22 foods claiming to be other foods

Chips, pasta and jerky fruit, vegetables and legumes? Yes, it's one thing.

Now you have probably heard aboutChou-flower rice andZucchini noodles likeSubstitutes of some of the carbohydrates We all know and love. But did you know that you could have what looks like a pork barbecue sandwich that is actually composed of a little known shreddable fruit that gives it a vitational texture? That's right: Jackfruit is the newpork. This may seem radical, but we trust this one. If you are in mood to indulgent foods that may lack nutritional value, there is a way to alwayssatisfy your desire and get healthy vitamins and nutrients in your body too. The secret is to find safer alternative foods that are just as delicious (if not more).

Here are 22 healthy foods that you can substitute for much less healthy options you are using.


Faba "Butter"

Fora dairy free butter

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Have you heard of Aquafaba? This is the real name of the liquid in a bobbin of chickpeas and it is used as a butter substitute. Not only is it significantly lower in fat, but those who identify yourself as Vegan can also leave it too. Fora's Fababutter is made from liquid chickpeas, coconut cream, sunflower oil, andnutritional yeast.


"Bretzels" cauliflower

From the ground up cauliflower pretzels bag

$ 20.76 (6 packages),Shop here

Who would have thought that cauliflower could take the form of a pretzel? From the earth leva had this ingenious idea! The base of the pretzel is made from a mixture of cassava (vegetable amidous root) and cauliflower flour. A mixture of powder packed with spinach vegetables, broccoli, carrots, tomatoes, beets and shiitake mushrooms is also swirled in these crunchy small twists.


Mushroom "jerk"

Pans zesty thai mushroom jerky bag

$ 9.00,Shop here

It's a jerky of fun salary meat, we bet you have not seen before. Dried organic mushrooms are thrown with lawyer oil, organic coconut sugar, himalayan pink salt and organic chia seeds. The Zesty Thai variety is the most popular flavor, according to thePan Mushroom Website and is seasoned in Cayenne, garlic and coriander just to name some of the spices that give the vegetation of heat.


Beets chips"

Rhythm superfoods lightly salted beet chips

$ 6.29 (2 package),Shop here

Of course, you heard aboutChips of sweet potatoesBut it's nothing compared to this crunchy snack based on beet. The rhythm is only a company that turns the beet into a light, but very tasty, chip. What makes the rhythm emerges from other brands, it is their method of manufacturing the chip: the beet is dehydrated rather than fried inoil. For more food based on healthier plants, checkWhat is the difference between vegan and vegetarian?


Jackfruit "pork"

BBQ jackfruit meat

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Call upvegetarian and vegan: This product is right in your driveway! Jackfruit has developed aAlternative without meat with barbecue pork. As the name of the company suggests, this pork imposter is made from life slicesJackfruit. To the surprise of many, the texture of fruits mirrors of tender pork. Each package contains about two two and a half portions of the vine and sweet and smoky seasoning. A server costs only 110 calories and 370 milligrams of sodium, much less than the variety of traditional pork. Not to mention, there are 0 milligrams of cholesterol in this "pork".


"Pasta" chickpeas

Banza chickpea rigatoni pasta

$ 12.66 (2 package),Shop here

Banza chickpea pasta Challenge everything you thought about the pasta. There is a distinctive difference between the texture and flavor of these noodles in relation to its counterpart of flour more familiar. TheChickpeas Not only give pasta a great legume taste, but they also give it a more stringent and hot consistency. It's because of the legumehyper protein content. Two ounces of these pasta provide you with 14 grams of protein, which represents more than a quarter of your daily needs.


Fruit "jersey"

Mango margarita fruit jerky
Courtesy of the path of water melon

$ 24.00 (4 packages),Shop here

The Watermon road takes the serky beef and send swaps to fruits! This company Jerky of female vegan fruits is one of the many brands that sell thishot health food product. The company sells four different fruits Jerkies: Mango Margarita, Mojito d'Pineas, Pie Pie and Lemonade of the Watermelon. Other health brands like Sakara Life also offerWATERMON JACKED.


Beet "ketchup"

The beet lady ketchup bottles
Courtesy of the beet lady

$ 18.95 (2 bottles: 1 original, 1 gold),Shop here

The Tomato Ketchup is so good, was realized. Standard ketchup can be filled with added sugar, making it a healthy item. Fortunately, the lady of the beet has created a beet-based ketchup that has a sugar content impressively, that's why she hasa third less Calories that his sister of tomatoes.


