27 "weight loss rules that actually make weight

Breaking these weight loss rules can actually help tilt the balance in your favor!

With regard to weight loss, there is no bad way to do it. (It's exactlyWhy the weight loss is so confusing.) But despite the fact that every person's journey is different, there are still universal "weight loss rules" that many of us do our best to follow - even if they are not correct for us .

So you may need to finally bend these rules to lose weight. To show you how to deceive your thin path, we compiled a handful of "rules" of weight loss that begs to be broken - and we have provided more efficient ways of losing the extra layer instead. And once you see these books start flying, keep progress with these15 underestimated weight loss tips that actually work.


Only do intense workouts

woman with painful face expression doing hard difficult plank fitness exercise or push press ups feeling pain in muscles at diverse group training class in gym

Of course, a HIIT hardcore HIIT training or a gasoline class can increase your heart rate and burn more calories more than yoga, but there is something to say for a workout that has been scientifically proven that the Cortisol has been scientifically proven that cortisol. Why stay cold so important? The more the cortisol that passes through your system, the most hungarous and heavier that you will become, according to aPsychonuroendocrinology to study. The bottom line: you must be both activeand stress-free to reach yourgoal. So do not cook your high-intensity workout at the edge of the border, but make sure you make time for a training to calm like yoga, at least once a week too.

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Do not eat dessert

Woman saying no to chocolate cake dessert

If you think you have to give up cookies and ice cream to lose weight, you have any trouble! (Cue the cheers!) While axifing the sweets of old diades, it only makes the new school of thought that will allow you to eat literally and eat your cake. "Instead of eating single cookies on the couch, take the time and effort to go to a cafe and enjoy a cup of green tea", suggests a recorded diet nutritionistDawn Jackson Blagner, RDN. "It reduces the chances that you will exceed and help you think of sweets as a treatment sometimes."


Void gluten

Weight loss rules

"It can be fashionable, but go without gluten rarely guarantees weight loss," says Dietian registeredIsabel Smith, Ms, rd. "Instead, work on the reduction of foods processed like cereals and sweet crackers. A diet rich in vegetables and without treatment rate and can help weight loss more efficiently more efficient than not to trade in a Power supply filled with gluten for varieties without gluten. It is also far more nourishing. "


You have to make abs to get abs

woman doing situps in gym

Make sit-ups in the hope of getting an excellent Abs kind, it's a lot to study for a test with the wrong set of notes. You can work your buttocks, but your efforts are wrong. Celebrity TrainerMark Langowski Did not make sit-up for more than a decade and always has a six pack defined by crazy. How is it possible? He realized, long ago, the most important role in the loss of books in the abdominal definition was the diet. Add these15 best foods for the loss of abs and weight loss When you have a lean stomach at La Langowski.

Eating this! Advice:Although exercise is not very effective in inducing weight loss, you will need to hit the gym to keep your silhouette thinner. Aim 60 minutes of moderate activity or 30 minutes of high-intensity activity daily.


Have breakfast just after waking

Breakfast bento box high protein with hard boiled eggs fruit nuts cottage cheese cucumber

For years, weight loss experts said that the perfect time to have breakfast was less than an hour of wake up. The thought was that the more you put it longer, the higher blood sugar level would increase, thus increasing the likelihood that you choose high nutrient nutrients. (There is one. Additional21 things happening to your body when you jump breakfast.)

However, a new wave of research actually suggests repelling the breakfast to extend the natural period of fasting that occurs while we sleep. Why? When you push your first meal of the day, it naturally reduces your "restoration window" - the number of hours you spend our nourez and nibble each day. And according to aCell metabolism Study, stick to a small smaller restoration window can encourage weight loss, even if you eat more food throughout the day. For optimal results, make sure you have at least 12 hours between your last meal tonight and your first meal tomorrow.


Stay away from any sugar

man eating fruit

If you are in the loop, you have heard that sugar makes a great impact on our health because studies have linked our strong consumption of the substance at an increased risk of weight gain, obesity, diabetes and the heart disease. While we are all to stay away from the added substance, sweet fruits are another story. Sure,fruit sugar is treated in the same way in your body, but fruit is also rich in antioxidants fight cancer, water to help fill you, and fiber to slow down the digestion of these sugars preventing your doping blood glucose like sugar refined on the nutritional level deficient does. In fact, many studies have shown that fruit consumption has increased is linked to lower weight reduction and risk of diseases associated with obesity.


