20 financial decisions that you are guaranteed to regret

The experts spoke: it's time to start saving for your future.

The numbers are in, and one thing is flagrant of the workforce - Americans are bad with money. Towards the end of last year, Nerdwallet.comreported This debt of American households amounted to nearly $ 13 trillion. More than $ 900 billion from credit cards and the average debt household involves more than$ 15,000 in credit card debt. But Americans are not the only ones to debt problems.A 2016 study The National Economic Research Office revealed that, while 74.9% of US households have debt debt, more than 60% of households in Canada, the Netherlands and the United Kingdom are in the same boat.

Billy FunderburkFunderburk Financial Chalk this debt crisis until our inability to delay gratification. As too simplistic as it may seem, scrolling out our desires to "have it now" could be the only thing that will save us from financial turmoil. As Funderburk says it, "There is nothing that will make you feel more financially than to have a significant debt."

Regardless of your own debt situation, there is a myriad ways to improve your financial security. Read 20 fake-steps to avoid as you work on tranquility of financial spirit. And before taking up and renting a pro to help you sort things, be sure to read these20 Secrets your financial advisor does not tell you.

Borrow your 401K to buy a house.

Couple Buying Home Financial

Savings for retirement is difficult because it is, but dive into your early pension funds will not only result in fees, but will also take years of growth that you will never be able to come back. Christopher Flis ofManagement of resilient assets, says: "Borrowing valuable funds 401 (k), you are essentially mortgage your retirement funds - it's not a good idea. If you can not allow you the payment of the drop, the rent! Costs on a property tax and repairs are not appreciated by potential buyers. In addition, the new tax laws have devalued the property by limiting the deductibility of taxes on state and local income. "And for more good money advice, know thatThat's exactly how much money you have to do to be happy.

Compromise your financial reserves.

Budgeting Financial

Most financial advisors suggest that savings sufficiently for your household survive for 6 to 12 months without stable income. Building an emergency fund is not a new concept. Whatever calls, the financial reserve, the rainy day fund, the reserve of money or something else, it is important to put money to the enlargement of emergencies.

The delicate part then comes leaving money alone. What constitutes an "urgency" anyway? Although it may be different from the person to the person, do not deceive you that the purchase of a car or a house is a good use for this laborious money. You will regret it if and when an unforeseen medical emergency arises, you lose your job or that you are impacted by a natural disaster.

Sam Watkins, Financial Planner withTrunorth Wealth Suggests that we better use financing options to buy a car or a house than to compromise our reserves. Looking to save a little money? It isHow to cut $ 10,000 from your annual expenses.

Buy expensive investment vehicles.

Couple Driving Expensive Car Financial

Pension products and actively managed funds are all the same luggage. They are high risk and expensive. Possible returns may be significantly higher, but many of these higher returns will cover the costs of even investment - whether management fees, commissions or losses covering.

After calculating all the costs of these types of investment vehicles, you will probably find that cheaper and diverse options would have left you a lot better, while removing a lot of stress. And for more ways to live tax more intelligently, here's25 Daily habits The rich people swear by.

Get stuck with an annuity.

Financial Advising

The attractiveness of the annuities lies in the fact that they have guaranteed returns. But a portfolio of stocks and well diversified bonds can also be "safe". It is also important to note that most annuities are not supported by the FDC or NCUA, they are only insured by the financial security of the investment company.

The bottom line is that annuities are attached to very high costs. Sam Watkins shared the experience of a customer who had bought 11 annuities with a previous financial agency. Since 2012, the customer's return on investment accounted for only 1.5% above its initial investment. Mr. Watkins' client has invested in a totally more efficient stock market fund, he would have gained 15% and has still doubled his money.

Do not allow enough time.

Older Couple Financial

Compound interest is not the only reason for reason. Your friend is your friend. History shows that markets increase and decrease and erratic exchanges and panic often cost millions of investors. In addition, it does not hurt only markets.

Try to "beat the market" and use frequent trading tactics generally costs more than that wins. The point of purchase and the sale is when the brokers charge their commissions. Start early and give it time. As old adage happens, "good things come to those who wait." And shine well in your golden years, follow our25 rules for a rich retirement.

Do not take advantage of the company's matches.

Retirement Financial

A theme is the development of retirement is not a joke and most fail to realistically calculate their retirement needs. Keep in mind that looking for a professional council is undoubtedly one of the best ways to avoid major mistakes, almost all will start contributing to your pension fund offered to work and to respect The requirements of the company.

On the theme of the company's matches, Robert R. Johnson, PhD, CFA and President and CEO ofThe American College of Financial Services Declares: "Perhaps the worst financial mistake that someone can do, it has become free money." After all, a business match is also close to "free lunch" as it becomes! And for more good self-help advice, here is30 genius tips that will make your life easier.