Fruit "croutons"

Fruitons all american blend bag

$ 10.95 (2 pack),Shop here

The croutons are an excellent example ofempty calories. They do not provide any nutritional advantage and, while they do not tell an alarming amount of calories, they cost you some carbohydrates. Trada came to the rescue and made fruits! The hybrid between the fruits and the crust was carried out in this size form of a square bit, but now they are sold in their "dried" natural form. In sincere mode, of course! You can throw fruit in a salad, at the top of an oat bowl, or even drag it into a perfect yogurt.


Algae "crackers"

Mary's gone crackers seaweed black sesame box

$ 4.59,Shop here

You may think "Mary's Gone Cakers has really disappeared with this one "at first glance of these algae and black treatments of sesame. But stop this kind of judgment in its tracks because these crackers are really delicious! The Foundation of the Cracker is mainly made of any brown grain rice and Quinoa, which gives everyone his crisp texture. The seeds scattered in the cracked cracked with algae give the salted (but healthy) snack a terrous essence.


Kale Chips "

Made in nature kale chips bag

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Now we all know thatkale is loaded in nutrients, especially vitamin K that helps neededBlood cabin as well as bone health. But if you need a pause to integrate it into your daily lunch salad, opt for green stuff in the form of a crisp,Mediterranean--Snack Florida, like this olive oil and sea salt flavor!


Squash Butternut "Rice"

Green giant riced butternut squash bag

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Exchange this carbon bag ofrice For a light veggie alternative!Green Giant Offer 11 different Rice vegetable products, including cauliflower, Broccoli and Kohlrabi.


Nutritional yeast "Parmesan"

Bob's red mill nutritional yeast

$ 9.45,Shop here

For those who simply can not interfere with stomach cheese - or simply choose not -nutritional yeast Maybe your new cheese replacement. Nutritional yeast is mainly cultivated on dried heat molasses after harvest because the heat disables it. The product is rich inB vitamins and contains a large sugar molecule called Beta-Glucan, which can help reducebad cholesterol levels.


Sweet potato "toast"

Roast sweet potatoasts bag

$ 37.99 (3-pack),Shop here

Like the bag suggests, theseSweet potato toasts Can be "the best thing from the sliced ​​bread". Especially for those who are looking for cutting carbohydrates. Three slices of these soft potato toasts represent only 80 calories and 18 grams of carbohydrates, much less than a standard piece ofbread.


Caulipower "pizza crust"

Caulipower pizza crust box

$ 68.96 (8 crusts),Shop here

The caulipower cabbage pizza crust takes your love ofPizza to a brand new (healthier) level. Only purge costs you 170 calories and 26 grams of carbohydrates.


Edamame "hummus"

Lantana edamame hummus

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If you still think that EdaMeme was just too cumbersome to eat its shell, it can be the product for you! Edamame is mixed withprotein White beans, roasted peppers and sesame seeds to get this hummus-like dip.


Okra "chips"

Greenday okra chips

$ 5.45,Shop here

Who does not like when their favorite veggie is transformed into a chip? Should we say more? Try these okra chips!


Lawyer "Ice"

Cado deep dark chocolate frozen avocado dessert pint

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You shout, I scream, we all come for to ...lawyer ice cream? That's right, change that singing accordingly because Cado offers three ice cream flavors based on organic lawyers, and you are required to enjoy at least one of them.


Cashewahaha "yogurt"

Forager organic blueberry cashewgurt

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Just when you thought that the yogurt made from almond milk was on the trend, wait for you to try the cashew milk yoghurt of the planner project. Getprobiotic correction With this cashew dairy products!


Chickpea "cookie dough"

Chickpea cookie dough
Courtesy of a leader of ingredient

See the recipe here

Vegan Friends, No Stress More! You can have your cookie dough and eat it too, thanks to chickpeas and flax eggs. What is a linen egg might ask? Keep reading to find out! But before doing, see the recipe for chickpea dough cookie bars fromA leader of ingredient.


Lin "egg"

Flax egg
Courtesy of minimalist baker

See the recipe here

Lin meal, when mixed with water, makes a glutinous consistency similar to that of an egg. He really claims to be an egg in various recipes. Those who have aegg allergy Or choose to avoid eating animal by-products will appreciate this recipe in two stages ofMinimalist baker.


Zucchini "Noodles" (Zoodles)

Green giant zucchini spirals

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Of course, what list of foods claiming to be food is complete without adding zoodles? The noodles made from vegetables are both low in carbs andKeto diet-friendly. Frankly, it also has a relatively similar taste to its wheat competitors and flour when seasoned. Now it's time to eat.

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