How the government closure could wreak havoc on national flights and parks

This could end up having serious consequences for your travel plans.

The news of a potential government closure made the headlines and publications on social networks recently. You may not be too concerned about the possibility if you are not a federal employee, but there could also be major impacts for you. The simple fact of looking at past closings clearly shows that there can be potential Travelers' repercussions . Read the rest to discover exactly how a government closure could wreak havoc on national flights and parks.

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The United States is moving towards a government closure.

Library of Congress
Sean Pavone / Shutterstock

The White House is preparing for a closure while the members of the Congress are at an impasse concerning the next bill for federal financing. Current Expenditure laws expire September 30 at the end of the government's exercise, The Washington Post reported. Failure to comply with an agreement on the budget next year before this deadline will result in government closure.

Officials now believe that this is likely to happen because the republicans of the house have left the city without a Viable negotiation plan And are not expected before September 26 - leaving only five days to resolve the current establishment, reported the Associated Press. Consequently, the president Joe Biden The Management and Budget Office (OMB) is already preparing to advise federal agencies to examine and update their arrest plans, according to the media.

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Millions of federal employees will cease to receive pay checks accordingly.

Man in suit handing a paycheck to someone

If a closure occurs, the government cannot spend money. This means that millions of federal employees Stop receiving payroll checks ,, The Washington Post explain. Hundreds of thousands of workers will be sent home unpaid, while other people deemed essential will be forced to continue working without salary.

The last closure of the government occurred during the former president Donald Trump The administration of the end of 2018 in early 2019, while Trump and the Democrats of the Chamber were fighting on his Border Wall project. It lasted 34 days, which also made it the longest closure in the history of the United States, by The Washington Post . AE0FCC31AE342FD3A1346EBB1F342FCB

This could wreak havoc on future flights.

Travelers with suitcases walking through the airport

White House press secretary Karine Jean-Pierre already said the Imminent stop could lead to "significant" delays for travelers, said CBS News. In fact, this record stop only ended after travel delays began to strike the big airports on the east coast.

As USA today explained, a closure will not be Assign your travel plans Initially, because air controllers, security inspectors, security guards and customs officials have been exempt in previous stop plans and should continue to work unpaid as essential workers.

But in 2019, the controllers of the Federal Aviation Administration (FAA) and the transportation agents Security Administration (TSA) finally began not to appear at work after about two weeks without salary. This caused disarray on plane trips, while long lines began to accumulate the security checkpoints and the flights could not take off. Shortly after, the Congress finally agreed to finance the legislation, according to U Her today .

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This can also have an impact on national parks.

A sign for Yellowstone National Park
Shutterstock / Dgrilla

If you intend to visit a national park, it's not just a plane trip you need to worry about. Some national parks closed entirely during the 2019 closure, USA today reported. The parks that remained open were left without staff to maintain them, and many have fallen in poor condition with accumulating waste and the overflowing toilets.

"It is not good for government staff, public lands and waters or Americans who want to visit these places in September when time improves a little", " Jessica Turner , president of the outdoor leisure table, recently said Bloomberg government .

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