30 choice of makeup make you look older

Some modifications to your routine will shave your look.

If you will not get out the door before putting your makeup, you are not alone. Beauty is now aIndustry of $ 445 billion, with $ 62 billion in the sales transactions of cosmetic products that take place in the United States only each year. In fact, according to a report ofSkintetoreThe average American woman will spend more than $ 200,000 during her life on cosmetics.

However, whileresearch suggests that makeup can actually affect the opinions of others, including by strengthening the perceived skill of a person in the workplace, many makeup manufacturers make major errors in applying these cosmetic products that can cost them In the long run, adding years to their faces with each brush. So, before spending more than your hard-won money onmakeup products that simply do not workDiscover the common makeup errors that make you look older.

Use Shimmer on your eyes

makeup mistakes

While a little chahute on the eyelid can feel like a good idea, if you are concerned about the addition of years to your face, this is a non-GO. "Cylinder eye shadow in the fold and on the bone Front Mature eyes will accentuate wrinkles," says Stephanie Jones, a certified beautician and owner ofPuff In Beacon, New York.

So, what is the alternative? "Instead, try using a matte shadow in the fold and a small chahull on the smaller part of the eyelid to make them appear and look brighter", suggests Jones.

Apply your blush too high on your cheekbones

makeup mistakes

Although you often intend that the highlighting of your cheekbones with a small color can accentuate your bone structure, put your blush too high can actually add years to your face.

"Sweeping bands to blush all the way from Cheekbone on the temple is a sure way to show your age. Instead, try typing cream blush on the cheeks and blend with a brush or a brush or Fingertips on cheekbones. This will bring natural heat to appearance, which is flattering at all ages, "says Jones.

Use a eyeliner on your lower lid

makeup mistakes

Raccoon eyes may have been a success in the early 2000s, but the lower lining is not a good choice by today's standards, especially if you are afraid to look more elderly. "Skip", says Jones. "The lower lining pulls the eyes down and looks hard. Instead, keep the eyeliner on the top cover so that the eyes appear overfruped and more open."

However, if you can not imagine only the lining of the upper part of your eye, there is a way to get your solution without getting worse. "If the lower lining is a must, apply it with a soft hand and softens with a brush or a fingertip", suggests Jones.

Discovery of your eyebrows

makeup mistakes

There is no denying that the days of thin pencil eyebrows came and that full and lush eyebrows are in. That said, adding too much pencil to your eyebrows can give you the opposite of youth,Brooke ShieldsEffect at the same time you may have targeted.

"It is certain that agreeing to use a eyebrow pencil, but it must be applied correctly," says Jones. "Avoid drawing two lines in the form of eyebrows because it is a very obsolete look. Instead, use a sharpened eyebrow pencil to light the haircuts slightly on the natural shape of the front to fill In sparse areas and blame gray or white follicles. "And if you fear to exceed it with a pencil product, there are other options:" Powder and a flat angle brush could also be used, "says Jones . "Finish getting brushing with a clean spoolie brush."

Do not moisturize your lips

makeup mistakes

A surprising way you give your age? Do not take care of your lips before applying lip products. The good news? Keeping a moisturizing lip balm on site can help you get the flawless canvas you wanted. "When the lips are dry, they look dehydrated, wrinkled and deflated. The dry lips could also crack and flakes, which does not seem beautiful at any age," says Jones.

His recommendation? "A daily lip balm illuminates instantly brighten, smooth, soften and lips plump to a trash of pout."

Use a bold eye-liner

bold eyeliner makeup mistakes

Although you can imagine that bold liners can brighten your eyes and make you look younger, they could actually attract adverse attention to the aging of the skin.

"Whether worn on the top or down, the bold lining is not the best choice for mature eyes. As we get older, our eyes will start falling and riding, causing the lining to go on the Coat and uneven, "says Jones. The solution?" A macular of eye-liner in the eyelash line will always define the eyes without the audacity of a solid line. "

Apply a dark lipstick

makeup mistakes

The color of the right bold lip can polish any look, but rely on dark lipstick can make your mouth less pout than you want.
"Dark lipstick is definitely a great way to experiment with colors, but it takes a lot of preparing to wear it. The darker color, the longer the lips will also appear. This will also draw attention to the aging of The skin around the mouth area, "says Jones. If you want a color pop, it recommends using a Berry palette instead.

