How 15 famous men overcame their deepest insecurities

"No one is a captain without an extraordinary experience of experience behind them."

On the surface, some guys seem to live a perfect and polished life. They are dragged bygoddess, have bigger savings accounts than the king of Siam and seem around to have everythingjust work. But yes, even these movie stars, athlete champion and the industry's titans have insecurities they have worked on defeat. Whatsoever howPeter Dinklage Feelings manipulated on its size or stepsAlec Baldwin Took to answer his anger problems, here are 15 men from all over the world who looked at their insecurities in the eyes and conquered them. And more for great stars inspiration, learnHow 50 leading men define success.

Justin Timberlake surmounted paralyzing shyness

Justin Timberlake, insecurities
Shutterstock / Denis Makarenko

"I was very shy like a child but when I discovered that I could play and have the attention of people that everything changed for me," Timberlakesay itGuardian. "My mother likes to joke until I was eight or nine years old, I knew what my sneakers looked like because I constantly marked my head. But suddenly, the scene had made sense And that's what made me feel and that's what made me out of my shell and a monster was created. It was how it came naturally and it was fun. Even as a child , I would find the only person whose attention I did not have and that I would make a challenge of this person. It has become a challenge. "For more JT, here'sHow he absolutely nailed his marriage proposal.

Ashton Kutcher ceased smoking

Ashton Kutcher, insecurities

"I abandoned smoking, I never gave up the consumption of drinking. But it's hard to smoke and swim at the same time," Kutchersay itGuardian. "You would arrive at the edge of the pool and all you want to be a cigarette when all you really want is oxygen. So I exchanged smoke for oxygen. I read a book by an author named Alan Carr, calledThe easy way to stop smoking. "You should also checkThe Ferrari Kutcher Cool Cool bought for himself.

Tom Hanks put her feelings of doubt in perspective

Tom hanks, insecurities

The winner of the OSCAR twice spoke about the way he worked on feelings of intense self throughout his career and the preparation of roles on men in extreme danger (Save Private Ryan, Apollo 13, Sully) helped him put his worries in perspective and overcome them.

"No one is a captain of a cargo ship without an extraordinary experience of experience behind them, and this brand of terror or loss of your own self-confidence, looks, it's something that everyone goes to a given moment, "said Hanks in ainterview withNPR. "My life has never been in danger once, but the artistic creative process of one is always based on your ability to fight these doubts of yourself, and you have to move forward. ... and you can not not sweat too much the possibility that you make a bad mistake. "

Peter Dinklage stopped letting his physicality reach him

Peter Dinklage, flaws
Shutterstock / FeatureFlash Photo

TheGame Of Thrones Star had to overcome the doubts of oneself on itself and its size. "When I was younger, definitely, I leave [my size] look for me. As adolescent, I was bitter and angry and I definitely put these walls"he saidToday. "But the more you get, you realize that you just have to have a sense of humor. You just know it's not your problem. It's theirs. "

Andrew Garfield found out points of sale for his feelings

Andrew Garfield, insecurities

"I have always been sensitive and I had difficulty holding my feelings and I have always looked for points of sale for that, because otherwise these feelings come out chaotic that are not always superb", A-T -He declared inMaintenancemagazine. "So I think I was looking for the beginning of my conscious life for a constructive way of working through my feelings, and I found it."

Howie Mandel understood how to live with OCD

Howie Mandel, flaws

The host of the comedian and the game suffers from an obsessive compulsive disorder and a mordant fear of germs. "If I'm triggered and I get some kind of strange thinking in my head that can not go, so my day is stopped. My life stops,"He told ABC News. "I once missed an appointment because I left my house, I locked the door. And then I thought, like anyone else, you know, I do not think I'm not thinking I locked the door. I just turned to the door. And I could not help but check and check: "

Although he's still suffering from OCD, he learned to manage him by going to therapy and finding bypass solutions in his daily life (like not having laces on his shoes).

Dwayne Johnson conquered feelings of sadness

Dwayne Johnson, The Rock, flaws

The rock would not seem to be a guy who has a lot to feel unhappy, but he has spoken openly from his battle with depression. "I have noticed that with depression, one of the most important things you could achieve is that you are not alone," he revealed to theDaily mail."You are not the first to pass through that, you're not going to be the last to get through that and you feel like you're alone and you feel that it's just you and you're in your bubble. You just have to remember that the fundamental quality of faith. Have faith and on the other side of your pain is something good. "Now,Read about the football coach who has changed the life of Johnson.

