These weight loss errors harm your health, according to experts

Doctors and dietitians reveal a major regime of No-Nos to avoid for the good of your body.

If there is one thing I learned in all my years helping peoplelosing weightIt is because too many people have brought the weight loss process through the lens of perfection. You know, they think they have to eat theperfect diet of theperfect Food containing theperfect Number of calories day after day, while needing to maintain theperfect An amount of exercise in which they burn more energy than they store as fat. If they do something less, they have failed and they do not reach their goals.

It's a noble thought, but we face it: it's wildly unrealistic and just not true. In weight loss, your state of mind is any positivity,self-compassionand define realistic expectations are paramount - and I encourage anyone who seeks to drop a few pounds to display the weight loss process through the lens ofErrors.After all, you will doa lot Trying to lose weight - be it a few goes out of now, then discover that your unexpected zoom call suddenly replaced your evening jog.

The ultimate goal is to welcome some errors while minimizing others. But while it's going toCheat From time to time, there are mistakes that are complete and total No-Nos. You will find that they work against you and that the stubborn fat you are trying to lose will no longer be stubborn. Even worse,These errors can affect your health If you commise them too often.

To compile a list of at least five of the most shocking diet errors you need to avoid, I contacted some doctors, nutritionists and other weight loss experts to add their responses to mine. So, if you are looking to erase errors, you should not do for the good of your body, read it, because I have asked some of the most important here. And for more incredible weight loss advice from us toEat this, not that!, be sure to read theseSimple ways to start losing weight immediately, according to science.


You cut food that you really need.

quinoa and arugula salad bowl

Leslie Bonci, MPH, RDN, CSSD, LDN, ASports dietician Who works with the leaders of the city of Kansas NFL (which, on the record, are currently 11-1), calls this non-no "elimination without justification." It's about reducing some foods from your diet that could be bad for other people, but are not necessarily bad for you. "Arbitrarily decount dairy without medical reasons, for example, lowers your calcium consumption," she says. "If you eat yoghurt and you suddenly stop, you do not get as many probiotics for your intestine."

It's just an example. She has more. "The reduction of gluten without a medical reason can reduce the presence of good bacteria in the intestine and also increase the presence of pathogenic bacteria, while increasing the fiber too early, especially, without adequate fluid - can cause intestinal discomfort . "

Other examples include cutting too much fat, which could reduce your lipid levels and reduce the absorption of your body soluble vitamins in the fat, which has a negative impact on the health of your skin and your hair. ; And if you go vegan, be sure to find ways to complete your diet with adequate protein levels. "Remember," says Bonci, "Just put fruits and vegetables on the plate can lead to weight loss, but will not promote great health."

So make sure thatyou are beautiful Do not cut the essential foods that your body really needs. And for more weight loss tips, do not miss our huge list of200 Weight Loss Tips!


You restrict too many calories.

guilty diet

I always tell people that one of the safest ways to gain weight is to lose it too quickly in the first place. I am not the only one to feel this way. "Surprisingly, do not eat or restrict calories cancause The body finally store fat, "says Amy Lee, MD, an expert in nutrition, obesity and weight control." You must treat the body as a machine and provide good quality macro / micronutrients to optimize metabolism. The biggest mistake for a dieter does not eat enough. "

You do not prove your weight loss body. If you go hungry, you simply do not get enough nutrients to browse this world a healthy person - and that shows. This affects your skin, your bones, even your teeth. "Malnutrition can weaken the bone of the jaw and cause the loss of teeth, increase dental deficiency and increase gum deficiency leading to gum disease," says Hunter Dawson, DMD, MSD, a buccal surgeon and maxillofacial.


You follow the diets that tell you to avoid doing exercise.

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Never trust a brand regime that tells you that it is correct not to exercise at all. "Exercise and physical activity should be part of a period of weight loss package," says Brenda Braslow, RD, who works for weight loss my net newspaper.

Here's why: Although you can lose weight without doing exercise, you will come out of the experience with a less healthy lifestyle. If you incorporate exercises into your weight loss plan, you will build your habits in good health that will benefit your body for a long time. Do not just take it from me, though. According toSearch for obese subjects published in the newspaperApplied Physiology, Nutrition and MetabolismAny weight loss program that incorporates a dedicated exercise plan is better at a time both both to weight loss and improving health biomarkers than any program simply based on food.


You drink drinks "diet".

Soda glass

Honestly, I can not count the number of times I wrote about it: "Diet" or "sugar-free" drinks are simply not the answer, whether in your diet or not. According to a studypublished in theJournal of the American Society of Geriatrics, The increase in dietary soda consumption is directly related to greater abdominal obesity. In a study of older adults, researchers found that those who drank a diet Soda daily than tripling the increase in size size during nine years.

In another study,Researchers reports in the newspaperPhysiology and behavior discovered that the brains of those who regularly drink sodas react regularly to the sweet tastes that those who do not have regular doses of artificial sweeteners. Scientists have given young adults drinks containing sugar or saccharin. Then their brain was examined using MRI.

The researchers found that those who had consumed saccharin beverages have demonstrated a greater activation of brain sensors that react to sweet tastes. But more importantly, they have found that those who regularly consumed diet sodas seemed to have a dopamine alteration - the "good" hormone that is released when we do something nice, like eating delicious food.


You do not deceive

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In terms of weight loss, diet cheats almost always flourish. This is because, under the good parameters, a weekly "cheating meal" has been proven that your metabolism and away from feelings of deprivation - improving not only your ability to lose weight, but your ability to keep you also diet. On the one hand, these meals can increase the metabolism isincrease in leptin levels"The anti-hunger hormone" responsible for sending messages from hunger to the body. When settling the level of diet, leptin levels fall, inviting metabolism to slow down and maintain energy. Launch A high-calorie meal in the mowing mixture to your system thinking food is abundant and that it will burn well in its grease clouds. And for more weight loss tips, see this list ofUnderestimated weight loss tips that work totally.

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