Do not weigh yourself often

dont want to step on scale to weigh herself

Many doctors and nutritionists say their clients to skip more than once or twice a week. Arrival more often and it will turn into a daily ritual of torture; Hop on a less and your weight can escape you, they say. Of course, it sounds pretty reasonable, but2015 Cornell University Results suggest that scaling up the ladder can not be the best approach for weight loss. According to the main author David Levitsky, people who are weighing every day and follow the results are more likely to lose weight and maintain it than those who verify less often. The method "requires you to be aware of the connection between your diet and your weight," said Levitsky in a press release. "He was taught that you should not weigh you every day, which is exactly the opposite. We believe that the ladder also acts as a boot mechanism, making you aware of the food and allowing you to make choices that are compatible with your weight ". For other ways to reduce your digestive tract, see these200 best weight loss tips ever.


Back to Cut Carbohydrates

[Weight loss rules

Despite what you have heard, you do not need to go low carbohydrate to see the number on the scale of scale. Complex carbohydrates, like legumes, apples and quinoa, are not the enemy, it is refined, or simple carbohydrates, that you have to monitor, says Smith. "Refined carbohydrates digest quickly and sugar in the peak blood, stimulate hunger, while carbohydrates rich in complex fibers slowly digest and maintain the blood sugar levels regular, helping," explains. To learn more about the best flat belly starches, check these25 best carbohydrates for weight loss.


Do not nibble

high protein almond snack in hand

Some regimes have a strict policy without nibbling, which, to be frank, is outright crazy! "Noshing throughout the day is the key to the management of blood sugar," said Smith. "When you do not nibble, you are hungry and make diet decisions that you will not touch, which can hinderweightloss"When choosing a snack, Smith recommends searching for something rich in fiber, protein or healthy fat. These nutrients all contribute to slow digestion and keep us full. Nuts, vegetables with Houmous, or a piece of fruit garnished with nut butter are my go-to ".


Count your calories

Weight loss rules

We live in a time when diet tracking is as easy as asking Siri how many calories are in a slice of bread and throwing the answer into an application. But despite the convenience factor, the recording is all that does not go your mouth is not realistic for everyone and it's ok. If you like, pay attention to your proportions of the plate instead. "I never recommend counting the calories to any of my clients," said Smith. "Instead, I tell them to fill 50% of their plate with every meal with non-starchy vegetables likekale, Broccoli and carrots. . In this way, they take in a just amount of fiber, which promotes satiety and weight maintenance »back is looking for Smith's request: Study in Brigham Young University College noted that women who consume more fibers have a risk Significantly lower to gain weight than those who eat less than the nutrient, probably because they have consumed fewer global calories throughout the day.


Eat everything with moderation

Weight loss rules

Almost everyone heard the rule that it is normal to eat anything and just as long as you do with moderation. Chocolate? Of course, but just a bite! Chips? Those get the green light too, as long as you stick to a small handle. But 2015Plos a Study of 6,814 persons debunning the myth of moderation, concluding that diverse diets lead to weight gain andbig bellymore often than no. "Although it can be scary to imagine completely cut the foods you like, eating moderation is actually almost impossible, especially with regard to food with addictive properties, such as sugar. You will probably find you back. For more and more who can slow down your weight loss results, "explains the registered dietitianCassie BjorkRD. "That's why it's actually more useful to completely cut food that increase your desires and continue to want more." For example, if you know that the bacon is your trigger food # 1, it is best to cut it in total rather than trying to stay at a small portion.


Do not eat yellow

Separating egg whites from shell

Eat yellow or do not eat yellow? This is the secular question! As for eggs, messages were a bit scrambled. Lucky for your Omelelet enthusiasts, the 2015 Food Guidelines Advisory Committee has recently set the right record when it has dropped their long-standing recommendation to limit dietary cholesterol due to countless studies confirming that this variety has Little effect on blood cholesterol levels - it means there is no reason to scare. yellow. In fact, yellow contains a fatty combat nutrient called choline, so opting for whole eggs can actually help you reduce. To harvest the advantages of flat belly, refresh some of these25 Best Egg Recipes for Weight Loss.


Only sip water

Close-up of pretty young woman drinking water from glass

Now that you have cut sodas and sugar juices, the water is your moisturizer # 1 - and it's great! But if you think that Agua is the only drink at weight loss on the block you are mistaken. In fact, coffee and unsweetened tea are negligible calories and can accelerate weight loss through their caffeine content to remove the appetite. But from all the Java Low Cal store chooses, you can sip,green tea has definitively the edge. The Asian beverage is packaged with something called Cecos, antioxidants that have been demonstrated to reduce belly fat. So go ahead, enjoy this second cup.


