Fly these model secrets to stay skinny and strong

Gregg Aedon, one of the best American coaches, offers his secrets of healthy life.

It happens for a moment in every man's life when he looks in the mirror and an oldest reflection will come back. "For me, it happened when I was 40," saidGREGG AVEDON, 52, a certified personal trainer and the author ofMuscle Chow: more than 150 recipes easy to follow to burn fat and feed your musclesandThe 14-day diet is 14 days: a nutrition plan that works!.

"I did not feel old, but I realized that I had some things that worked against me: my metabolism slows down, my testosterone would shine, and it had more and more muscle and lose fat. " In short, the father's time would be the handle. So, Avedon fought. "I started composing some aspects of my life to rebalance the things that matter most." Here's how he did it. And for larger training tips, here is the4 best abs workages for this summer Six-Pack.

Gregg Avenedon; Photo of Scott Tetatler

Take a T test

Lean, testosterone

"The first thing I did when I was 40, I had a blood test to evaluate my testosterone levels," says Avedon. "It gave me a benchmark basis that I could use to monitor the effectiveness of the changes I made." To increase his testosterone, Avedon has begun to increase his diet with two supplements: Tribulus Terrestris and Sun. "Tribulus Terrestris stimulates testosterone production, while the slope decreases estrogen," he says. "After six weeks, my testosterone levels have doubled and I felt more energetic." If you are curious to stimulate your T levels, be sure to readOur complete guide on the question.

Hang tight

Much of the success of avenedon modeling can be boiled to a main attribute: Six-Pack ABS. "Do I have a secret to build a torn intermediary?" Request to Avenedon. "Yes, I'm doing: the suspended leg increases." The crunches and sit-ups focus on the upper abs, while the suspended leg increases to work the entire abdominal area, accelerating muscle gain. "I combine them with a lie leg, because those targeted the lower zone with the shelter of the abdominals," he says. "These are the first two exercises I do when I hit the gym: three sets of 30 representatives each." And so skinny abs are what you want - they check theFour exercises that will be torn apart from you.

Calm your mind

Lean, meditatioon

"The average person has 80,000 reflections a day and about 60% of them are negative," Avedon said. "It's a stress recipe, which increases cortisol, which, in turn, promotes the storage of fat." To combat anxiety, avedon meditates. "Sitting and focusing on my breathing for 10 minutes a day, calm my mind and energizes my body." If 10 minutes do not cut it, be sure to checkThe 24/7 guide to beat back stress.

Cut bad habits into two

Lean, habits

"People know what foods they should avoid, but they lack an effective strategy for acting on this knowledge," Avedon said. "So let me give you a tip: Take your worst habit and cut it in two." If you eat four pizza slices twice a week, for example, start eating four tranches once a week or two slices twice a week. "Just do that we change you will prevent you from losing weight, gaining energy and getting an idea of ​​your best body," says Avenedon.

Replace your desires

Lean, substitute

A healthy diet does not consist of denying you, it's about making smart choices. "Rather than having a chocolate cake for dessert, for example, mix a spoon of lactoseum protein with chocolate in a cup of low fat yogurt," suggests Avenedon. "You will satisfy your sweet desire with a quarter of the calories and 10 times the protein."

Try a natural sleep help

Lean, sleeping

"Beauty sleep is not an evil," says Avedon. "I'm trying to go to bed and get up at the same time every day, even on weekends. I also prepare my body to sleep while eating a cup of cottage cheese. Calcium increases the production of melatonin and The casein protein retains lean muscle tissue until I "breaks quickly" when I wake up. "And if a good eight o'clock is what you want, be sure to read the10 ways without pill from having a good night.

Stay hydrated

Lean, water

Avedon puts six rubber bands on its left wrist every morning and takes one each time it drinks a 16 ounce water bottle. "Make sure the water is cooled," he says. Cold water raises metabolism for more than an hour. Incidentally, drinking water is one of the30 ways to strengthen your metabolism after reaching 30 years.

Count carbohydrates

Lean, salad

"To reveal my metabolism, I reduced my carbohydrate intake," says Avedon. First, it ate more skinny meat and fibrous carbohydrates (fruits and vegetables) for several days. Then he fasted for three days, drinking only freshly squeezed juice. Finally, he returned to the solid food, but eliminated simple carbohydrates for 14 days - no pasta, no potatoes, no rice, no starches of any kind. Period. "My diet is now about 50% carbohydrates, 30% of protein and healthy greases by 20%." And if you want to copy aveedon, make sure 50% consists ofcarbohydrates that are excellent for making your abs yourself.

Hydrate your hair

Lean, hair

As a model, Avedon has tried thousands of hairdressing products, but its favorite is surprising: the hand lotion of soluble disuffers in water, scented with a drop of essential oil.

Intelligent exercise

"My focus has been put on power lifting to the formatting of the body," says Avedon. "I'm going for your tone, not in bulk, so I focus more on my core, but I always challenge my weight. In the end, it is not the science of the rocket. You must be consistent and work At least three times a week. " And if you need this extra thrust to go to the gym, be sure to check the11 ways of smart men motivate to work.

Gregg Avenedon; Photo of Scott Tetatler

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Categories: Health
Tags: diet / Fitness / Workouts
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