Why this comforting story of a hero is viral on Twitter

"I will never be mad at him to bark - always."

Last Saturday was #NationalPuppyDay, which means that social media have been gloriously flooded with puppy proud puppy positions wishing to celebrate the daily wonder that is dogs.

But while many stories have had a lot of well-deserved attention, there was a twitter thread on a very good boy named Hank who specially has viral to remind people of what hero dogs are really.

"The very big work of timber filled with gasoline, painting and God knows what else was flaming. The oaks were on fire. The firmed leaves and the embers were blowing everywhere," he wrote .

He woke his family, called 911 and got everyone like the "neighbor's shed went up as a torch". They managed to wake up the neighbor and get it out safely, just as firefighters arrived.

The fire crew must work as the fire spreading at the back of the house. "One minute or two more, and it was gone," he wrote. "Instead, everyone is safe and we still have a house. It's black and crisp on one side, but it's totally intact."

And everything is thanks to this puppy.

In addition to being inspiring, history is also a great reminded dog owners that even if your dog is subject to excessive barking, you should never reject their frenetic bark as they might very well be a warning than Very bad thing happens. After all, the entire reason for a dog to be is to protect his humans and Hank is in no way the only canine hero there.

Last December,A 3-year-old deaf collie, 3 years old named precious Wake up her owner in the middle of the night and managed to guide her and other dogs at security, while the house climbed flames and even managed to save a rubble kitten. Last June, a six-month puppy namedTodd went viral to take a bite in the face While protecting his owner from a rattles. In July,Frida the marine spare dog got his own statue as a tribute to his incredible abilityFind people in the rubble of earthquakes. And last month, everyone fell in love with Flo the border glued after aThe video of her burrow through an avalanche to save a trapped mountain went viral.

And if these stories revive your love of dogs, you will definitely want to see these50 dogs so ugly they are actually cute.

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Categories: Culture
Tags: Pets
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