The cardio distance is mandatory

Weight loss rules

If you try to burn fat and losing books, hours of logging on the treadmill are not your best choice. This is because you need muscle, no miles to burn fat. In fact, logging too many hours on the bike or the track can really boost your appetite Eat it to your lean muscle mass, which, over time, slows downmetabolismand makes it more difficult to lose weight. Yikes! So, what should you do instead? Opt for cardio with interval training of 20 to 30 minutes only two or three times a week and focus on bodybuilding two or three days a week, suggests langowski.



Weight loss rules

Eating different things Every day can make you take a wide width of nutrients, but it can also derail your flat belly efforts. "The choice is the enemy of weight loss. If you have too many options, you will probably have exceeded and simply by default on easy and unhealthy elements, "says Carolyn Barnes, the health coach behind the clean mom workout. "Instead, choose some healthy meals that you find delicious and repeat them through the week. The following week Choose new meals to repeat. This makes it easy to eat well because it simplifies planning, shopping and the Cooking. The monotony is boring, but the monotony 'delicious' is good, delicious! "You do not know what to do for the week to come? Check these35 Greater chicken recipes for weight loss!


Avoid alcohol

Weight loss rules

Hi, Barfly, we have good news: you do not have to cut alcohol quite lose weight! However, if you are going alcohol, limit your consumption to three drinks a week and cumulate caloric giping such as long island and margaritas iced teas. Instead, glue to lighter options like old fashion and mojitos. Prefers to catch a brewski? Go for MichelOb ultra or a light of the Lager Yuengling - they are two of theBest beers for weight loss So, they will do the least damage to your size. Oh, and do not forget to avoid everything these food debases eat - it's a rule we will not see.


Fear fat

Weight loss rules

In healthy foods of the 90, healthy gains saw fat as the main enemy of their size. The popular belief at the time was that eating fat would make you big. But we have traveled a long way from the days when reduced fat cookies were considered food for health. In fact, today, diet experts can not have enough things: "fat, fat and biggest eat it!" Advise Smith. "It is brilliant for the health of the brain and skin, it is anti-inflammatory and stimulates satiety and combines weight loss. Things like walnuts, nut butter, seeds, lawyers, oils Healthy and fatty fish are really satisfactory, then you will feel less hungry. And take less calories after eating them. Make sure you include them in your daily diet. "And speaking of fish, discover the best bets for your health and your belly in our exclusive reportAll popular fish classified for nutritional benefits!!


Only eat a salad

Weight loss rules

Remember to order a salad is always a healthy choice? Reflect again! Some salads can not only be fully consisting of carbohydrates - without being able to remain healthy protein or healthy fats - assuming that these lettuce bowls are the incarnation of good health is not good either. Many catering salads are secretly diet bombs that can detonize your progress from their flat belly; Take a look at our exclusive report,The worst restaurant salads of America. Some of these dishes can climb 1,500 calories, 1,300 mg sodium, 80 grams of sugar and nearly 100 grams of fat! When you sleep, you may be better to stick with a small hamburger and overwhelm your fries for a side salad.


You have to exercise - a lot

Weight loss rules

You have probably heard the timeless board diet - eat less, and move more - but that does not mean you have to resolve an excessive amount. Of course, studies show that moderate intensity exercise is good for yourhealth, but more than 50 studies have contributed to conclusions that exercise may not be the best way tolosing weight. In addition to the fact that the exercise can undermineweightlossIn doing so successful, it can also create a false hope that you can continue to give you as long as you have created a calorie deficit. Think about it in this way: a woman of 180 bikes that bike to a moderate effort for 30 minutes only burns only about 285 calories. All this work would be quite canceled by a single frosted chocolate donut of Dunkin Donuts. In addition, sometimes life goes down the way and you do not have time to work one day. Thus, as long as you have a healthy and balanced diet to return to-rather than working so that you can continue to treat yourself, exercise does not necessarily be the only way to lose weight.


Make sure to measure

Control of portions is one of the weight loss words in Buzz, but that does not mean you have to carry cups to measure when you come out to eat. When your diet method is rigid and unshakeable, you can make your plan more difficult to stay more difficult to stay as if you stay constantly. Rather, simple tips like investment in smaller cups and plates can facilitate the fight against the size of the portions by forcing you to adapt to your plate - without you having no need to pull a balance and of the calculator at each meal.


