The only way to cook a perfect Thanksgiving Turkey

Directly from a world class leader.

I mastered the art of cooking Turkey, a company that concealed three decades and involved about 750 birds. But that's exactly why I foundedCook illustrated In 1980 - responding to such questions such as: "Why does Turkey dry?" "What makes Gumbo separate?" "Why is the pastry pie difficult once, but tender and squamy the following?" A quick tour of the entireTest cuisine of America You are convinced that we are continuing these questions with a ruthless fervor for the goal rather than the subjective in the culinary arts. We used 35 cooking tested which, most days, spent hours mixing, jumping and cutting, while 22 ovens and 45 burners heated their efforts. You would also see clipboard, notation leaves and sharpened pencils everywhere. "You do not cook your heart," A spectator told me once said, "You cook the brain!" I coveted the indictment.

Although my quest for the perfect roast turkish is the driving force of the trial kitchen foundation, more than 20 years of slow roasting, high roasting, boning and stuffing, grilled, smoking, friction in Depth and butterfly turkeys left me dissatisfied. Then we found a recipe inJean Anderson Portugal's food This called roasted before roasting. As we quickly discovered our tests, save the bird or soaking in salt water, do not risk that the meat absorbs more water than a bird soaked with regular water, but Turkey does not have Lost water during roasting. The salt, we learned, distorted the protein in the meat, which causes it a band that crosses and retains water. (If you have high blood pressure, do not be afraid: you must limit your sodium consumption to 1,500 milligrams a day and a portion of Turkish blinked will have less than 500 milligrams.) After even more tests, we settled on A brine solution half. A cup of salt per gallon of water.

As in many previous years, Turkey of the KimbalL-Family family of this year will come from a nearby farmer who only rises only three birds a year and they are always named Thanksgiving, Christmas and Easter. My wife,Adrienand I will spend a lot of the day cooking from the cellar-potato cellar, shallots, garlic and apples; cooking of apple, pumpkin and pecanes; Make dough for the rolls of the Parker House; and prepare cranberry sauce, sweet potato casserole and green beans. The main ingredient, our roasted Turkey to a squeak, will come as it has always been perfectly tender and wet. Here's how to do it, in eight easy steps. And for great ways to stay in shape during your holiday season, here is here33 ways to stay skinny for life.


  • 1 Turkey (12 to 22 pounds), rinsed thoroughly; Book Giblets and Neck if making sauce
  • 4 c. non-salted butter melted
  • Table salt


To prepare

Preparing a thanksgiving turkey.

Fill a large stock or clean bucket with 2 gallons of cold water. Big birds may require 3 gallons. Dissolve 1/2 cup of table salt by gallon of water. Add Turkey and refrigerate for 12 to 14 hours.


Turkey in the oven, thanksgiving turkey.

Adjust the rack of the oven to its lowest position. For a bird of 12 to 18 pounds, heat the oven to 400 ° F. If you moaned a bird from 18 to 22 pounds, heat the oven to 425 ° F. During this time, align a large V grid with a sheet of Robust work and use a taper knife or skewer for drilling 20 to 30 holes in the sheet. Set the V-RACK in a large saucepan. If you are reluctant to rotate a bird off the cooking halfway, do not go out the V rack with a sheet: instead, roast the bird chest up for full time.


Thanksgiving turkey being rinsed.

Remove the turkey from brine and rinse well, inside and out, under running water. Tap the inside and outside of the dried turkey with paper towels. Enter the spikes of the pestles in the skin to the tail to protect them, then to spill the spikes of the wing behind the back of Turkey.


Thanksgiving turkey being seasoned.

Brush the chest of Turkey with 2 tbsp. melted butter. Define the turkey coast on a prepared V grid and brush its back with the remaining 2 cms. Butter. If you make the sauce, disperse 1 cup of each roughly chopped onions, celery and carrot, as well as several strands of fresh thyme, in the pan of roasting; Add 1 cup of water for vegetables to burn. Roasting a bird from 12 to 18 pounds for 45 minutes (1 hour for a bird from 18 to 22 pounds).


Thanksgiving turkey being rotated.

Remove roasting and turkey from the oven. Close the oven door to remember heat and reduce the oven temperature to 325 ° F. Use potholders to rotate the turkey from a secondary position to a secondary position. Roast for another 50 minutes for a bird of 12 to 15 pounds, 75 minutes for a bird of 15 to 18 pounds, about 2 hours for a bird from 18 to 22 pounds.

To verify

Thanksgiving turkey being checked.

Use an instantaneous reading thermometer to check the temperature of the thickest part of the chest and thigh. Continue cooking until they read 165 ° F and 175 ° F respectively, then transfer Turkey to a sculpting board.


Thanksgiving turkey resting.

Let the bird rest, allowing meat to keep its juices during sculpture for 30 minutes (or up to 40 minutes for a bird from 18 to 22 pounds).


A carved thanksgiving turkey.

Start the sculpture process by removing both wings and legs (bend the legs and joints of the leg appear open), then use a flexible boning knife or paring to remove each chest. Start the meat of the chest, cut the thigh stamps and serve the turkey on a large tray.

Christopher Kimball, 66, is the founder and former editor of America's illustrated and old American cuisine of American cuisine on PBS. He had five cookbooks. Ed Note: A previous version of this story ran into the November 2007 issue of the best life.

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