt for something likeblocked, which is the perfect term for your local windshield.

Example: "This guy could not resist the attachment to the party."


While the gibbons are the adorable primates that spend their days swinging in the rainforest,gubbins is something totally different. Instead of being cute creatures, they are miscellaneous pieces or gadgets.

Example: "The drawer is filled with random gubbas."

38. Blamerskite

There are many terms for people who like to use words in their full measure (or maybe even an overuse language), which is why we also haveBlatherkite Describe the type of person who can not be self-edited and worrying about making noise than to make sense.

Example: "my ex is a boring blatherkite."

39. Snollygoster

Every time you cross paths with someone who is asnolgoster, then it's time to head in the other direction. Although they are a clever person, they are also more likely to be the villain than the hero, which means you will want to be suspicious.

Example: "My Nemesis is a snollygoster."


Finalizable It's not just a fear of finishing things, it is also the term you can put in service at any time, you get the desire to extend one last moment or to prevent an apparently inevitable end.

Example: "I have a finalistic atmosphere towards this words of the funniest words that I read about the best life.

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