The surprising reason why you keep forgetting your passwords

A new study explores why this frustrating phenomenon seems to occur.

In 2018, connect to your email account may sometimes want to try to hack the Pentagon. If you follow all guidelines, you must use a different password for each of your accounts; Use an incomprehensible variety of letters, numbers and symbols; Sign up for two-step verification; and change every password each time one of them is compromised. More often than not, you must choose photos that include a street sign because it seems apparently incontestable evidence to your computer that you are, in fact, a human being.

It's not a good wonder that most of us forget our passwords more often than our keys.

Now,A new study examined by peers By researchers from Rutgers-New Brunswick and the University of Aalto in Finland, presented to the 27th Security Symposium USENIX in Baltimore, in Maryland, tries to understand how and why we forget our passwords to help to reduce this frustrating phenomenon.

Their conclusions suggest that the likelihood you need to remember your password less to do with the complexity of the password itself and more to do with the frequency you plan to use it. What is to say: you are much more likely to remind you a complicated password if you know that you will use it frequently to connect to an account you want to remember a simple password for an account that You do not expect to connect. in very often. (I had it? OUF!)

"We propose that human memory adapts naturally according to an estimate ofhow many times A password will be needed, so that the important passwords often used are less likely to be forgotten, "reads the paper.

Researchers advise websites to include more incentive to users to log in more often to help memorize their secret codes.

"Websites focus on telling users if their passwords are weak or strong, but they do nothing to help people remember passwords", "Janne Lindqvist, a deputy professor of electric and computer engineering at Rutger and co-author of the study said. "Our model could be used to predict password memorability, measure if people remember them and quick password designers to provide incentives to people to connect regularly."

And for more advice on password safety, seeThe 50 most common passwords you should never use.

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Categories: Health
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