40 men more than 40 wishes that you stop judging them for

If we want to take a Uber, we will take a Uber.

Between a high career pole, extra padding in your savings and finally,Fcontinuously have a crystalline idea of ​​what you want to do (and who you want to do it), being in your 40 isthe best. And yet, reaching this exalted decade can let us open the criticism. Maybe we are not so energetic as we were once. Maybe we are a little picker order from a menu. The fact is this:You have worked hard to get to the place where you are and it's great time to sit down and enjoy this - forget anyone who has criticized your way about these 40 habits and those because each guy of more than 40 swear by them. So you continue to do you.And for more life tips for man over 40, check the40 say that men over 40 should stop using immediately.

We go to bed earlier

Man sleeping

We used to stay up to 2:00 on the day of the week, then stand and ready for work the next day. This now seems absolutely terrible. We have acquired a greater appreciation of the importance of sleeping in our 40s. We tend to become Dorofile sooner than we have done once and we are also well aware of the quantity of happier and more effective than We will be the next day if we get a solid seven o'clock. And if these seven o'clock escape you, make sure to check the65 Tips for Getting Your Best Sleep Never.

We leave the parts earlier

don't talk about work at the holiday party

Along the same lines, while a host urge us to spend a little longer to bring us around a party to the beginning of the morning, a comfortable bed is a much more motivating incentive. Our fear of disappearing has decreased as our fear of missing a good sleep has grown up.

We are a picker on our orders of food and beverages

slow yourself down at dinner

Once you are in your 40-year-old, you know what you love and you've seen it being spoiled quite often to go to lengths to avoid it. So when we drive food now, we tend to be specific, to tell the servers we want to grilled onions, no raw. (Or get extra sauce on the side.) This could make you want to roll your eyes because we get the area of ​​our meal, but everyone will be happier for that long term. And yes, we know: it's one of the7 mistakes to avoid in refined dining restaurants.

We know our alcohol limit

words and phrases no man should ever say

We do not have as difficult as we habitivity and there is a good chance that we expand the white flag after only a few drinks, when we used to throw pints all night. We may have been more fun in these days of free drinks, but we also have a beer intestine to watch.

We go to solo cinema

empty movie theater, celebrities not like us

Go to a movie for having had as many friends as we could together and taking on an entire row in the theater. It's always fun to go with a group, but more difficult than ever, as friends have their own life and their families. Sometimes, when there is a movie we want to see, it's just easier to see and skip planning and logistics.

We prefer stations on hiking holidays

Some of our best memories were hiking in foreign countries or sharing an inn chamber of seven foreigners. But these days, "holidays" means relaxing and being taken care of. We spend more on a hotel and seek a more relaxed and luxurious experience than our "brute" younger. We also love free time and know how to get it, that's why we have masteredThe best single tower to score more holiday days.

We have overpressed when you go for a weekend


We learned from the experience that sometimes when you go for a weekend, you do not want to be without a few things. Call us bizarre to pack snacks, fabrics, a first aid kit and twice as many clothes we need, but we would prefer to have too many things that ourselves for having left home the only thing a specific thing .

We make madness on convenience

Uber car

We spend too much on Uber and have agreed with extra extra if it means saving us an hour of our time. This could look like a waste of money, but the weather has become a much more valuable resource than a little extra money.

We are not the sex machines we had once

biggest New Years resolutions mistakes

"One thing I think that men should stop worrying is the actual duration they are able to maintain an erection. Unless it has not radically changed, it is natural for erections to move the hours "saysLexx Brown-James, an authorized marriage and a family therapist. "And I hope when a man reaches the age of 40, he realizes that pleasure does not turn around around his erection."

We do not hit our best previous fitness agreements

taking advantage of mornings can increase productivity

If you are an active guy, it can be frustrating when you do not run 5k at the same time as you did when you were in your thirties, but you should not be judged according to that."Although we can stay extremely fit as we get older, some physiological changes are inevitable," saysTom Holland, exercise physiologist and author of the nextYour 401K Fitness Plan. "If you want to compete, do it against people in your age group, not half-aged."

That six pack left a long time ago

Abs, things to give up in your 40s.

These abdominals can be difficult to keep as you have reached your forties, so you should keep these rock-hard abdominals is not totally just right."Although this is feasible in your footage, it becomes exponentially more difficult," says Holland. "Concentrate on your overall health and coherence of your workouts rather than flat ABS." If youneed A smooth torso, however, tryThe biggest exercise of Augish dish that you do not do.

