These are your biggest weaknesses, according to your zodiac signs

Nobody is perfect - we all have our faults, and it's our work as good human beings to discover and work on them to make us better members of society. Here is the Achilles heel of each sign and the less positive features that you can monitor and try to work every day.

Nobody is perfect - we all have our faults, and it's our work as good human beings to discover and work on them to make us better members of society. Here is the Achilles heel of each sign and the less positive features that you can monitor and try to work every day.

Your weakness lies in a warm temperament, shots and saying things that you do not want to say. Think before talking, Aries! Try to refrain from saying things you do not have anger. Instead, manage things diplomatically, not all the flashing.

You have to work on yourself sorry for yourself and be self-indulgent. Snap out of Taurus! It's good to withdraw for a day, but you have to damage. Do not flee more than that - people care about you and you should be receptive for that, and the possibility of reconciliation

Your fault is stubbornly disputed at the end - your analytical skills here are not a plus, but they are tedious and boring. It sometimes seems that you have never heard of the phrase "agree to disagree". Instead of having reason all the time, why do not you take the Smarttie pants factor in a notch and let it just be from time to time.

Your gap is too emotional! And most of them go back to your mother, strangely enough. Do your mother the epicenter of your life ruin - or do not you hate it and you have a quarrel of life, a little too attached. You focus too much on the validation - be an adult and take the reins on your own life.

The desperate need for attention could be your fall, Leo! You fall too easily for flattery and attention. This could blur your vision of red flags in relationships and other situations where you could be used. Do you know the trouble - you do not need someone else to validate or make you jealous to understand how much you are worth.

Being a control freak is your weakness. You are a little knock, and it can sometimes go to your life. You need things to be organized alphabetically or alphabetically, and your day will be ruined if this is not the case. As "frozen" said, let it go, let it gooo.

The biggest balance fault is their indecision and tendency to bury emotions. Do not we hate all that person when we're going to eat in a group? You stress too much on the little things too! Suddenly, it's 23 hours and you still have not decided to eat or what to order. Just like a menu, life is full of choice and you have to clean what you want!
And if you hide your emotions after the 5th ", you are ok"?, Then explode, it's not the fault of your friends, it's up to you not to express!

Here, your fault lies in a bit of Brat - you have trouble hearing the word "no" of anyone and to accept your own mistakes. It is only the syndrome of children to an end. If something you want is refused, you will continue to try tirelessly until you get a yes, and if you do not do it, it gets out even more. To be rejected is not the worst thing to cope - we all have to face, so learn to handle this reality graciously, M'Jay?

Saggie, you have to be careful to invest too easily in a way of thinking, which prevents you from your comfort zone too much and prevents you from living all the things you could and deserve. Stop having in your own way and open in a world of experiences.

Capricorn, your weakness takes great way, when you do not need. We know you do not believe in short cuts, but do things hard do not always pay! You need to focus on the importance of some R & R, go to a yoga retreat in the woods, devote a full day to Netflix and cool. Realize that relaxation and myself is just as worthy of being prioritized, and you can always be disinterested 5 days a week!

The weakness of the Aquarius is rooted to be incoherent and disconnect as a defense mechanism. Aquarius, you dispatch yourself-brain you! You have everywhere on the square. You start a million projects, but finish none. And are quite unconscious of all this. And when things get foggy, you tend to disconnect yourself in confusion rather than reach out to those who know you and you better.

This sign must cool cooling to keep it a little too emo. You are constantly living memories that hurt you and love guys with flickering fringes that write emotional songs and feel sorry for themselves, but you should mix it! Concentrate on the positive and try to date or hang with someone with a more joyful energy - maybe a yoga teacher or a person who works with children!

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