Beach of your foundation

makeup mistakes

Although you can move on to the foundation and another intense makeup to conceal some of these fine lines and fine lines, it can actually have the opposite effect, highlighting them when you make cake on your products. "When the skin begins to show signs of aging, our first instinct is to cover it. However, less is more about a young complend," says Jones.

"Avoid accumulating cover layers because they will eventually settle in lines and start diving and watching cooked. Instead, apply a small amount of full coverage foundation where need and mix. It will make The appearance of fresh and natural skin. "

Avoid lip lining

makeup mistakes

Although many people have negative associations with over-lined lips, choosing a lip in a hue that fits your lips can help define your mouth and keep your makeup in place.

"Mature lips tend to have faded edges, causing a lipstick on inequalities. It might seem out of balance and even a little neglected, because it will quickly travel outside the shape of the mouth," says Jones. "For a clean application, first, use a lip pencil in the shade of your natural tone, not the color of lipstick and even the shape of the lip edge. Use the pencil to fill all The mouth, then apply the lipstick on top. "

Stick to a single corrector

makeup mistakes

Do you think this correct corrector will work for each part of your face? Still think. Different areas of your skin have different shades, which means that a cache will simply cut it. "It is important to have a corrector that corresponds to the tone of the skin to cover sun spots and imperfections. However, high vascular areas and dark circles may need a little more TLC with designers of Color correction. Green tones will cancel redness caused by vascular lesions and rosacea and orange tones will cancel the circles of dark eyes, "says Jones.

Above all, make sure that you put these products and do not try to use your corrector instead of the foundation. "Use sparingly, and only if necessary. Mix well!"

Using a heavy hand

makeup mistakes

Although your instinct can use more products to accentuate your features as you get older, you make a bad service when you do it. "Heavy makeup can make younger faces look more mature," says Shreeeda Tailor Cosmetologist, owner ofJ. Tailor Salon in Houston. And if that's not enough to convince you to walk lightly to walk lightly when it comes to your makeup, consider this: according to research published inPlos aThe faces with light makeup were considered more attractive than those with intense makeup.

Apply shimmering on textured skin

makeup mistakes

It's not just shimmery eye shadows that you should avoid all the case when you try to avoid making you look older. If you use a Shimmery Foundation, you only do the folds in your more apparent skin. "The female on textured skin can pronounce wrinkles and fine lines," says Tailor.

Do not curl your eyelashes

makeup mistakes

While eyelash curlers can look like modern torture devices, when it comes to keeping a young look, they are essential. Curling that your eyelashes can help make your eyes look wider while decreasing the appearance of hood that can occur later in life. Just make sure to buckle your eyelashes before applying mascara, or you will climb them together.

Avoid red lipstick

makeup mistakes

While many people believe that red lipstick is only for the youngest faces, if you evoke in favor of the naked tones, you could prepare you to look older. If you want to look younger, choose a real red and the line of your lips before applying it. Red lipstick can increase the contrast of the face, what search published inPlos a suggests as a way to reduce the appearance of age.

Jump the moisturizer

makeup mistakes

Although many people fear that hydratement before applying makeup, that their products slide, the opposite is often true. The hydrated skin often maintains makeup better than dry skin and do not hydrate the hydratement before applying the foundation can cause a product offset in your fine lines, which makes them more apparent.

Use a highlighter under your eyebrow bone

makeup mistakes

The Ultra-Profiled Face Assessment has made many people wishing to add highlighter to their makeup routine, but if you add under your eyebrows, you could make your face look more. Highlighting the bone from below can actually make your forehead and lid look closer to each other, while weighing your upper eyelid look. Instead, if you want to define the area, slightly draw the underside of your forehead with steering in the place.

Try too many trends at a time

makeup mistakes

Can he be fun to play with makeup trends at any age? Sure! However, it is important to show discernment when it comes to those you use and if you use multiple trends at a glance. Although they may seem great on themselves, trends like a profiled face, Smoky, and more lined naked lips, when combined, can not only your face overwhelming, they can also draw attention to aging attention Cutaneous.

Stick to the same appearance for years

makeup mistakes

Whether you have kept the same hairstyle for decades or you can not part with your favorite perfume, everyone gets stuck in the style of the ruts from time to time. If this is the case with your makeup, however, you could make you look older than your chronological age.

"Take a few minutes to really look at you to see if the shape of your eye has changed, your skin has become drier, or maybe your natural line of lips maybe softened. It may be necessary for different now to help maintain a pretty polished makeup and skin care. You may need lip lip lip now, but never before. You could start soften your eyeliner now, when a solid black liquid lining seemed good when you were younger. You may need a CIL primer now, but in the past the mascara alone was very good, "says the artist Mindy Green Makeup, founder of the mobile beauty salonMg beauty.

