20 magical ways to spend Christmas Eve in 2020

These games and festive activities will help you keep the season light.

While Christmas Eve is usually all about your favorite traditions, thoseholiday festivities May seem a lot different from the habit this year. But do not let the fact that's 2020, bring your celebration completely. Even if you had to give up some of the usual gaiety, there are still many fun things that you and your household can enjoy December 24 of December 24th. Culinary experiences with icebreakers that cost nothing, read 20 activities that will make any Christmas Eve at the house even more exciting. And if you are the competitive type, check20 great fun games to play on Christmas Eve

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Make a hot cocoa bar.

A DIY Hot Cocoa Bar

Hot Cocoa is one of the best parts of the holidays, so why not improve your favorite drink Christmas Eve with a total chocolate bar? Distribute dark chocolate choices and milk with a wide range of fillings - not just whipped cream and marshmallows, but also chocolate chips, chopped pecans and crushed candy canes. Everyone in the house will have an explosion of the most unpleasant dessert drinks, the most extravagant and the most delicious they can!

And for the drink, you should not be used,It's the most hatest holiday drink.

Take your cookie game at the next level.

Little girl making cookies on Christmas

If you have children or grandchildren, they probably like to leave milk and cookies for Santa. But instead of cooking classic chocolate chip cookies this year, consider searching more unusual treats and give children a chance to decorate them. Why not try to make peppermint impression cookies, gingerbread trees with lemon frosting or any other new recipe you find? Santa will thank you for the variety!

Hold a Christmas cookie contest.

Kids making Christmas cookies with their mother

Here is a delicious game that you can play at Christmas Eve: Ask everyone to your little Christmas gathering to bring a dozen cookies at the table (which will probably lead to many remains). Each person who brings cookies can vote on their three main favorites, with three points awarded for a vote # 1, two points for a vote n ° 2 and one point for a vote n ° 3. The cookie with the most points Win! (But really, everyone does - because of cookies.)

For Christmas treatment, everyone avoids,It's the most hatest holiday cookie.

Sprinkle the reindeer dust on the front gateway.

Pink sugar in a white bowl

Just to be extra surely sure that Santa-who will provide gifts in the safest way possible this year-visiting your family, urge kids to sprinkle with reindeer dust (colorful sugar and edible glitter) on the front gateway. the House. If they want to become creative, they can even organize the reindeer dust in the form of an arrow then Santa knows where to drop the gifts!

Play snowball capture the flag.

Adults having a snowball fight

How long since you were in a good old snowball fight? If you are someone wholives in a place that gets a good amount of snow, Turn this country of winter wonders into a battle area with a game to capture the flag-nourished with snowballs. It works like a typical game to capture the flag, but instead of scoring someone, you hit them with a snowball.

And for more vacation holidays to share with your family, here's55 Fun Christmas facts to get you into mind.

Have a Christmas treasure hunt.

Little girls enjoying a Christmas treasure hunt

Gifts are greatbut why not do your children or grandchildrenjobFor their Santa gifts this year? You can add a competitive element to your celebration of Christmas Eve by hiding the goods throughout the house and offering clues on where they are like the night.

Give new Christmas pajamas.

Little girl opening Christmas presents in pajamas

One of the pleasures of the Christmas morning is lounging in your pajamas. So this year, consider giving all family members a "pre-present":Christmas theme pajamas that they can wear the next morning. They are just the thing to make you feel comfortable when you open your gifts andwatch Christmas moviesall day!

For more movies to watch these holidays, checkThe best Christmas movie of all time, according to critics.


A man holding a box with food while wearing a mask and Santa hat

AddA charity component on your Christmas Eve By asking everyone in your home to find a box of food or toy that can be given to a suitable charity. Or, you and your family, you can head for a kitchen soup or a toy to volunteer for a few hours before starting to open your own gifts - there could be a better year for that. And these acts of kindness are what the holiday spirit is all about, after all!

Play Christmas board games.

Family playing Jenga

If you look at the same thingRudolph reindes them to the red nosespecial for years, consider making it more interactive this time with theRudolph The Noint Reinerary Christmas Joyleau Travel Game. Christmas characters Rudolph, Hermehe The Elf and Yukon Cornelius make an appearance in this movie theme game that involves returning the toys lost to the North Pole.

For more vacation games and ideas sent directly to your inbox,Subscribe to our newsletter.

Build a Christmas turn.