We do not do long workouts

Alternative abs bench

It might have been fun to spend hours at the gym during the day, but if you find that this has become more difficult to tighten in a two-hour workout or even 60 minutes on weekdays, this is not something to fight."There is nothing better on a 60-minute workout or even 30 minutes for this case," says Holland. "Studies have shown that three 10-minute exercise fights have the same benefits as a 30-minute continuous session. Focus on shorter extensive workouts throughout the day. Quality on the quantity . "

We do not eat enough vitamins

vitamins are necessary after 40

Vitamins become an increasingly important part of your diet as you will have 40 years: Vitamins D and B are ideal for your brain, your heart health and your vision; Although vitamins E and C improve fertility. But many guys can fend for themselves without these supplements and are numerous viriles and healthy hearts, just eat their normal diet.

We like to eat a steak

grilled steak

Of course, too much red meat is not good for your health - it stars the blood vessels, it's worse for the planet that almost any other type of food and often involves something called "glue of meat"But there is a unique pleasure to enjoy a sizable bone or a tripotone, whether in a steak house or at home on the barbecue. It may not be super healthy, but it is not is something we come fromneed sometimes.

We like to smoke cigars

Cuban cigars, over 40

Like steaks, a cigar can scrape a itching that little can. Of course, regular cigar smoking can become addictive and cause many nasty health problems - cancer, oral, pulmonary disease and heart disease, to name a few. It's also pretty stinky. But when looking for something to enjoy while celebrating a success, confirming with friends, or quietly contemplating a life decision, it's hard to beat a stone stone.

We like to drink our whiskey how we want to drink

Whiskey cocktail

Everyone had an opinion when it comes to whiskey: that food consumption is the only way to enjoy the mind properly, a splash of water helps bring out its flavor more completely than A cube of ice ruins completely. Give us a break! As we are this age, we learned what we love when it comes to a steep drink and do not need a contribution.

We are not big dancers

70s slang no one uses

At age 40, we always like to get out of the dance floor from time to time, as a result of weddings or a random night in the city. And sometimes our movements are not the most impressive or catchy - and in some cases they can be too catchy. Everyone can not beBruno Mars WhereJustin Timberlake, cut us a break.

We always shoot internet recipes

roast chicken

At the moment we are in our forties, we should have some recipes and favorites to the solid favorites we like to prepare the guests. But when friends arrive or we have to bring together a meal together for the family, we can not always refresh something from zero or head of the head. If it's you, consider turning to the40 dishes each man over 40 can make effortlessly.

We love a cup of black drop coffee

Coffee could reduce your diabetes risks

In this era of cold nittro brew and pour the chemx coffee that costs more than $ 6 a cup, it's easy to feel bad when we just want a cup of black coffee made older (and less dear) way. We finally got comfortable with a French press - what more do you want?

We do not measure the ingredients exactly

boost your confidence

Recipes are made to be reinterpreted. Sometimes, while we are preparing a meal, we realize that it would be much better with about three times the amount of spices whose recipe calls and maybe add an egg to the flat on top for a good measure. We like to put our own turn on what the recipe calls and actually ours. Perhaps we could not be a mastermaster, but we like to make a dish out uniquely.

We read slow

boost your confidence

Of course, we had the same thingMichael Lewis book sitting on our bedside table for two months now. It happens. We do not have as much time or mental energy to read at the level that we will have done and we spend through a book tends to take a little more time than it did. But at least we are alwaysdeparture books. Give us a little credit.

We do not finish the seasons of television

not watching tv can make you instantly happy

There are so many great showcases to store and many are strong but not exactly addictive viewing. So there is a handful of performances sitting in our half (and sometimes less) netflix queue completed. If we have not started a new show before you completely start all the others we started, we would never try new things at all.

We never use this pasta manufacturer

pesto pasta

Yes, we bought this pasta manufacturer after a trip to Italy where we were convinced that it was going to be our new thing ... Then used it twice in the five years we had. It seemed to be a great idea at the time, but it turns out that you can get pretty decent fresh pasta at the store and it does not cost much cheaper.

We always love superheroes

Chris Evans

Of course, Captain America and Batman are stuff we liked like children, but it turns out that it is always very good for adults. It is not a sign of immaturity that we want to go see the last movie Avengers during the opening night; This shows that we are still in contact with our inner child and we appreciate the heroic role models that these guys offer.

