Woman decides to give an answer to the answer to the man who took her to be alone in an empty street

Women have always been considered an easy target and a vulnerable part of society. That night, the Polyana was late when she saw a figure the following. Washington

Women have always been considered an easy target and a vulnerable part of society. That night, the Polyana was late when she saw a figure the following. Everything was normal? Did she imagine things or was she being followed? She tried to act normally but the man came too close to her to ignore. She decided to confront him when he started becoming too clumsy. What happened next was not expected by man.

The dramatic evening

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It was quite late in the evening and it was dark but nothing different from his daily routine. She was used to going out at this time of the day. It was a long day and she was waiting for her taxi to arrive. It was terribly for a long time but it was waiting for it.

Just a glittering light

Today could have been a usual day but standing here on the edge of the road, she felt something weird. She was ever scared but there was something unusual about tonight. The road she had fallen was dark with just a glittering light coming through the street lamp that made it more unpleasant.

In the dark

Image result for streetlight and darknessThere are many incidents around us all the time around us. Sometimes we notice, sometimes we do not do it. But what we do not miss to be missed is the fact that darkness gives people with bad intentions. Women, children and the elderly are those who should be more cautious while walking in the dark. Polyana was in the dark, all alone and it could be an easy target.

Anxiety increase

It now owed more and more uncomfortable. Had his premonitions led the right track? Was there anything wrong thing about happening? Although she was standing right in front of her apartment, she did not feel comfortable. Would he have been better if she would come back inside and will stay there until his arrival?

Driving in the dark

Image result for leading into darknessIt was not cold so she wore her daily evening outfit, shorts and culture. She had a personality to impress. She felt confident and beautiful belonging only the series of events to take place. Polyana was already a little irritated by the delay of the cabin

A shadow approached

It was quite late and only a small number of people crossed the road to their destinations, but the polyana could easily distinguish a shadow moving slowly towards her. She did her best to ignore and make sure that a conversation was the last thing she needed at this point of the night but that the shadow continued to move to her and was suddenly too close to ignore.

A strange meeting

He did not seem like a passerby. It was obvious that he was getting closer to her. Despite his nonchalance, he was not ready to move on. First, she thought he was trying to hit him, but quickly realized that he had a different purpose to follow her.

The strange disciple

As soon as he was pretty close to touch, she turned around and looked at him. It was a despicable setting. He wore dirty clothes and was stinky. She was not willing to have a conversation but looked into her eyes to make sure he does not take it to be nervous or frightened.

On guard

Image result for polyana vianaShe knew he was at the height of mischievous and would create trouble for her as well as himself. She looked at him firmly as if he said to get out, but he was not a mood to back down. She sat on the tarmac next to the road and he was sitting next to her. She planted her feet wide to give her an advantage if she has to get up and react.

Sit next to her

She sat down slowly and waited for her cabin, asking why the HA car has not yet arrived. She decided not to look at him, she thought we could help a conversation. She is sitting there lost in her thoughts when abroad posed an abnormal question with the least inquisition. She was not interested in answering either but gave a vague answer without looking at her phone.

A sneaky question

Image result for a mugger on the streetPolyana knew he was not interested in the answer she gave, but she did not know why she asked her this question. She guessed that he wanted his phone to be out and that she did exactly the opposite. She moved to keep her phone away from the man and kept it in her belt.

What time is it?

Image result for a dark questionHe asked him, "What is the time?" When he saw, I saw him, he was sitting next to me, "said Polya." He asked me the time, I said and I saw that he was not going go. So, I have already moved to put my mobile phone in my belt. And then he said, "Give me the phone."


She was shocked shell but again did not show her. The questions bombed the spirit. What should she do? Should she raise a cry or just stay still? As she had planned to move, he told her something that made her heart skip a beat. She went straight feet and could not move. She took the time to gather.


The man guessed that she was about to do something and said, "Do not react. I'm armed." He then put his hand on his weapon under his shirt. For any woman, it would be the most terrifying scenario but the polyana was different. When she looked at her mouth running her hand on her weapon, she doubted it was a fake. The next move has been decided.

The bold loop

"I realized it was too sweet. He was close to me. So I thought it's a firearm, he will not have time to draw it. "So I got up." Polyana got up and was near the predator, she was ready for a better introduction. And if she was wrong? And if the weapon was real? Now that she had risen, there was no turning.

Compromised security

Had she just compromised his security? She gets up in anger could trigger the man and he could do something unexpected. Does a mobile phone valid this risk? Should not she throw the phone and run away before he can react. She could lose her phone but was it not better than risking her life?

He took only one second

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Everything happened in a second. She gets up to do what might be her next move to her move in her hands towards what could be a deadly weapon. Most of the women decide to flee their life leaving behind all that man with a concealed deadly weapon asked, but the Polyana Viana was different and what was about to happen was sure of the thief himself.


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Before we can get out of this weapon, Polya had landed two jabs and a kick and he was here and there. She then held it in a bare strangulation. The tables were turned. She sat at the same place as before and held her tight. "Now we will wait for the police," she said. The man was in a serious pain and was confused about what had just happened. One person could have told him. Polyana Viana.

A weapon itself

Polyana Viana now kept the culprit tight and she did it with her naked hands. The man could have had the most murderer weapon but he stood nowhere in front of the confident Polyana. It instead of crying with help or let it fly it in misery deciding to fight and she was a weapon itself. Nobody could have seen him coming, not to mention the Mugger who thought it was an easy kill.

