50 shocking facts about sharks

Trivia Make sure you send an interference on the ground

It is difficult to think of the most awesome creature, in a literal sense, that the shark. Leaders of the ocean,Stars blockbuster movies, And subjects of fascination for anyone to the appropriate thought that oppose each year when the shark week comes around. For us, these majestic beasts flicker between cans of knead terror or endless fascination topics.

But as much interest they attract, there are a lot of points on sharks that the average person does not know. These chests razors hide a treasure of secrets and surprises - and yes, we went to hunt for this treasure. In this case, you will find the 50 most fascinating facts on our teeth friends. Some will make you close, while others are sure to send you an interference on the ground. And for more secret seven secrets, see the30 facts about the oceans of the world that will burn you.

Shark embryos attack each other.

shark embryos

Sharks are so difficult, theirembryo are known to tackle each other. The biggest embryo of a shark litter is known for eating his colleagues embryos, in an act calledintrauterine cannibalism. The researchers looked at this phenomenon in sand sharks, noting that, while 12 literatumats can start the trip, anything but one is devoured by the largest of the pack. This strategy allows sand tiger sharks to have much larger babies at birth as other species sharks, make the small relatively safe from other predators. "And for more amazing trivia directly from the kingdom of animals, do not miss these40 amazing animal facts.

Sharks have a sixth sense.

shark nose

In addition to their feeling of smell killer, sharks can also detect prey by patting in small electric fields that other animals generate with tiny organs called Ampulla de Lorenzini. These small pores, located near their nostrils, around the head and under their muzzle, are something used. The pores connect to the bulbs filled with long frosts that connect to the nerves under their skill. And for more ways to maximize your ocean knowledge, consult the30 reasons why the ocean is more frightening than space.

And it's stronger in hammers.

hammerhead shark

Hammerhead sharks have this fun head for a reason. It contains a height of 3,000 pores Ampullar to pick up on electric fields of the ocean.AsMnn reports"The increased sensitivity of amplulla has increased by Hammerhead helps to follow its favorite meal, Stingrays, which are usually hidden under the sand."

Hammerheads also has a vision of 360 degrees.

hammer head shark

Another advantage of hammerheads's bizarre head is that they have an incredible vision. A 2009 study revealed that the implementation of their eyes gives them an impressive binocular vision and the ability to see 360 ​​degrees. "The eyes of hammerhead sharks are slightly inclined," likeBBC EarthPut it ", allowing the field of view of each to overlap significantly."

The longest fish in the world is a type of shark.

whale shark

Reaching lengths of 40 feet long, the whale shark is seriously huge and holds the title of greater fish in the sea. But in the unlikely situation that you encounter one of these in the water, do not be alarmed : Their main meal is the plankton, let them eat by "filter feeding", in which they earn a huge amount of ocean water and out of the tiny plants and animals - it is difficult to catch a person in this direction. And for more than seven seas, check the17 simply magical floating hotels.

Female Sharks usually dwarf male sharks.

female shark

Partially due to the fact that they need to wear shark babies, women tend to be bigger in most shark species. And for more fun sea facts, do not miss the33 The missing treasures of the experts say are real.

There are hundreds of food shark species.


Everything said, there is almost500 species of shark, including Angel, Bullhead, Carpets and sharks directed, not to mention Weasel, mackerel, crocodile, zebra and even chat sharks. They have a size of a few centimeters of 40 feet long, living in a wide range of habitats and offering a strange assortment of physical characteristics.

No, all sharks do not live in the ocean ..

toothy shark

Just when you thought it was prudent to return to the lake ... while sharks live in all the oceans of the world, some species are also known to live in the lakes and the freshwater rivers. For example, bull sharks are found in tropical rivers and evolved to swim between salt and fresh water. River sharks, loyal to their name, were found in rivers in the regions of Southeast Asia, New Guinea and Australia.

Some sharks are pregnant for two years.

pregnant shark

You thought that nine months seemed to be a moment, but thorny red fish shark species can take two years to handle before delivery.The longest gestation period of all vertebrates.

Yes, you can mount a shark.

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The biggest species of shark is also one of the easiest to live. Whale sharks have been known to give a turn to the self-stop swimmers and cruise in the water above them. But the experts of marine life warn against the popularization of this sport. "When people spend a lot of time and a lot of pressure on a fish, it removes the mud that covers and potentially negative impacts on health for fish", Bruce Bruce Neilli biologistRecount New ABC.

