What is depression and how we handle it

Depression is a mental health disorder facing millions of people around the world. One in three people has experienced at least once a depression attack. Regardless whether it is clinical, caused by weather or difficult times in life, there are many ways to overcome depression. What should you do? Just let it. These are the best tips for destroying our depression.

Depression is a mental health suatugangguan faced by millions of people throughout the world. One Daritiga people have experienced at least once a depression attack. Regardless of whether it is clinical, caused by weather or difficult times in life, there are many ways to overcome depression. What should not be able to do it? Just let it. These are the best tip to destroy our commander.

So, what is exactly the depression and what are the signs if you experience it? When you depression, a deep feeling of sadness does not immediately disappear as usual. You may be exposed if you experience losing interest in things that are previously fun, you feel sad all the time or emotionally tired and later you become difficult to motivate.

Physical symptoms can include physical fatigue, insomnia, loss of interest in intimacy and loss of appetite and also weight loss.

Nothing believes about the true cause of depression, although genetic factors can play a role and in fact depression has been inherited in several families, as well as other types of mood disorders. Pressure life events such as the death of lovers, temporary separation or depression in relation, financial or pension issues, can be the cause of this problem. Depression can also be caused by various types of treatment, pregnancy prevention pills, diabetes or other chemicals.

There are various solutions to overcome depression, and various methods that are often combined with other methods. The main choice is cognitive behavioral therapy or CBT, anti-depressant drugs, micro-dose therapy and various coping strategies.

The psychological-medical method above can be combined with various types of sports. Try setting targets for daily activities, make it; A list of all activities that you will live throughout the day. Expand the time for any fun activities, such as exercise exercises that can increase endorphins. Give "a small gift" for you after completing small tasks and other things that need meaningful efforts. It's like learning to walk back. Divide difficult tasks that spend time in small tasks, this will make it easier to do.

Try paying more attention or spending time with pets. If it adopts one of them is too heavy for your current energy level, try to borrow it from acquaintances or Pet Shop. Pets are very intuitive and sensitive to human sadness. They can help make you not too isolated, with excitement and friendship that they can give. They may also give a kind of feeling needed on you.

The therapy of anti-depressant drugs is often used for some patients with depression, but are not recommended as the main therapy for those who experience mild or moderate depression.

Try applying several things in your daily activities, which is a good coping tool for depression times. Playing with animals, bathing with hot water, make a list of things you like, or watch funny films.

To fight depression, you can also involve changes in diets, among others by increasing vitamin B intake and omega-3 fatty acids, reducing consumption of carbohydrates and processed sugar and starting regular meals.

The most important thing is to build a network of support from the person you care about, which can be your friend and family or from a "support group" (passing online or direct meeting).

When you are depressed, you may have encouragement to commit suicide or desire to hurt yourself. Stay close to the person you care about, the parents who are trusted or contact the emergency suicide service if you have one of these strange feelings. Remember that depression has never been a sign of weakness. It is just an ordinary illness with the many effective care options, although the level of recurrence is high.

Categories: Lifestyle
Tags: depression / health
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