It's the age when men are most likely to cheat

Older guys are more likely to stop.

As for the cheating, you may think that men would be most likely to do it at the beginning of the twenties, when they are to their most virile and they have all kinds of crazy hormones bouncing. Indeed, pop culture abounds with movies and television programs on Horny College guys, desperately sex with as many women as possible, whether or not a girlfriend.

But, according to science, these are older men who have a greater tendency to deviate. According toData from the recent General Social Survey (GSS), 20% of men and 13% of women reported having sex with a person other than their spouse while married, and although women seem to be the most likely to cheat at the beginning of the twenties, the risk of Infidelity of a man increases with age.

AFascinating study 2014 This examined the activity of people on Ashley Madison found that men were more likely to seek an extramarital affair if they were about to hit a great jewel birthday, like 50 or 60.

But if we had to boil up to a specific number, it would be 55 years old. According to a study by the University of New Hampshire, it is at that time that men reach "maximum infidelity". Sinceso why men cheat, according to scienceIt has to do with the feeling that their masculinity is threatened, it would be logical that it would be the age to which they are most likely to commit adultery. When a man is composed of fifty-five years, he is standing on the point of view of his great years. He could see him as his last opportunity to "go out in greener pastures" before he is officially on the hill.

To see how things are held with the other sex, check ageWhen women are more likely to cheat. And for more information on when expecting some body milestones, readThese are the 20 most important ages of your life.

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Categories: Relationships
Tags: Cheating / Marriage
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