Large whites have a more powerful bite than jungle cats.

great white mouth

The jaws of the big white shark are not a joke. A 2008 computer model believes that a large white white would produce a force ofNearly 4000 pounds per square inch (Psi) -It'sfour times Stronger than a tiger or lion, which have been estimated to generate only 1000 pounds per square inch of force. Humans, who bite with about 150 to 200 pounds per square inch, are not even in the race.

But the big whites are notthe hardest shark bite.

bull shark

As fierce as they can be, book for book, large white sharks are not the strongest bites in the ocean. A study has inZoology Revealed documented forces the bite force of 13 different species of sharks-a white bit of eight feet long with 360 large books of strength, but a nine bull feet shark has a bite force of 478 pounds.

"A 18 feet long grand white will still have a bite more powerful than a bull shark 11 feet, just because of its size," the author of the studyRecountUnited States today. "But the book for book, a bull shark of the same size would have a stronger bite. »

Taurus shark work as a vice.

bull sharks

Part of the bulls of the Reasons Sharks have such strong bites is that they feed into troubled waters and must keep their prey when they attack them (as opposed to those in clear water that can attack and re-accosting several times) Take care of other sharks much bigger than they are.

Large whites are specialized in sneaky attacks.

great white shark

Big whites do not kill by crushing their prey in their jaws, they prefer a style of attack where they chomp on their victim and at the back of traction, leaving the purge prey to death before going to eat the rest of 'between them.For exampleWhen attacking an elephant gasket, a large white immobilize, taking a bite of his back and retreat, back once he died and will not be struggle.

Love at first sight are more murderer than shark attacks.

lightning terrifying ocean facts

Despite whatJaws would like to make you believe, it is unlikely that you seriously will be attacked by sharks. As a plane plant, when they occur, they get a lot of advertising. AsNational Geographicpoints out"American averages only 19 shark attacks each year and a mortal accident shark attack every two years. Meanwhile, in the American coastal states alone, lightning and kills more than 37 people each year. »

Hippopotamus, deer and cows are more murderer than sharks, too.

hippo with mouth open Astonishing Facts

There are many animals that are much more dangerous than sharks. While sharks kill on average less than one person per year in the United States and less than six around the world, theStatistics are a lotmore scary for creature such as hippopotamuses (who kill a reported 2,900 people in Africa each year), the deer (who are responsible for the death of a 130 people on average per year, usually because of car collisions), and Cows (who kill about 22 people to year).

You probably have the shark ate.

fish and chips

You probably do not think that you have already eaten the shark, but if you have traveled in Europe and are a fan of drunk food, there is a good chance you have. According toMonterey Bay Aquarium, "Aiguillat are not on demand as a food product in the United States, but they are popular on the international market. If you order "Fish and Chips" in Europe, for example, you will probably eat thorny redhead meat. "

Female sharks can be fertilized by several partners at a time.

pregnant shark

Female sharks have been known to use the sperm of multiple males when they reproduce to say that the puppies they give birth to the same time may be just half-brothers and sisters.In a study, 36 percent of the litters examined by two men generated instead of one.

Female sharks can reproduce without male sharks.

female shark

Female sharks are so great, they do not even need a guy to reproduce at all. At least, it was the case with a zebra shark (named Léonie), which was separated from his mapping for four years in an Australian aquarium, but somehow gave birth to three babies sharks in 2016. "A possibility is that Leonie had been stored the sperm of his ex and use it to fertilize his eggs, "according toNew scientist. "But genetic tests have shown that babies were only the DNA of their mother, indicating that they had been designed by asexual reproduction. "Inanother case, a hammer shark gave birth to a Nebraska aquarium without mating at all.

Sharks prefer to attack men.

Shark Attack Aggressive

According toNational GeographicOf all documented shark attacks since 1580, 93% have been made on men. This is probably due to the fact that the most common victims of shark attacks are surfers, swimmers and fishermen, who are more often male than women.

Tiger sharks will eat anything.


This species of shark won his nickname, eating just about everything he can get his jaws.Among the strange objects This has been discovered in the stomach of these animals: license plates of almost every United States, video cameras, dog leashes, a bag of money, birth control pills and others sharks.