Chose the bad girl

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Unfortunately for the villain, he decided to take exactly the bad girl. It could look like a quite short 110 LB harmless girl, Polya is a UFC star. Yes, you read it properly. The girl he tried to ruin is a professionally trained multiform fighter. It was not only his courage and his determination to fight who won this fight, but also his desire to resist was supported by years of training as a ring fighter.

A blind supposition

She could have been a professional fighter but she could only decide on retaliation when she thought the weapon she was afraid was a duplicate. Although even though the weapon would have been real, the circumstances would not have been different. His belief was a replica made her more sure of the attack. Later, he was found that he was wearing a false cardboard shot.

Do not play the victim

All women do not have the courage that Polya has shown that night. She gave an example for a lot like her who goes mute when a crisis like this is. Polyana does not believe in playing the victim. She believes that if we can not fight for themselves, there is no point in calling me tortured or victim victim. What she did was show that women are not vulnerable and can fight stronger than anyone can imagine.

An ideal answer

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You can not be at the end of the reception each time. Not every time a woman will face the consequences designed for her by the bad guys. Sometimes she has to remedy her. Polyana decided to do it exactly this way. She was not afraid to take the lead with the Mugger and what she did was an ideal answer to anyone who thought they are there to suffer.

A second thought

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It was not as if she did not think most women would do. She was also responsible for emotions. His mind asked him to travel too, but she decided to work against her. She knew she would escape, she did not care, but she was also aware that if she was heading, it would give her her satisfaction and confidence. You do not always fight in the ring.

Know the risks

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Clairière had always known that this wandering late in the night has risks. Usually she did not want to be out of the house at this time of the day, but she was comforted because she was just outside her building and close enough for the security guard to see her. She does not see the threat to come.

The bad presumption

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His presumption she was quite close to the doors and that the security people would not be aware of anything in vain when this man who was now in his crawlled and threatened. The road was so dark that the guard was out of sight and there was no one using it. Not that clear needed someone.


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The laying still Mugger has been on the ground with clearing the striking in a lock. She could see the horror in her eyes. He knew he messed up with the bad woman. He still has not been able to absorb the blows he had received and questioned that he could be even better. He trembled and opened his mouth to pronounce these words.

Let me go!

He said, "Please let me go. I had asked you time ". I say, "We asked for time, my favorite friend! He could see how she was and after this anger, he failed to pronounce a word. There was still thinking that she would soon call the police and put it back to them. Nothing was going in this direction. He spoke again.

Call the cops!

This time he asked him to call the cops. He was afraid of what she was going to do with him and wanted the cops to come as soon as possible. Clairière remained calm and did not pay attention to what he said. But the cops had to be called.

Stay calm

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Clairière then asked for a passerby to call the police and handed over to them. It was then that she came to know that he had been recently released for another crime. Guess, he had a few more days to go through the prison. Throughout the incident, she kept calm, especially because the thief did not react after these puncturing punches.

A similar experience

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It was not the first time that clearing had to deal with such a debacle. A back long she had to face a similar situation, as she told how two men approached a motorcycle and what happened was another little of what happened today.

In digital inferiority

What happened in his hometown Belem and again for a smartphone. One of the two men follow it on the motorcycle loaded with her while the other remained. This time, she was afraid she tells, "This time, I was afraid. I do not know if it was because there were two of them ". He tried to tear off the phone from his hand, but she was reluctant.

A SAME Old Clairière

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"He tried to take it with my hand, I struck him in his face, and he was afraid. She continued to talk about the meeting. "He broke my umbrella and tried to take my phone," she said about the incident earlier. "I say I'm not going to give him. He tried to take it with my hand, I struck him in his face, and he was afraid ".

Prepared for the second round

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The Belem incident was the first and his approach could have been a little reckless, but she did what she thought just and do not give up the wicked. This incident at his hometown gave him an experience that held to her until tonight in Rio. She was prepared for nothing like that coming his way.

He is 2-0

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So, after what clearing did the robes in Belem and now Rio, he is two for the fight and for zeros crooks. Clairière has always been able to fight, whether in the ring or outside, she will take his opponent with the same confidence. Inside the ring, we love the fight against skills and outdoors, it is getting big bad people.

A quiet meal

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What clearing did after the delivery of the mugger to the cops was something cool in itself. She got back home, a prepared meal and had a peaceful dinner. She felt there was nothing too serious. A mugger tried to fly, she showed her place and came back to his. She did not leave this event hindering her routine. She was ready for her training the next day.

Nothing serious

The next day, in his training, she said, her hands a little bad. Would have been because of the punches she threw to the thief last night, but there was nothing seriously. It has been used to hurt in the ring and this time this pain gave it a very different level of confidence.


Dana White, the president of the UFC tweeted a broken face photo of the abuser and said that the choice Mugger Clairière was indeed a bad idea and everyone at the UFC and apart from his happiness for the courage she had shown in the fight against the bad guys. I suppose she made a name for herself and not only in the octagon.

Sending a message

Polyana after the incident ensured that every woman as she knows how to fight for her. Not only thieves, muggers and bad guys, but also against the taboos of society and decide what is good for them. His story sends a message that women are not vulnerable and will not accept their destiny by men. It has become a symbol of women's empowerment around the world.

Positive until the end

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Polyana itself does not seem negativity on the world around it. In addition, she is pleased that what happened with her and the way she faced this will help other women take the training of martial arts to protect them at any time. This will lead to a safer place for women.

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