Buy a new car.

Couple Buying New Car Financial

Chris Whitlow, CEO of the financial benefit providerEducate Written, "one of the biggest financial decisions that people will regret to buy a new car. It is often born not out of need, but out of the envy car; people see their colleagues to get a new car and They think they also need it. According to Kelleley Blue Book's latest report, the average cost of a new car is $ 35,444. This means a payment of $ 500 or more each month for the next five years - for an asset of depreciation. Then factor in terms of insurance and maintenance. "

Mr. Whitlow swarmled the ownership of the car and opt instead of driving sharing services like Lyft and Uber. Although this is not practical for you, if own a car, which you need, remember the averageDamping curve of the car is usually the steepest in its early years.

Buying a "project house".

Man Renovating Home Financial

If you listen to the radio, you are probably tired of hearing any advertisements of how much money you can buy and return homes. It is a pretty fundamental concept, and although it is true that the house at home is proven to work for many DIY-EERS, you should completely reach things before dusting your old hammer (if you remember where You put it, that is to say).

We all have a neighbor with half-finished fence, all-but forgotten courtyard and the renovation of cooking at 4 years and count. No one knows better than you how valuable your time, and unless you already have all the resources and skills needed to complete the work, you are required to meet you with more headaches and Nights without sleep we are worth. Back up the hassle by buying no project. You will end up spending less than you will do when you finally give up and hire a pro to finish the job. And for more advice at home, here is the20 ways of genius make the housework more fun.

Pay too much for your education.

College Graduation Financial

Your education is probably the most important investment you will ever get. This will define your future and will become an important part of who you are. A common misconception is that a career success of a person is as good as the prestige of their university education. Although there is a lot of influence to give Ivy League Schools diplomas, the reality is that the majority of the most renowned companies in our day - Google, Apple, Amazon, Nike, Microsoft, General Mills and a lot More return Ivy League graduate of candidates from other schools in each hiring cycle.

Weigh your education costs against your projected income - What will be your return on investment? Paying $ 100,000 for a degree that will bring you an annual salary of $ 60,000 to your career peak is a sure way to spend all your financial life underwater. Oh, and for more information on Ivy League schools: here is here20 celebrities you had no idea graduated from Ivy League schools.

Get unjustifiable student loans.

Man in College Financial

Jordan Linville deBrightrates.comsaid, "The promise of more education is attractive. It is the promise of a job you will love more than the one you have today, the promise of more money and the assurance that you invest in yourself. In addition, the government will give you low interest rate loans to pay! This has been the advantage of for-profit universities and some non-profit universities have used for years, but students often do not receive work that is not better after graduation and many are not Not graduates at all, but still have to pay for the courses they took. Government loans are not free money - you still have to repay it. There are certainly situations where education can be the right answer, but the $ 1.2 billion solution the US loan crisis shows that the promises of numerous universities did not match the value. their education. "

Get a unique home loan.

Home Loan Financial

In our culture today, loans are extremely banal. The fall here is that people tend to neglect the risks involved. Borrowers should remember that the loan of money always involves risks and that the most risky loans are.

What are the benefits? Loans without interest mean that you will have less monthly payments and you can buy a larger or more valuable house. But remember that after the interest period is upward, you will always have the full amount to pay.

Yes, you can just sell the house, but if the value of the house is amortized? You will have to pay the pocket difference. Just about everything to do with interest-free loans, loans are just risks for the borrower. It is true that if the stars align exactly just, loans of interest that only have the potential to bring significant financial benefits to the borrower. But borrowers must remember that potential benefits and potential losses are based on very volatile factors and often completely out of control. And for more high-level money tips, here is here5 million money secrets that you can use.

Hire advisor for bad reason.

Financial Advisor

Many people hire counselors to make them rich. It's the American dream, after all. But remember that counselors should be hired for their expertise, not promises of performance. Hire a counselor to avoid failing errors like not diversifying your portfolio. Your advisor should be hired to manage risks and minimize costs. Let them help you make the right decisions. Get rich, it's up to you to decide.

Keep with the Jones.

Wealthy Couple Financial

You know the Joneses, who are holidays 3 times a year, have a boat and lead new shiny cars. According to Billy Funderburk: "I noticed that one of the most common reasons that people have trouble delaying the gratification is their need to follow their neighbors and friends. We tend to think that our friends think more about us What to do on our financial wealth "visible" - or the appearance of wealth. "Stop comparing and starting to live for you. Chances are, the Jones are on the point of bankruptcy.

Do not maintain your greatest asset - your home.