Shark litters are enormous.

shark liter

Although the number of puppies brought into a litter varies considerably depending on the species, some sharks can give rise to enormous worn. For example, the blue shark is known to give birth toUp to 135 puppies in a single litter.

Their skeletons are not made of bones.

shark skeleton

Seriously. Shark skeletons are in cartilage and pure muscle. As it is half of the density of the bone, it makes the shark lighter and more flexible, which is useful when its prey and had to make lively turns.

They do not sleep. At all.

shark sleep

At least they do not sleep like humans. Since some species must continue to swim in order to breathe, instead of falling into a deep sleep, sharks remain semi-conscious.

Sharks are older than dinosaurs.

spiny shark

Sharks have been around for a long time and long, about 450 million years, according to scientific estimates. Animals go back to the end of the silurian when the coral reefs were starting to form. "Jawed and bone fish have begun to diversify, including the evolution of a group of fish called Acanthodiens, or" sharks ","Explain the BBC. "These extinct fish looked like small sharks but had a variable number of fins."

Sharks were bigger than buildings.


As huge as some sharks can be, their ancestors are even more impressive. For example, theCarcharodon Megalodon, which appeared for the first time about 16 million years ago, increased by 55 feet long and weighed as many tons, before disappearing about 2.5 million years ago, making it The greatest predator who has never lived, eat dolphins, whales and other megalodons.

A big white is pretty much the size of a megalodon ...

Shark in ocean

Well, private parties. Peter Klimley, a shark expert at the University of California in Davis,RecountNational Geographic That "a large white is about the size of the classic or penis of a masculine megalodon".

The megalodons have attracted a controversy of the media.

megladon documentary
Chain of discovery

Fascination with these legendary creatures won reactions for the discovery channel in 2013 when he broadcast amaximum The actors claiming to be scientists discussing animals extinguished in the long run as if they still existed. Although the chain included a non-responsibility warning before and after the two-hour special, it has always attracted complaints on Twitter and the scientific community that disinforced, even if it is amused as an innocent fun.

Sharks have (way) more than one series of teeth.

american museum of natural history shark teeth

Although the exact numbers vary by species, sharks can have up to 15 sets of teeth in each jaw, with a line after the other that passed from the largest and most functional to the height of the smallest and less powerful.

Sharks grow up to 50,000 teeth in a life.

Shark in ocean

The back tooth series of the shark jaws also serve as replacements for the teeth at the front when damaged or lost, in what could be called a "Death Transport Belt"(The shark teeth are not deeply rooted in the way human teeth are, making it a fairly common event - and also means that his teeth are almost always in perfect condition).

The ocean floor is a cemetery for shark teeth.

shark teeth

Because the sharks lose and constantly replace teeth, experts say that there are billions of sprinkled teeth on the bottom of the ocean, there for deep divers to discover and turn intostrange jewelry.

Yes, sharks have scales.

shark scales

As if they did not already have enough teeth, they also have "denticles denticles" or ladders resembling teeth on their outside. These do not get bigger as the shark ages, but the fish increases additional scales that fill the gaps as needed.Everyone is covered With a substance called Vitrodeption similar to the enamel that covers our teeth (their actual teeth are in fact modified versions of these scales).

Sharks can be as small as a red fish.

small shark

The Nain Lantern shark is barely one of the ferocious creatures you image when you hear the word "shark". Thisodd animalsFound near the north coast of South America, pushes only six inches in length. But what is missing in size, it compensates in other oddities: its organs emit light along its belly, helping to camouflage in the rays of the sun this current in the shallow water it lives.

Large whites have a sharp nose for blood.

Shark Attack Swimmer

Large white sense of the famous Powerful Odorat comes from its giant olfactory bulb, an organ that connects to its nostrils and can detect prey with impressive sensitivity. Corndo not believe When someone tells you that they can feel a drop of blood in all oceans, they can not detect blood to a game by 10 billion (or a drop in an Olympic pool).

Shark embryos can feel the danger.

shark embryo

Sharks are smart enough just before they are even born. Shark embryos were found to deploy a similar electric receiver that adult sharks make when detecting prey or avoid predators. Whenimitated researchers A predator using electric fields, bamboo bamboo shark embryos, contained in an egg case, slowed down their movements to avoid detection.

We have more in common with them than you think.

