8 truths about marriage and family that each dad should convey to a son
Let mathematics and physics be taught at school, but at home we learn how to be adults and responsible. Often, this difficult task gets in the family of mom, but the role of the father is equally important.

Family forms our individuals and lays the foundations of further life. Let mathematics and physics be taught at school, but at home we learn how to be adults and responsible. Often, this difficult task gets in the family of mom, but the role of the father is equally important. And if it comes to sons, then it is more important. After all, who will teach as not dad.
- Express their emotions
For decades it was assumed to demonstrate emotions - men not to face. Modern psychology no longer believes that it is right. Suppressed emotions badly affect health, reduce productivity and interfere with a happy relationship. Father is always a main model for a son, so he should show in practice that real men are able to show their feelings.

- Respect the close ones
Respect is the basis of relationships. We are usually able to demonstrate it in formal relationships, in particular at work. However, treating the family members, their desires and interests, not always simply, because there are always testing our patience. But this is very important, so the father must convey it to the son as early as possible.

- To be managed with life
In the modern world, every grown man must be able to rally with his daily life. Father has to teach a son to take care of themselves - which clothes choose how to maintain order at home, how to make purchases. It is very important to be able to plan your budget. It is not necessary to prepare children to the fact that they always take care of them, they must be able to do it themselves.

- How to distribute responsibilities
Even when your son's life will appear the same woman, it is important to customize it that it does not mean that she will take on all household worries. In today's fast world, harmonious couples should be able to distribute tasks for two and coordinate joint tasks. The mandl of modern family - partnership and your son should be ready.

- Be responsible
Every adult person has to realize its responsibility for their own life. And this means to recognize its mistakes and change the point of view if circumstances have changed. The ability to stay under the load in life is very important and it is in the family taught not to grasp before the difficulties.

- Negotiate
A real man must be able to convey his point of view and hear the point of view of others. In the modern world there is no need to get your own with a large stick or fists. But to negotiate in conditions of uncertainty - this is the most important skill of modern society. Women are traditionally better in negotiations and arrangements, so boys need to teach this from childhood. And to teach this best example.

- Correctly conflict
Not always even due to negotiations succeeds desired. It happens that it comes to conflict. Conflict correctly also need to be able. Do not lose heads even in a hot situation, take into account the interests of other parties, not to move on personality, but also to take care of their own interests - all these are difficult social skills that are needed now and adults, and children. Learn yourself and be able to transfer this skill further to your descendants.

- Give time to native
Priorities in life can be placed differently, but the family should always enter the first three. We will never regret the time spent with loved ones, and besides, we can not know how much such time is still. Your loved ones have to know how dearly you. You can teach your sons exclusively by our own example. Be next to them when they need, listen to their needs, plan interesting common entertainment. All this will come back to a hundredth.

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