Alec Baldwin fought and beat his anger

Alec Baldwin, insecurities

Donald Trump's actor and impersonator have a short temperament, which has surfaced in a famous way a few times, including in his furious voice mail for his 11-year-old daughter. "It's thrown into your face every day," Baldwinexplained at Hello America. "There are people who admirted me or attack me and use that like a constant spearhead to do that." But confronting his anger and simply to let the time running his career, he worked through it, Baldwinsaid, "You have to let it go. Enough time - I mean, it cures the wounds."

Orlando Bloom learned to work with his learning disbelief

Orland Bloom, celebrities hooking up with average people, flaws

Thethe Lord of the Rings andPirates of the Caribbean The star has come to act partly as a way to work through its dyslexia. "I was sometimes an angry and angry child," bloomingsaid during an event For the Mindilt Mind Institute, describing the difficulties of growing with alearning disabilities. "Somewhere in me, I knew I was intelligent, but I was really in trouble ... my creative point of sale, powerful - that was what made me pass." And speaking of flowering: here isWhy he's a perfect gentleman.

Howard Stern learned to cope with his OCD

Howard Stern, insecurities

Stern wrote in his briefMiss America On how one of his greatest insecurities was facing his obsessive compulsive disorder. "The rituals were my distraction," he wrote. "When I was in college and nervous at the idea of ​​entering the world of broadcasting and making a living, the pressure was huge. ... As a defense mechanism, my brain had set up a Labyrinth elaborated rituals who prevented me from confronting my fear. " He described the question of overcome it through a combination of an "exhibition" to its transcendental thought and meditation process.

Matthew McConaughey has mastered how to explain the feat in his life

Matthew McConaughey, insecurities
Shutterstock / Pan Photo Agency

"Instead of denying these fears, tell them, tell the fort, admit them, give them the credit they deserve," the winner of the OSCARSaid during a speech from early 2015. "Do not get all the macho and act as they are not big, and are not paralyzed by ning that they exist and give up your need to overcome them. I mean, I would subscribe to the belief that we are all intended to have to do the thing we are concerned about it as anyway. So you give your credit to your obstacles and that you will do it. Find the courage to overcome them or to see clearly that they are not really worth the trouble to be widespread. Have brave, have brave. When you are stronger, more conscious, and more respectful of yourself and you are afraid. "And be sure to read onThe one who combat Matthew McConaughey could not come back from.

Chris Rock came to the different research of everyone

Chris Rock, insecurities

The comic and the director had to overcome the insecurities that had just been one of the only black children of a white school. "We lived in the stuy bed, one of the world's most famous ghettos", rockSaid during an interviewwith congratulationsInside the actor studio."My mother and mother wanted me to return to a better school, so I was boiled in this poor white quarter ... I was the only black boy in my class for most of the time. I was a Little guy too, a meager runt [and a group of boys regularly] knocks my ass, spit in my face and struck me on the stairs ... [it] The moment of the definition of my m ' did who I am ... Put the most successful men and the women of the world in a room and ask them to put my hands to see who were intimidated. Most of them! "

ELON MUSC Figured Her Place In The Universe

Elon Musk, insecurities

"I was about 12 or 15 years old ... I had an existential crisis and I read various books to try to understand the meaning of life and what does it mean all? ... I readHitchhipers Galaxy GuideAnd he pointed out an important point that many times the question is more difficult than the answer, "Muskdescribed during a discussionat the Museum of the History of the Computer. "And if you can correctly correct the question, the answer is the easy part. To the extent that we can better understand the universe, we can better know what questions to ask. So whatever the question that gets closer: meaning of life? This is the question we can finally get closer to understanding. And so I thought of the extent that we can broaden the scope and extent of consciousness and knowledge, it would be a good thing. "Now ELON must just conquerworking conditions in its factory.

Brian Chesky has grown at ease with external responsibility

The co-founder of Airbnb talked about his initial discomfort with the management of a business, fearing what people thought of him. "When you start for the first time people who run people, it may be a little uncomfortable - you may feel that you are hated, maybe you are mean, you could be reluctant on decision making or reluctant to give comments, "Chesky said theNew York Times. "But I removed all the reluctance whenever a crisis occurred and made a unilateral decision to be direct. And when I started doing that, I realized that people get develop this, and that's so much more useful for people. "

Roger Federer read the control of his attitude

Roger Federer, insecurities

"That I could keep such a long period of victories, that's what I was famous for not doing," he described at theAustralian weekend. "I was famous for not being consistent. In this regard, my attitude towards the game and how everything changed, I am very proud that I was able to work on my weaknesses, make them almost strong. I'm just very proud of my mental and physical abilities that I was able to unlock the key and make the most of my potential. "And we stole some ofFederer training secrets to see you here.

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