Using blue shadows

makeup mistakes

Not far from blue eye shadow and no one gets hurt. Unfortunately, these cobalt and violet shades you can favor might be a bad service in the long run. "Purple- and blue-toned eyeshadow can bring out dark circles under the eyes and make you look older," says Tailor.

Using anticterns too yellow

makeup mistakes

While those who are invested in the correction color can tell you that yellow anti-circlers can help cover the purple reflections in your skin, go too yellow with your products could do more harm than good. The skin tends to sallower with age, and tonic yellow products can attract extra attention to this change of aging skin, make you look older and make your skin out of color too.

Go heavy on your outline

makeup mistakes

The Kardashian may have turned into a billions of dollars, but if you try to look at your age (or less), it may not be your best bet. As your face is getting older, you lose some of the fat deposits that have kept your skin full and young. And since the goal of contouring is to make the zones hollow of the face aspect more withdrawn, it can get you getting along the way.

The application of thick eyeliner

makeup mistakes

Wishing to do your eyes look larger and less wrinkled? Pass the big thick shots of Eye-Liner. "Heavy Eye-Liner can bring out the tired eyes," says Tailor. Even worse, if you are not adequately macularing, the coating can get caught in wrinkles in your skin under the eyes, making them more important and make you look more like Alice Cooper than a presentable professional.

Forget the spf

makeup mistakes

If you are not using a solar screen on a daily basis (and in your products), you ask for more wrinkles and sun spots to emerge. "It's not good at any age to skip sunscreen, but as you get older, you are more sensitive to old-age stains and discoloration," says Green. "Wearing a sunscreen will help you protect yourself from aging and burning rays of the sun and your skin Hyperpigmentation development. »

No mixture your foundation

makeup mistakes

The base point is to make your skin beautiful and natural. Unfortunately, if you skip the mixing step, all this makes your skin is old. For best results, start your foundation in the center of your face and mix the outside with a foundation brush or a mixing sponge. This keeps the product rather thick for cover defects, but quite thin to avoid installing in fine lines.

The application of the adjustment powder too

makeup mistakes

Although the powder may have been once your fire when it came to the configuration of your makeup, apply with such a heavy hand when you are a certain age can make you look older. Powder can not only watch agglomerated when applied on liquid foundation, it can also increase the likelihood of others your products will stand up in your wrinkles, draw attention to them.

Using the Clumpy mascara

makeup mistakes

Long, the defined eyelashes are always in style. What is not? Blumbly, spider eyes. Stuck eyelashes can draw attention to wrinkles around your eyes in a moment. The solution? If you find that your eyelashes blinks together, use a cresy comb to separate them.

Using a complete coverage foundation

makeup mistakes

As you might be eager to opt for full coverage products you get older, a basic Sheerer formula will actually serve you better.

"As your skin becomes more mature, the heavy composition on your face will highlight the lines. Use pure formulas such as tinted moisturizers, liquid foundations and even BB / CC creams. These provide some color , and in some cases you can build the coverage if necessary. They also provide more moisture and sometimes evenAnti-aging ingredients. As an alternative, you can tap cashmers or stick base, just where you need more coverage, "says Green.

Do not use a facial

makeup mistakes

These sephora primers may seem little more than snake oil, promising major results, but in reality they are indispensable - especially for the skin of aging. "Today's primers can handle skin concerns such as drought, huzzics and large pores. An initiation will give you a smoother surface to apply your foundation background and help it stay to settle down In fine lines, "says Green. "Some primers even have a technology to help spread the appearance of the lines".

On-application of tanning

makeup mistakes

There is a world of difference between a sunny glow and a face that looks like what it has been plunged into the mud. If you use too much tan, all you do is draw attention to the wrinkles of your skin. Tanning on the outline can also make your face more hollow, which exacerbates signs of aging.

Rely on the powder blush and shadow

Pink Blush, wardrobe

While powdered formulas were able to be stalwarts in your previous years, paste to the powder to blush and the shadow as you have aged could make you look older than you are. "If your skin gets drier, you could benefit from extra moisture in a cream blush. A shadow of the cream may seem softer and more natural on your lids during your old woman," says Green. "More brands introduce these products and some shadow brands of the cream have a good stay of power and doubles as a shadow start."

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Tags: Grooming / skincare
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