This piracy of productivity engineering will improve your sleep

Who knew that task lists were so effective?

If the resolution of your new year was to lose weight, be more productive, or get more sleep, we have a good hacking that will only take five minutes and will help you accomplish the three!

A recent study in theExperimental Psychology JournalI showed a list of things you want to accomplish the next day can help you fall asleep and get a better closing night.

Michael Scullin, Director of the Baylor Neuroscience and Sleep Cognition Laboratory, asked 57 university students to write a list of tasks to do during the coming days or to name the things they had accomplished in the previous days, some minutes before going to sleep. The results revealed that those who made a list of things to do before bed fell asleep much faster than those who had detailed the achievements of weeks.

The researchers asked students to spend the night in the laboratory, with a strict brightness at 22:30, to minimize the many variables that may affect their sleep routine.

How many factors contribute to a good night's sleep, for example,eat a lot of fish, Wherekeep the window open-Slulin admits that a wider and more comprehensive study will have to be conducted to make conclusive returns. Nevertheless, from a psychological point of view, the advantage of making a list of things to do is easy to see.

"We live in a 24-hour culture and 7 days / 7 in which our task lists seem constantly growing up and make us worry about unfinished tasks at the" Scullinwritten in the university newsletter. "Most people just go through their task lists in their heads, and we wanted to explore if the act of writing could thwart night difficulties fall asleep. There are two schools of thought about it. . One is this writing on the future would lead to the concern of unfinished tasks and delay sleep. The alternative hypothesis is that the writing of a list of things to do will be "excluding loading" of these thoughts and reduce worries. "

At the end of the day (no word game), it's worth trying. After all, studies have shown that people were working better when they wrote what they need to do. And if the list helps you fall asleep, then it will also help you lose weight becauseStudies have shown that a good night's rest can contribute to a thinner size. So it's a win-win win!

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Categories: Health
Tags: sleep / Your Brain
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