≡ Michaela Kuklová: Even after fifties still look divine》 game beauty
Probably few would guess that actress Michaela Kuklová recently celebrated her 55th birthday.

Probably few would guess that actress Michaela Kuklová recently celebrated her 55th birthday. The popular actress known for her fans mainly thanks to her fairy -tale roles looks at least about a good 15 years younger. Kuklová became famous, for example, as an unforgettable princess Jasnenka, and the heart of the audience then won in a fairy tale from the hell of happiness directed by Zdeněk Troška. In addition to the screen, we had the opportunity to see it on television, where it introduced itself in a number of successful roles, such as Lea Vágnerová in the popular series Surgery in the Rose Garden. In recent years, however, it has not been much in films, but all the more enjoying its performance in the theater.
She had a little bad luck in her life
Despite the fact that Michaela Kuklová has faced serious illness in recent years, surprisingly she matures like a quality red wine. It is not possible to overlook how it suits her very well and what coolness and youthfulness radiate from it. However, this charismatic and still attractive woman is not very lucky in the field of love and partnership. She has been officially alone since she ended her relationship with her former partner Joseph. In her life, her teenage son Roman brings her the greatest fulfillment and joy.
Michaela is also a former wife of Czech producer and actor Jiří Pomej, who unfortunately succumbed to the aggressive form of cancer. The couple had a long thirteen years, which were full of mutual love and support. After her husband's death, however, the financial debts ran to Michael after filming the not very successful film Angel Face, which Pomeje produced and financed. However, this great and certainly demanding burden showed the strength and determination to face all life challenges with courage and a firm attitude has an actress.

A brave struggle with insidious illness
Unfortunately, Kuklová herself dealt with the diagnosis of cancer. She learned that she was seriously ill three years ago and then boldly spoke about her treatment publicly. She underwent surgery at which her breast tumor was removed, but because of the prevention and increased risk of re -outbreak of the disease, the removal of both breasts and mammary glands decided. Unfortunately, this type of tumor likes to appear on both breasts at the same time, which means a higher potential threat and the other breast. In an interview with the tabloid media, the actress explained that there was no need to hesitate and make the decision to undergo surgery was said to be easy.
Michaela is now also quite involved in providing help to other women who are faced with the same health problems. “Patients with cancer often turn to me. I can talk with them through online video calls, but often friendly ties are created among us and then we meet personally, ”said the vital actress, who has recently been involved in art, especially painting.

He definitely doesn't look for her age
Favorite actress and artist are definitely not one of the women who hide their aesthetic modifications, even if they are undergoing them here and there. “When a person lives a full and joyful life and has no difficulty worries, it is clear in the eyes in which you can see happiness. Of course I also have genetic predisposition after my mother. I'm not doing much extraordinary for my appearance, just openly admitting that I have an injection to my forehead to remove a wrinkle that looks harsh and tired, ”she revealed during her performance on the TV show Celebrity Showtime.
Although Michael still looks great even after long health complications, she has been single on Friday at the moment. However, it does not feel disadvantaged in terms of the interest of the opposite sex, and admits that it is not registered on any dating platform and does not actively seek any partner. Of course, many men written on social networks, but Míša is said to refuse everyone with thanks.