Secret side effects of eating before going to bed

These midnight snacks could make a number on more than your weight.

If you usually eat your last meal, a few hours after work or you will regularly find in the refrigerator for aMidnight snack, most people are eating before going to bed on occasion. However, theselate snacks can lead to more than a complete belly over time.

A significant research corpus suggests that eating before going to bed can have many side effects on all of your weight to your work performance. Before starting to ride the pantry again, read it to discover the side effects of eating before going to bed, according to science. And if you want to make better food choices throughout the day, discoverThe 7 healthiest foods to eat right now.


You can burn less fat.

man eating leftover pizza as a late night snack

If you are looking forward to losing weight and losing excessbody fatYou may want to start by giving up these snacks before going to bed. A 2020 study published inPLOS Biology found that among a group of six 50-year-old study topics, those who ate a meal late in the evening burned less fat while they slept that those who have eaten their last meal earlier in the day , despite the two groups with equivalent caloric catches and levels of activity. If you want to hit your high gear metabolism, check the40 most serious burning foods.


You can gain weight.

woman eating unhealthy food while watching TV at night.

If your weight loss efforts do not work, you may want to consider having an earlier dinner. A 2020 study published inThe Journal of Clinical Endocrinology and Metabolism found that people who consumed dinner at 10 o'clock. instead of 6 m. were more likely to develop glucose intolerance and reduce their oxidation rate of fat ", possibly increase the risk of obesity and metabolic syndrome," according to the authors of the study.


You could be more likely to develop metabolic syndrome.

Woman eating

Your risk ofmetabolic syndrome-A group of conditions that includes excess abdominal fat, increasedarterial pressureHigh blood sugar and high cholesterol or triglycerides and can make you more likely to develop type 2 diabetes, heart disease and strokes can increase if you usually eat before you sleep.

According to a 2018 study published inBMC Public HealthAmong a group of 8,153 adults aged 40 to 54, women who ate dinner near bedtime or consumed snacks after dinner were more likely to develop metabolic syndrome than those who did not do it. The same study also revealed that the men and women who have eaten at night were more likely to livedyslipidemia, a condition marked by higher levels than cholesterol, triglycerides or both.


You may have a less relaxing sleep.

Tired woman lying in bed can't sleep late at night with insomnia

Your late meals and morning depletions can be more interconnected than you think. A 2011 study published in theClinical Sleep Medicine Journal found that among a group of 52 adult study topics, those who have eaten near bedtime were more likely to experiment withDisturbances of sleep, including take more time to fall asleep and have reductions from REM sleep, than those who have allowed enough time to flow between their last meal and sleep. If you want to wake up feeling rested in the morning, consult these7 healthy food changes that help you sleep.


You can play less well at work the next day.

stressed out young woman sitting at desk
Shutterstock / Prostock-Studio

It's not just your weight that these late snacks can affect. A study 2021 published in theApplied Psychology Journal I revealed that people who ate unhealthy food at night were more likely to have physical problems, including headaches and diarrhea the next day, and be less useful and more served at work the next day.

If you want to stimulate your performance in the workplace, try them30 best foods that give you an energy all day, according to expertsAnd for the latest healthy news taken in your inbox,Subscribe to our newsletter!

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Categories: Healthy Eating
Tags: sleep / Weight Gain
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