DNA in Test Tube Scientific Discoveries

Since humans and sharks are Jawed vertebrates, we share a common ancestor, raw, according toNature, be theBRONI ACANTHODES. We started developing our own, very distinct, the paths of evolution more than 420 million years ago, but the connections remain. For example,analysis Genuine genes found a greater similarity between the genes associated with metabolism and those of humans than those of zebrafish.

There is a shark that is 120 million years old.

goblin shark

While Megalodon has been a long time ago, there is a species still around which was alive well before the megs-Goblin shark, A pink fish with a long and flat prospective muzzle. The animal grows at about 10 to 13 feet and length and holds under deep water near the bottom of the ocean. It is so old, it was classified as a "living fossil".

Image via Wikimedia Commons

shark vertebrae tells you his age.

shark rings

Like the rings of a tree tells you how many years he has lived, scientists generally determine the age of most fish species by counting the "rings" on small calcium structures in their ears. But since it does not work as well on sharks,according toSmithsonian"Recently, scientists have used a new method of determining the shark age: using radiocarbon timestamp found in left shark vertebraes above nuclear tests in the 1950s and 1960s."

Sharks have a very acute hearing.

shark attack

While the ability of sharks to the smell is well known, their audience is at least as equally impressive. They are able to hear their prey until 3,000 feet, to hear the low frequency sounds, like that made by the muscular tissue contractor of a fish in difficulty.

Sharks hear their eyes.

shark eye

Sharks that are part of the Laminid group (including large white, Mako and Shark Shark) are able to have a special retina that warms eyes and brain, which allows them to better detect movement and improve The resolution on the images they see.Like Wildaid explains"For moles-moles, which move vertically and come across very different temperatures in a short time, the heat retained is particularly important to keep your eyes and the stabilized brain. »

Sharks move both the top and the lower bit.

shark jaw

Unlike humans that can not move from their lower jaw around, sharks can move freely their two upper and lower jaws, detach when it attacks its prey, which allows to better grasp the unfortunate animal and nibble.

The skin on whale sharks is six inches thick.

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Whale sharks are essentially the trial of bullets, with the skin of six inches thick. Although it's not the thickest in the animal world (cachalots have the skin measuring more than one foot thick), but it's quite hard that it's doneextremely difficult For scientists to get a blood sample of the creature.

Some give birth to adult offspring.

baby shark

While most eggs produce bone fish that are hatched outside the body of the female, babies sharks are fertilized and hatch in the female body, leaving the body of their mother completely formed.

Baby sharks are born with all their teeth.

baby shark teeth

This complete training extends to baby teeth sharks, with babies sharks enter the world with a complete set of intact teeth and ready to fight threats-including their and mother litermates.

Sharks at their place of birth coupling.

shark mating

Sharks remain loyal to their roots. A19 years studyLemon sharks, in which babies have been labeled, released and followed, have found that a number of them have returned to the same site where they are born from years earlier so that they can then give birth.

Sharks move unimaginable distances without rest.

shark swimming

Due to their unusual sleeping style, sharks can travel without stopping for days, with large whites known to go for 2,500 miles or more without taking a break to rest or eat.

They can survive with liver oils.


The sharks can avoid stopping eating based on fat stored in their livers (organs that represent as much as a quarter of their body weight).The researchers found That the oil relied constantly over time, while they migrated.

The shark skin makes them quickly.

shark smiling

The design-like design of shark scales help rationalize their body and allow a faster movement through the water. Not only does it reduce the drag, itMove the flow of water This surrounds them, helping to propel them from the front.

Sharks are silent.

shark fin

Sharks do not have voice agreements and do not use audible sounds to communicate anger or other emotions. Instead, they express themselves physically. As Expert Peter Klimley shark (otherwise known as Dr. Hammerhead)explained in Nova"Female hammer sharks pursue smaller and lower sharks from the center of schools by cargoing a reverse flip and a full twist in diving language."

Their biggest threat is man.

Shark Attack Diver

Sharks do not really have natural predators. Although killer whales, crocodiles and other sharks will sometimes eat sharks, "humans are by far the biggest enemy of sharks"according to Samuel Gruber segment. According to a 2006 study, some 73 million sharks are killed by humans each year. So, if something, sharks have many more reasons to fear us than inversely. Then do not miss the20 bizarre marine creatures that look like what they are not real.

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