15 signs that your dog is depressed

Do not leave these potentially serious symptoms to be unchecked.

Humans are generally quite confident that they know how to meet the needs of their dogs. Fresh food and water, regular exercise, belly rub and assurance that it is, in fact, a very good boy, often feels like the only things that our four-legged friends need. However, what many animal owners do not realize is that, many like their human counterparts, pets can suffer from a long list of emotional problems, the depression included. "Dogs have a full range of emotions, ranging from happiness to sadness and even depression. Some of the signs of depression in dogs are very similar to the symptoms exposed by depressed people," saysDr. Rachel Barrack NYCAnimal acupuncture.

"Depression in dogs can generally be attributed to a major change of life including a new house, a new roommate (human or fleery), loss of a companion (human or animal), major changes to their typical routine and / or to a traumatic event (such as an injury), among others. Depression can also be due to an underlying medical condition. If you suspect your dog to be depressed, consult your veterinarian to help you determine the underlying cause and What changes can be made to get your puppy back to be their habitual self. "

So, how do you know if your Fido simply needs R & R, or if they have a more serious depression? These veterinarians cross the real dirt on how to know if your dog is depressed. And if you plan to get a puppy of your choice, check the10 things you need to know before adopting a shelter dog.


Angry dog

If your dog has suddenly disappeared from a total spot to put each person or animal, it is a sign of depression, according to Dr. Barrack. If your pet suddenly expresses a new aggression, it's worth talking to your veterinarian as quickly as possible. And for more information on your four-legged friend, discover the20 amazing facts that you never knew about your dog!


Dog under blanket

Although a storm can make any animal on the cover, if your dog is suddenly nowhere to be seen for the best part of the day, do not be surprised if your veterinarian diagnose him as depressed. Hide is another surprising sign that your dog does not feel like their usual self. And for more surprises on your friend in fur, check the15 secrets that your veterinarian will not tell you!

Wetting inside

Baby and dog

Let your dog without regular walks and you are not unlikely to find yourself with an accident or two. However, if your dog suddenly treats all your home as a large bathroom, depression can be blamed. And when you want an inspiration to bring home a place at home, discover the15 amazing advantages of adopting a pet!


dogs cannot feel guilt

While freshly chewed shoes can be a passage rite for puppy parents, in adult dogs, it could be a sign that something is missing. If your pet becomes destructive apparently out of nowhere, it's time to talk to their veterinarian on potential depression. And for the fun side of parenting of pets, check these20 celebrities that look like their pets!

Removal orders

dogs can feel envy

Are these sit, stay and shakes your dog's orders upon once so eager to show now ignored? It's time to talk to your veterinarian if Fido is suffering from something more serious than a volunteer teenage streak. And for the lighter side of the pet property, discover the30 Names of pets of the most funny celebrities!

Lack of appetite

Shelter dog,

Most animals - even those fed on a regular calendar - will virtually strike the can in your hand to reach their food earlier. However, if your dog is no longer interested in eating suddenly, it can be a sign they deal with depression. Unfortunately, a lack of appetite can also be a sign of other serious medical problems. It is therefore a symptom that you can not afford to ignore. Think it's bad? Just check the20 signs your pet hates you.


commonly misspelled words

Ask these greetings that your dog give you you from kisses to grumble? Aggressive vocalizations, like grumbling, can also be a sign of depression. And for a little lighter animal behavior, check the30 most funny celebrity company moments!

A lack of interest for their toys

dogs are not completely colorblind

If your fur friend has gone to beg you to play to treat their toys as an old news, it's time to know if depression could the source of their distress. However, it does not mean you should stop trying to play with them. "More time together, exercises, training activities and / or additional companion can all be extremely useful," says Dr. Barrack. And for more insight in the mind of your pet, discover the20 amazing facts that you have never known on your cat!

Do not sleep

whiskers help dogs see in the dark

This insomnicity that your dog suddenly pulls? This could be a sign that they suffer from depression. However, a sudden to sleepability can also be linked to physical pain, so be sure to get them quickly to a veterinarian if this symptom appears from nowhere. And when you want to know more about your pet preference, discoverWhy are you a person or a cat person!


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Like their human counterparts, dog depression and an unshakable desire to be in bed tend to go from hand. And although many pets are already sleeping for an important part of the day up to 14 hours for dogs and 16 hours for cats-if they snoozing more than that, it's time to visit the veterinarian. And when you want to improve your own sleep routine, start with the20 nocturnal habits guaranteed to help you sleep better!

Reluctance to play

cats are likely smarter than cats

If these tablets that you have installed for Fido no longer hold any tranquility, he could have trouble depression. It does not mean you should stop trying. "Once your veterinarian has excluded a medical condition, try to spend more time doing things that your dog loves, like walks in the park or playing time with a favorite canine friend," suggestsDr. Kelly Ryan, DVM, Director of Veterinary Services at the Humane Society of MissouriMid American animal medical center.


crazy facts

These long screams of your dog are only their way of showing their vocal range. New vocalizations are often a sign that your dog is depressed. They can also be a sign of injury, so make sure you check your dog if they scream suddenly to scream regularly.


Woman with dog in park

If your dog is suddenly done as it's their job, it can be discussed with your doctor. "Most people are not aware, but excessive licking (or chewing) can be a way to soothe self-appeasement," saysDr. Gary Richter, a veterinary health expert withRover.com. "If you notice any of these signs, call your veterinarian and schedule a balance sheet."


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If these playful fingers have turned into a full bites, it's time to take your fur friend for a balance sheet. Aggression is a current sign of depression in animals, according to Dr. Ryan. And given the potential ramifications if your pet bitter someone other than you, it is essential that you have this behavior addressed.

Respond badly to affection

Woman with Dog

While the affection without stopping is sufficient to put someone aside, if your pet is suddenly grimace or pressed when you try to touch them, it could be the depression in play. And if you have exhausted all the others Opportunities, more time at the park to a pheromone necklace, do not feel bad if your dog ends with something that has prescribed something for their condition.

"Talk to your veterinarian on a prescribed antidepressant," says Dr. Ryan. "Although it's not a long-term solution, it can help your dog cross a particularly rough patch." Fortunately, even when they give you problems, dogs do even better our lives, only one reason why they made our list of the100 ways of living at 100!

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Categories: Health
Tags: animals / Pets
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