Couple Fixing Home Financial

For most Americans, housing costs represent our most important expenditures from 30% to 50% of our monthly income. However, our houses are also our most important and valuable assets. Yet John Bodrozic, co-founder ofHome suggests that many owners fall short on an appropriate maintenance at home. This leads to swollen repair costs and devaluation.

Keeping on routine maintenance measures such as focusing in the utility closet, fixing plumbing leaks and retention of the aisle and court, we can avoid expensive replacements while ensuring the assessment domestic value.

Pay hundreds of dollars for cable.

Man Watching TV Financial

Remember the days you lived for cartoons on Saturday morning? It was the only day of the week that you got up before 8am, so you can watch power ranges. Unlike your friends at school, you had to wait Saturday because it was the only day when it was broadcast on free local channels. However, you are concerned about it, because there were so many other ways you liked to spend your week afternoons.

Now you are here, 20 years later, pay the nose for hundreds of canals on your cable subscription. You do not even look at them - it's virtually a gift. How generous of you! (Although it is doubtful that the IRS the way in this way, then do not try to deduce it.) Jeff procedor ofDENDROIT.COM Proposes that the cutting cable can save you more than $ 1,000 a year and will probably lead to more fulfilling hobby. In addition, nothing is more frustrating than to rock to find that a movie you wanted to see for months, only to find that it is PPV.

Do not handle your subscriptions.

Netflix Subscription Financial

Monthly subscription service charges are all ransoms nowadays. Many software even abandoned their traditional purchasing structures for monthly membership fees. An intelligent marketing scheme or not, there are also many benefits from the user.

The problem is that with so many so netflix, Amazon Prime, Apple music, cell phone plans, internet service, and more, it's hard to keep a track. You can avoid excessive expenses and always enjoy your services by finding grouped offers. Many of these services have joined the two services together with a discount, especially for students. Emily Stanley, financial expert withBusiness.org says: "Even for personal use, customers who form their internet and cell phone plans can end up between $ 50 and $ 100 a month."

Buy an adhesion to a gym that you do not use.

Lazy Couple Financial

According toStatistical brainThe average gymnasium is only suitable twice a week and 67% of the gym members are never used. Scott W. Johnson deEntire life insurance with term Rather rather to go to a gymroom room where you can pay by visit.

"It eliminates the unnecessary month of December when no one has time to go and automatically eliminate your payments when you stop working."

Try to use debt to create your personal financial portfolio.

Debt Financial

It's simple, really. Do not buy things you can not afford. SameSNL EU on board with this one. It's easy to justify and say that investments in your future areresponsibleways to use debt. That's how companies are so successful, right? It is a dangerous territory. Financial management for a business is a completely different Ballaccark than personal financial management. In addition, it is also the way many businesses fail. You will better minimize your personal financial risks. A failed investment could mean a personal financial disaster.

Use your credit score as a measure of your financial security.

Credit Card Debt Financial

Hurray! You finally reached a score of more than 750! Congratulations, you take a lot of money. Hmm, never thought this way? The truth is that credit rating is a constituent system to help lenders make educated decisions on which they should lend and how to define the terms of the loan. Nothing more.

You could say that a high credit score means you're really good for entering and paying, debt. If it does not seem so bad, you are probably part of our $ 13 trillion crisis. All that being said, it is important to note the important role that your credit score plays in your finances - especially when it's time to buy a house. However, there are much better ways to measure your financial security. For example, measuring the value of your assets against your total liabilities.

Do not start early to save for retirement.

Retirement Financial

That's right, there are still many years to go up to your 60s. There is a lot of time to fear for retirement and, at the moment, you have rent, car payments, insurance, invoices and so many other non-negotiable expenses that your lean salary barely covers.

Our retirement years are a difficult concept to even give a few minutes of our precious time and think. And it is true that for rising generations, life costs are increasing. In fact, the National Institute of Retirement Securityreports than 66.2% of the millennials of work (those born between 1981 and 1991) kept nothing for retirement. But while finding that the funds can use a creativity, start early to save for retirement can change your financial future from hundreds of thousands of dollars.

How? 'Or' What? Everything falls to this mathematical term of the collegecompound interest. Timothy G. Wiedman, Phr Emeritus and Assoc. Professor at Doane University explains that 44 years of age 23 of $ 3,000 of investments per year ($ 132,000 of total investment) in a Roth IRA can expect to give more 'one million dollars. On the other hand, waiting up to 43 years old, invests $ 5,500 per year until the age of 67 (approximately $ 132,000 of total investment) will only give up more than $ 350,000. Thus, while the millennia have a ground to be covered, there is a significant victory for the greatest generation of America-Time is on your side.

For serious personal finance inspiration,Meet the man who made $ 16.5 million on YouTube just last year.

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Tags: Finance
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