A stack of red plastic solo cups

Challenge your family to stack green or red cups high enough to look like a Christmas tree. Continue until your "tree" collapses or until someone returns it. When everyone finished playing, save cups for next year or use them to serve as deliciousChristmas punch.

Make a human Christmas tree.

Girl getting on her father's back for a piggyback ride on Christmas

For this Christmas tree activity, you only need two people dressed in green to serve as figurative Christmas trees. The children of the family can divide into teams, then decorate each "tree" with different Christmas balls. The best "Human Christmas tree", as voted by your family, wins!

For some incredible anecdotes on your Evergeen, here's30 incredible facts of Christmas trees to make an additional magical vacation

Play "Christmas is all around."

Four people at a table in front of a Christmas tree and one woman holding a phone

Make an idea ofNIGHTThe character ofReally love And play "Christmas is all around." Take some of your favorite songs and replace the word "love" with "Christmas". Anyone who can sound the least awkward is the winner.

And for all songs that should not be included in this game, checkThe most hated Christmas songs of all time

Pin the nose on Rudolph!

Felt Rudolph decoration

Draw (or print an image) from Rudolph, and then cut a circle of a piece of paper and color it in red. Well, you know the rest! (I just do not turn your family too much around this activity.)

Play a storage riddle game.

Christmas stockings hanging on mantle

First of all, you need someone to put random thingsin a low. Once it's stuffed, tie a ribbon or string around the bottom so that no one can sting inside. Sit in a circle and pass the stuffed storage around so everyone can try to gauge what is inside. Give them note cards so that they can write what their assumptions are. The person with the most correct answers wins goodies!

For Christmas celebrations that were all the streets, check these15 strange Christmas traditions or forgotten person no longer does it.

Christmas-IFY "Who am I?"

Friends playing Who Am I?

While "Who am I?" Is usually played in large groups, this game is always perfect for even small families. And the best part is that everything you need to play is something writing with sticky notes.

Gather in a big circle, write famous Christmas characters on sticky notes, then paste them on the front of the other. Once everyone has a character on their forehead, every person must guess what character they are by posing to other players yes or no. The goal is tonot Be the last person to properly guess who they are.

Play "Find the Friends of Santa."

Elf on the shelf holding paper

A treasure hunt to find Santa's friends is a friendly game in which each player wins. Here's how to put it in place: after collecting a variety of elves and plastic reindeer, hide them throughout the house. Some of Santa's friends should be easy to find for the youngest, while other items should be more difficult. Every child who finds one of Santa's's friends will receive aChristmas gift.

And for more information on the largest holiday traditions in the country, consult the20 Christmas ways is celebrated differently across the United States.

Or try "Christmas A to Z."

Little girl writing a letter to Santa

This game requires only a little movement, but there are many thoughts involved. First, gather some sheets of paper with all the alphabet writes vertically on them. Players must then compete with filling the entire alphabet list with a holiday word for each letter. The first team to complete its list - withouttoo much Stretching truth-wings.

Play bingo with family members instead of numbers.

Group of friends wearing reindeer antlers and celebrating together

Bingo people is totally too fun. Simply create a list of 10 to 15 traits or activities and give each participant the same list. (Be sure to launch some specific entries to your family and how to celebrate you.)

Players must then walk around and find people who match the articles on the list, checking them as they go. The winner is the fastest list, using a different person for each item.

Play "Christmas memory."

Little boy and girl wearing Santa hats and doing crafts

Draw eight Christmas images, a Christmas tree, Santa Claus, a snowflake, etc., then make duplicates of each for a total of 16 cards. Place the cards on the table upside down in a 4 × 4. Each player has the chance to choose a card and find his game. When a player finds a match, they will have to keep it, and that counts like a point. Play up to 20 points, which will take several turns. (You can adjust the notation according to the number of participants and time constraints.)

And for advice that will take your decoration at the next level, here is here20 Christmas tree decoration tips genius, according to experts.

Play the candy cane game.

Candy canes in a clear glass

It's a silly game that has the added benefit of providing each player with treatment at the end of it. You will need many candy canes, chopsticks, a large bowl and a small amount. (You can usually find these stockings at your local dollar store.)

Here's how to play: Fill the bowl with candy canes and place it on one end of a table. Place storage at the other end of the table and place a cup inside to keep the storage open. Give each person a baguette to put in the mouth. At the beginning of the game, players must put their hands behind their backs and try to transfer as many candy rods from the bowl at the bottom of the swing as possible in one minute using only the chopsticks. Anyone who receives the cannes the most candy in the storage gains!

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