You must adhere to a diet

Weight loss rules

Whether paleo, integer30, Atkins or whatever the current ADF plan, do not hesitate to try it - but do not make your be-all-end-all. Focus on a healthy and balanced variety of food and stick to good portions rather than adhere to a vehemence structured plan that appears to appear as if there was no place for a mistake. You can also try rule 80-20 (N ° 18 of our30 weight loss tips better than counting calories): Simply eat 80% of the time and save 20% to flex. In this way, you will not feel guilty or stressed if you like a slice of cake at the birthday party of your niece. Just try keeping the bar up on your indulgences. For example, design a homemade dessert with quality ingredients instead of buying packaged and treated treatment.


The "zero calorie" drinks are a just game

Weight loss rules
Eat this, not that!

Sorry, diet-soda lovers. But keep feeding your desire to make treats, this is not your weight loss path. In reality, you may save you calories and grams of sugar, but continuing from satier your sweet tooth will keep your dependence on business, which would more likely make your willingness to engage in a treat. In addition, studies have shown that artificial sweeteners can damage yourintestinal health, which can also buffer your chances for the success of weight loss. Instead, try sipping on selectzer, water detox, coffee or green tea.


Do not eat at night

Woman looking in refrigerator late at night

The myth you "should not eat after 8" was rebutted a long time ago: Studies have found that your metabolism burns calories at a constant rate at all hours of the day. The reason of other studies connect end-of-night eaters with weight gain is not because they do not burn these calories; This is because these nocturnal owls are more likely to take care of eating or choosing unhealthy foods. Eat before the bed is not necessarily a diet no-no. In fact, going to bed with a rumbling tummy can really hurt your minor efforts by preventing you from falling asleep or wake up at mid-sleep. On the other hand, eat one of thebest foods before going to bed Can help you drift into dream land.


Allow you a cheat day

Weight loss rules

The first thing is the first: the day cheat (s) is different from cheating meals. And the old weekend nuts as a reward to stick to your diet during the week - is never a good idea. Studies have even shown that the Folition of the Weekend is just as bad for your composition of your intestine - a factor that controls everything in your mood for weight loss - like a municipal diet-food throughout the week! Instead, try to keep you with a healthy lifestyle rounded and with meal cheating (or 20% of the 80s-20), read these20 cheat tips to achieve weight loss.


Replace meat with vegetables

Weight loss rules

Research has shown that a vegetarian regime is one of the most effective weight loss regimes and other studies have linked the lifestyle with a risk of cancer, diabetes and longer life. Although this may be the case, the cutting meat entirely of your diet is not always the best option. Meat is one of the most practical and efficient sources of protein to help you build and maintain lean muscle shops, increasing calories and torch fat. The question lies in the choice of meat that many Americans have consumed hot dogs, fast food burgers and frozen chicken nuggets - and what they eat little to no vegetables. Instead of leaving the protein on your plate, go with sources of fat dynamic, such as grease-based beef, wild salmon or organic chicken, stick to a part of 3 ounces, and make sure you make sure to associate them with a portion of vegetables.


Stick to unprocessed foods

Weight loss rules

The word "treaty" certainly has a negative connotation because it brings to the mind of scientifically handled foods such as Oreos and Doritos. But all the "treated" foods are not as bad as you think - some are evenApproved Nutritionist! In reality, food processing is along a diversified spectrum: unprocessed foods (ie vegetables), minimal processing food (meat or yogurt), processed ingredients (sugar, oil or vinegar), Processed foods (cheese, hardened meats (ie pickles) and ultra-transformed foods (cheese chips, chicken nuggets and shop bought).

Although you can think better of staying completely out of store products (and we certainly recommend that these ultra-transformed Frankenfoods), there are too transformed and processed foods that have immeasurable fat burning powers, Like Greek yogurt, saerkraut, whole grain bread and peanut butter. And do not possibly translate "avoid unprocessed food" to your vegetables. Although you can (and should) eat raw vegetables, all foods are not the best wines. In fact, many studies have found that some cooking methods - heating, boiling or microwaves work best for certain foods when it comes to extracting their unique nutrients.


Rely on labels

Weight loss rules

Yes, please clean nutrition labels and list of ingredients to avoid additives and fattening ingredients. But do not count on the marketing of a business of their product. They can claim a food is "without fat", but that does not mean it's healthy; Manufacturers often replace ingredients with sugar, artificial sweeteners or sodium to compensate for lost flavor.

Always check the nutrition label on packaging and watching Sneaky service sizes - Many companies will provide nutritional information for a smaller part than the average person eats or even what packaging predicts you eat (think : a twin Pop Pack Pack that only provide information for a single pastry).

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