The only drink to avoid in summer

Happy Hour will never be the same thing.

As hot weather striking, two interesting things happen simultaneously: clothes are smaller and drinks are growing. And although most summer drinks, casual lemonade with refreshing vineyards, can be appreciated safely with moderation, there is a summer staple that strikes you in the back all these years: Margarita.

The mixed drinks are an unpredictable genre to start, ranging from the soda of the relatively low vodka of calories to a diete-ruinant of long iced tea, which carries 275 calories by glass roof of 8 ounces.

However, because it is about admitting it, the frozen margarita remains the worst delinquent. The number of calories in a single frozen margarita can go from a "reasonable" 290 to aGrow 900 calories, Depending on the size of the drink and the mixture used to do it.

About the mix, most frozen margaritas are not manufactured by someone painted in a careful manner of lemons and limes claws and add a simple syrup splash. Frozen margarita blends are rather responsible for corn syrup with fructose, artificial dyes and preservatives. Unfortunately, the disadvantages do not stop there. Depending on the size of the glass, your margarita is available, the rim of a single drink could deliver a half-teaspoon of salt, which means that a frozen marg could contain more than half of your amount of sodium recommended daily. And with time,sodium Can lead to high blood pressure, heart attack or cerebral vascular accident.

Above added calories and sodium, the alcohol itself hasSeveral negative effects on health, including damage caused to the heart, liver and pancreas, an immune system lowered and worse to sleep. Regular consumption of alcohol also increases the risk of a person from several types of cancer.

Fortunately, there is still a light at the end of this tunnel without Margarita. While frozen margaritas could be calorie bombs seeking to destroy your heart, liver and pancreas, that does not mean that these summer staples must be extinguished forever. You can always make a margarita from scratch with fresh lime juice, just splash of triple second and a tequila shot, to make salt and a huge amount of sugar in the traditional frozen variety. And if you want more incentive to reduce to drink,This superb weight loss photo will encourage you to reduce your alcohol consumption.

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Categories: Health
Tags: diet
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