The summer Olympic Games you are, depending on your zodiac sign
You may want to take a new hobby! Here is what astrologers have to say.
Different signs of the zodiac bring different forces to the table: some are more disciplined and motivated, while others are more intuitive and artistic. It is therefore logical that each sign can excel (or fight with it!) Different sports . While we are launching the Paris 2024 summer Olympic Games, we wondered what sports meant each member of the zodiac - and astrologers were happy to answer. Continue to read to learn their experts!
The first sign of the zodiac is also the the most competitive , with an instinctive need to be number one. Unsurprisingly, this trait helps them in the races.
"They are fast and furious, independent, passionate and exuberant, and they are not afraid of a head-on battle with their competitors," said Maria Shaw , A French astrologer and district . "Although each Olympian shares a competitive spirit, athletics athletes need emotional control and aggressiveness."
The sign of Aries will cross the crowd to take gold.
This terrestrial panel is at home in the sand. "The Beach Volley -Ball is an endurance and coordination sport - all the qualities of a bull - but what really makes it perfect sport for them is their opening and their loyalty to a partner", explains Shaw.
It is essential in this team sport for two people. In addition, the bull has endurance, concentration and mindfulness to excel in this rapid melee.
However, Shaw notes that after having evaluated the sign of the zodiac of each athlete for the 2024 Olympic Games, there were very few Taurus athletes who participate in any sport this year.
Gemini: badminton
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Badminton emphasizes Geminis' ability to think about their feet. "Releasing and adaptable, the Geminis are best suited to fast sports - and badminton is all about the round trips, movement and change," explains Astrid Bly , A Astrology expert with California mediums.
"Gemini is also energetic and daring, the two features that are incredibly useful for demanding but precise games like this," adds Bly. Meaned by twins, Gemini excels in sports played in two, either with two opposing teams or two teammates, and this corresponds to the invoice.
According to Shaw, this is the most widespread sign among this year's athletes.
It is not surprising that the water panel excels in the pool. "Artistic swimming emphasizes grace, teamwork and water fluidity, reflecting the emotional depth of cancer and love for harmonious and coordinated movements", explains professional astrologer Rachelle Rizzi .
"Sport obliges athletes to work in close collaboration, creating a feeling of unity and support, which resonates with the attentive and protective instincts of cancer," she adds.
Leo was Made for spotlights And the artistic nature of gymnastics allows them to find it. "Gymnastics, emphasizing performance, strength and dramatic flair, allows leos to display their athletics and their creative expression, embodying their natural attention," explains Rizzi.
"The requirements of this sport in terms of precision, strength and elegance correspond to the confident and daring nature of Leo, and the possibility of captivating the public with amazing routines and powerful performance allows the shine and receive the 'Admiration they thrive on, "she explains.
The Virgin is analytical and precise, two skills which help them excel in the calculated sport of archery.
"This sport requires a stable hand, concentration and meticulous attention to details, reflecting Virgo's methodical approach and driving for perfection," explains Rizzi. "Archery requires concentration, patience and the ability to stay calm under pressure, the qualities that the Virgin naturally has."
They will have an energy shock every time they hit Bulls-Eye.
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This sport of fight against the sword borders art.
"Libras are renowned for their harmony, their balance and their net respect for beauty and aesthetics, and they also like to work in a team," said Sidhharrth Kumaar , A astrologer and numerologist . "Fencing calls mental and physical agility, which is perfectly suited to the strategic thought of balance and to the taste for justice."
A combat sport makes sense for this intense and passionate sign .
"The Scorpion does not hesitate to meet front obstacles and has excellent conduct which makes them exceptional for sports suitors who need endurance and strategy," explains Kumaar. "Because of their will and their strength, scorpios are natural wrestlers where they can concentrate their energy and strategic thinking."
Sagittarians always seek to conquer - or at least explore - the next border and cycling gives them the opportunity to do so while filling their competitive spirit.
"They appreciate sports that provide thrills and the possibility of traveling and strongly aspired to freedom," explains Kumaar. "Cycling adapts to the adventurous attitude of Sagittarius by combining a physical challenge with the discovery of a new area."
They would also be happy to run athletics or sail, which also gives them the opportunity to travel.
The discipline and the conduct of this sign make excellent athletes. "Mars, the strategist among the athletes, is exalted in Capricorn, which makes the competitors ferocious in Capricorn in Karate", explains Olya Perkovic ,, Owner and principal consultant at astrology and Ayurveda.
"Imagine precise movements and strategic thinking-it's a capricorn in their element," she adds.
You can also expect these athletes to direct their teams and bring out the best of their teammates.
This panel likes nothing more than being part of a team. AE0FCC31AE342FD3A1346EBB1F342FCB
"Imagine them in collaboration in the field, making stars in team sports such as basketball and 3 × 3 basketball," explains Perkovic. "Their connection to the legs and lower ankles adds an additional spring to their step."
This fluid sign remains the best in water. "They slide in swimming disciplines, surf with grace, dive elegantly and dominate in water polo," explains Perkovic.
However, it is surfing where you can expect to see them most. "They make waves in this sport, where their creativity and their fluid movements can really shine," notes Perkovic.