We always have comics

christian bale hollywood stars totally lost it

Speaking of superheroes, we still have these cartoon boxes in the garage that we absolutely refuse to sell or throw. We are not quite ready to separate from them. And who knows, they might be worth something one day - even if it has been a few decades since we bought them.

We simply can not get into the yoga

boost your confidence

We have tried and know that there are all these health benefits, but it's just not our thing.

We need our NAPS

man sleeping couch

NAPS have been proven to strengthen your productivity and your mental acuity, so why are we always perceived as lazy for needing a doze afternoon from time to time (okay, or every day)? Remove the stigmatization of the nap. It is a healthy practice and ensures that we are much more fun to be around when the evening rolls around.

We love one night in

sex games

Do not call us a house body - we just need a night from time to time to relax and decompress. It's a healthy way to recharge (and save money) and it feels great to decompress after a full day of work. It's also a good way to make sure we are really fun and ready to go out before the weekend.

We are not currently on the latest musicians

Bob Dylan, inspiring quotes

With Spotify and tide, it's easier than ever to be exposed to all kinds of new music - but we always look at it when you talk aboutLil uzi green WherePlayboi Carti. It's like drinking a fireproof fire in the vast amount of new music that's out there, so forgive us for tendency to come back to a glass of faucet with the slow and consistent creek we know we love.

We discuss our beauty regime

As we reach our 40s, we had to start spending money on a moisturizing and anti-aging cream, or at least of the face lavis. We end up having conversations on the steps we take to keep the bay wrinkles more than we talk about the last concert we went.

We prefer a assigned seat

Guests at the theater

Remember the days when part of the ritual to go to a concert was to move through the general admission area, to obtain as close to the stage as possible, from personal space and pee pauses. Damned? It does not really happen. Of course, we still like to catch a show, but we are much happier when it means getting our own seat, without having random people who spread beer on us, even if it means being a little more back of the scene .

We sometimes chose comfort on style

smart word

Yes, we will repair our favorite shoes for the third time to buy a new one, maybe more fashionable, pair. We know what feels comfortable and goes well with our other clothes, and sometimes taking the priority on what is elegant right now. We always want to dress, but not if it means acute pain in our foot.

We like new socks and underwear

socks men over 40 wisdom

Speaking of comfort, while we love a new shirt or a new jean, there are few things that excite us as much as a new pair of socks or underwear. When you feel new and elegant to your toes, it's one of the biggest pleasures of life - and we had never used to fully appreciate.

We do not like noisy bars

crowded first date bar

As they said, "If it's too strong, you're too old." This can be true, but there are few things that are more odious to us these days than a bar that is so strong that you can not hear the person in front of you. It worked well to work well for pickup spots where fewer exchanged words, sometimes better. But at our age, even when we come out a relaxed date, we like to hear the person we are talking about.

We sometimes moan when we move


When you lean or go down the sofa after a long assistance, a small moan or a grunt can escape our lips these days. We are not trying to be dramatic, sometimes there is just a stiffness or pinch that requires noise.

We are talking about our evils

worst things about being 40

Yes, it was weeks ago we removed this muscle and we are talking about it again. The discomfort and light diseases become more a reality than you get older and they tend to be at the top of our mind in a way that they did not use it. On the bright side, we became more serious to stretch before a workout.

We emphasize how young policemen and doctors are

Doctor in lab coat

It's weird to postpone someone watching half of your age. When we see people in authority who have at least a younger decade than us, this can be surprising. We will always take advice (especially if they write us a ticket if we do not do it) but we can not help to emphasize how weird it is that these call the shots.

We do not receive Snapchat


Fortunately, this application seems to have fallen from the recent popularity, but it is representative of a complete handle of strange applications and augmented reality that we always try to bring our head. We tried to understand what is so hilarious to give us a unicorn horn or hamburger eyes, but it just does not make sense.

We do not get the Kardashians

words people over 30 won't get

They have been a massive part of pop culture for over a decade at this point, but we have never really understood them and their appeal, and we have agreed that we will just never do it.

We like to watch birds

Testosterone birds

We have not become serious about bird observers or anything, but we find that watching a bird move on his business or a herd of these who sting through the sky can be surprisingly entertaining. It's just one of those things that men more than 40 know. And for more about it, do not miss the40 things only men more than 40 know.

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Categories: Health
Tags: aging / Over 40
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