7 food to help prevent sunburn

Get this summer glimmer without feeling the burn! These foods are packed with nourishing nutrients that give your skin its first line of defense.

Imagine this: coat of the skin and odiously reflecting a red (burning) Hue. We all went there. You can apply the solar screen everything you want and you can always feel the effects of these UVA / UVB hard rays. And unfortunately, according toConsumer reports, more than 40% of solar screens tested do not live up to their SPF claims. In fact, two products that have been wandered, they had a SPF of 50 actually delivered the same results as that of a SPF of 8.

Another study of the Dermatology Department in Beijing, China found that while sunscreen is effective in protecting UVB rays (those that cause the burning sensation), they fail to protect against lengths. UVA wave (those thatPrephas your smooth skin)

But like many other things to health health, food can be part of the answer! That is whyEat this, not that! Compiled a list of the top 7 foods you should do stocks to avoid avoiding burning skin this summer. And for more skin improvement bites, do not miss these25 healthy foods that give you a shiny skin!


Red wine

Red wine

That's right, you read that correctly. Sip on red wine can actually help you by storing your antioxidant reserves, so you can hit Uva booty! A nutrient called a flavonoid, is the credible wine component to make sure you do not receive the counter-range of a sunburn. Have you heard of melanoma? Yes, no thanks. Fortunately, a glass of this red and rich antioxidant drink will not only help you relax and relax, it will also allow you to fight against skin cancer.

Here is the failure of science: Flavonoids prevent the skin from forming something called the species of reactive oxygen, or ros. According to the newspaper of agricultural and food chemistry, "these molecules exercise various adverse effects by modifying the main cell functions and can cause cell death". Wow! Pop opens this bottle this summer to keep your cells flourishing and healthy!



Sweet potatoes

Did you know when you are dehydrated, you want sweet things? Instead of climbing to the concession of your local pool and buy a $ 2 candy bar, opt for a sweet potato! And save a dollar along the way too. Not only is this potato loaded with flavor and potassium, it also provides a richness of a specific type of vitamin called beta-carotene, which is only found in plants. The American Journal of Clinical Revue indicates that this vitamin is essential to achieve sufficient amounts to create a team of antioxidant micronutrients. In the end, this band of antioxidants will serve as a defense shield against the sun. Discover a deliciousSweet potato recipes, here!


Olive oil

Olive oil

Kissing that the Mediterranean diet and picking olive oil at the top of your green green salad, because olive oil is a natural sun blocker. The high level of a planted peptide in the olive oil called,splane is known to protect lipids or sensitive fats from the skin. Your skin will not burn with that in your system. For a super delicious, a light vinegar, a thumbnail ½ tablespoon of olive oil with a honey spoon and a pinch of sea salt on the top of your spinach bed. Your taste buds will appreciate the sweet and savory combo and your skin, of course, will thank you for protecting it. It's a winning victory! For morehealthy fats Click here!




Have you heard the information? A strawberry portion has more vitamin C than an average orange. Weighing at 84.7 mg vitamin C, a cup of strawberries beats the vitamin C content of an average orange of about 15 mg. Although the difference is tiny, you will not want to be frugal with your vitamin C intake this summer. This cold vitamin of the vitamin WE GOOBBLE Winter supplements can also help us stay healthy in summer. But in a completely different way.

According to a study conducted by an Assistant Professor at the Pollaci Privacy Institute in Pollachi, India, Vitamin C plays a "main role in the fight against free radical species that constitute the main cause of many negative skin changes. " Wow! Pack a bag of these bad boys in your beach bag and pop 'in your mouth as you soak the pool of the rays.



Avocado toast

Similar to vitamin C, vitamin E is also a powerful antioxidant that protects your skin against free radical damage ... and lawyers are full! Not to mention, vitamin E is also a key player in anti-aging. So when you eat a lawyer, not only do you prevent your skin from the wrinkles brought by UVA rays, you also fight the effects of biological aging. If you need ideas about how to incorporate lawyers into your diet readLawyer Recipes for Weight Loss!



Seared salmon lemon spinach

Sitting alongside the ocean can give you a hankering for some wild caughtSalmon. And this should see that this fish is really unique. If it's dark pink complexion was not enough to overthrow you, its high content of omega-3 fatty acids may be. Especially because a small British study revealed that the fish rich in omega-3 were monitored against sunburn and any change in the DNA that can lead to cancer. Any impressive fish!




This juicysuperfeument Do not you want to neglect this summer! These small red beads contain excellent sources of antioxidants that slow down and prevent oxidative stress from free radicals making damage to your smooth skin. UVA and UVB rays are notorious to impose damage on the precious lipid membrane of your skin. Fortunately, a study by Texas A & M has shown that pomegranate seeds (small but powerful) protect damaged or destroyed cells after exposure of both types of rays. Looking for more antioxidant foods to reduce free radicals? You will not want to miss these30 best anti-inflammatory foods.

Categories: Healthy Eating
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