The best way to stay fit for life

Could you fit in shape is one thing. Keep yourself another.

Find a rigoroussport that you can participate in the year. In the famousHarvard Alumni Health Study, who examined more than 7,000 men and was published in the newspaperTraffic, the men who exercised more intensity had a lower coronary disease rate of 31% that men who evaluated their intensity as low or moderate. And the previous results of the long-term study showed that the vigorous exercisers had a 25% mortality rate of heart disease that those who engaged in non-vigorous sports such as bowling or golf.

"Many older guys start in seasonal activities like softball leagues, but then for the rest of the year, they look at someone else doing them on television," saysDavid PearsonPh.D., c.s.c.s.s., a guy with the national force and the packaging association and a scientific practice teacher at the ball of ball.

Pearson suggests lifting weights 3 days a week while experiencing other sports. Force training will help you lose weight and perform well in any sport. While some of the most popular sports for men over 40 are individual activities - nearly 3 million men aged 45 and 54 swimming and 2.5 million cycllarson advise to find a club to help you to stay committed.

"You can always make an excuse for not doing something yourself, but it's human nature not to let the group down," he says.

Whatever the sport you choose, the benefits are not purely physical. The establishment of a strong network of people outside your family and colleagues can improve your health. Many studies have shown the importance of friendship in long-term health, especially among men, who are notorious to lose links with friends as they get older. In a new study, for example, low social satisfaction increased the disease sheets in men up to 26%. In the meantime, you can fight from these holiday books withThe secret to avoid winter weight gain.

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