The 50 best foods for your brain

Keep your mind in the best shape with this delicious list.

YouEat for your heart. YouEat for your muscles. Devil, you are probably evenEat for your private parts. But why do not you probably eat the most important part of all? That's right: your Noggin.

Today, day and age, everyone could use a little help to stay alive and be more productive. That's why we compiled the fifty best foods - snacks to your favorite meat cup - which will increase your memory, improve your motor skills and even help to beat the depression. So, if you are ready to become a better multite, take note: these are the best cerebral foods.


brain foods

Dark or leafy greens contain high levels of folate and vitamin B12, which can protect the brain from dementia. The researchers of the universities of Tufts and Boston observed subjects in the famousFramingham Heart Study And found that those with high levels of homocysteine ​​had almost doubled the risk of developing Alzheimer's disease. High homocysteine ​​is associated with low levels of folate and vitamins B6 and B12, leaders researchers to speculate that other vitamins B can be protections and therefore presents the perfect example of "cerebral food". Bonus: Spinach are one ofFoods that keep you young forever.


foods for brain over 40 raisins

These dried fruits are loaded with the boron element.USDA researchers found that subjects taking at least 3.2 milligrams of Boron a day played better at 10% on attention and memory tests. (Apples and walnuts also pacred.) Eating more raisins is also a great way toKeep your blood pressure.


turkey food for your brain

This chicken contains amino acid tyrosine, which has been demonstrated to help the brain maintain dopamine levels, a significant neurotransmitter in memory.American military researchers found that the soldiers worked better on a multitasking andMemory test When they have consumed food rich in tyrosine an hour earlier.


Blueberries, great food for your brain

Dark fruits and vegetables, especially blueberries, strawberries and spinach, are raised in antioxidants. Antioxidants, in turn, provide some of the best cerebral foods. In search on rats atHuman Nutrition Research Center of the USDA on the aging of the University of TuftsJames Joseph, Ph.D., found that the blue extract of old blueberry rats had improved short-term memory and motor. And, for recording, if you have more than 45 years,youabsoutely Need more blueberries in your diet.


Almost great food for your brain

These nuts are rich in vitamin E. ANational Institutes of Health Study I found that the antioxidant properties of vitamin E reduce the deterioration of the brain you get older. Only 2 ounces of almonds contain your recommended daily consumption of E.


tuna, great food for your brain

The best types are cold water fish such as salmon, halibut, tuna and mackerel. They contain more omega-3 fatty acids, which play an important role in brain function. These fish become their omega-3 by eating algae, other fish and plankton that lives in cold water. Research published in theIntegrative medicine research Journal also found that omega-3 fatty acids contained in some oily fish can reduce the symptoms of depression and therefore provide an excellent source of cerebral food.


eggs great food for your brain

They are one of the richest sources of choline, a nutrient that canimprove the memory. Research published in theAmerican Journal of Clinical Nutrition Show students who received 3 or 4 grams of choline 1 hour before taking memory tests marked higher than those who did not take choline.


coffee food for your brain

In a study,British researchers found that consuming the equivalent of the caffeine of 1 cup ofCoffee Improved attention and problem-solving skills.


Oatmeal, great food for your brain

Researchers from the University of Toronto Recently determined that eating carbohydrate foods such as oatmeal equals glucose, a.k.a. blood glucose, injected into your brain. According to the study, the higher the glucose concentration in your blood, better your memory and yourconcentration.


Beef, food for your brain

Swiss researchersdiscovered only three differentbreakfast High carbohydrate, high protein and two-protein balance helped men better mark on a computer memory test (similar to the Simon electronic game). "Short-term memory can be better after a protein-rich meal because the food increases your amino acid tyrosine and phenylalanine levels," says Karina Fischer, Ph.D., the main author of the study.


breast cancer prevention, walnuts, controlling cravings

Nuts are known for their brain-strengthening powers and countless studies on their advantages. One, in particular, published in theNutrition log, found that they are particularly good for maintaining cerebral health during your life thanks to a handful of different nutrients, omega-3 fatty acids to fiber and vitamin E. In brief: amazing cerebral food.


vegetarian diet brocolli

You may have hated broccoli like a child, but learn to love him as an adult willIs your brain good. Green veggie-whichalways looks like mini-trees, regardless of your age, contains lutein, a plant pigment that has2016 study said is linked to "crystallized intelligence". And it's just as cool that it sounds: it essentially allows older adults to continue using the skills and knowledge gained in their lives.



Guacamole is not only delicious - it is also stuffed with monounsaturated fats, fibers and lutein that can improve cognitive health, says a2017 study. According to the authors of the study, the participants who have eaten a feelawyer Every day has seen a significant improvement in their memory and problem-solving skills. And who will say no to a lawyer a day?

Dark chocolate

Dark chocolate, food over 40, brain foods, controlling cravings

Yes, it's the excuse ofeat chocolate You're waiting. If you nibbled the dark varieties, a2013 study You have found you to take flavonoids that help preserve your cerebral power, leaving your risk of developing conditions such as Alzheimer.


lentils food over 40

Not only the lenses are packed with herbal proteins, but they also have a weak folate offer, which is incredibly important to keep your pointed brain as you get older, says theMedical Center at the University of Maryland. (And yep-if it seems familiar, it's the same thingPregnant ladies Take vitamin-form as folic acid so that their babies have no birth defects.)


Roasted beets

You like beets or you hate them, but you can not deny their advantages anyway. A study conducted byWake Forest University Found nitrates in vegetables enhance mental performance by increasing blood flow into the brain.


breast cancer prevention, turmeric

Turmeric has been used for thousands of years for good reason. It does not only have a latte of milk very delicious and healthy! -Golden, but the yellow spice is also known for its ability to reduce inflammation and relieve the symptoms of Alzheimer's disease, says a2018 study by UCLA.



If you massage it for a salad or mix it in a smoothie,Kale is a guardian. Nutrient dense foods were built as a booster of the brain for years, but a recent study published in theFrontiers to aging neuroscience Journal found by making a regular staple in your diet can help with the slow-related cognitive cognitive decrease.



It probably does not seem like a green stick watered can have this big problem of aImpact on your brain. But a study published in theNutrition log Luteoline found key celery compounds can reduce age-related inflammation, helping to prevent memory problems.


Vegetarian diet swiss chard, first heart attack

Chard - You know, these leaves with stems that are all colors of the rainbow - are packed with Betalys, aliases soluble plant pigments in the water and constitute the best cerebral food. Pigments give not only the vegetables of its bright colors, but according to a2001 studyThey also protect the brain cells from neuro-generating diseases such as Alzheimer's disease.


strawberries tom brady diet

Do not only devour strawberries in summer, eat them all year round. A 2012 study published in theAnnals of neurology found older participants who have eaten juicy berries on the regularCognitive aging delayed up to 2.5 years. And as the study was 121,700 people, there is enough evidence to buy strawberry statistics.


kimchi, best brain foods

Fermented foods are not just perfect for your intestine - they also have a lot of advantages in brain boosting. Since the brain and the intestine have a narrow connection, the probiotics of Kimchi - a traditional Korean clooking dish were found, according toNational University of Pusan, to promote brain health and even help fight against anxiety and depression.



If you are not a strawberry fan, do not worry: eating blackberries, which are also packed with flavonoids, were found, according to a study published in theAnnals of neurology, to help delay cognitive aging, making sure youKeep your brain healthy in your 70s and beyond.



Everyone knows that the Crunchy Veggie helps the eyes, but it also has an impact on the brain. A 2010 study published in theNutrition log I found that the composed lutoline could help reduce inflammation in the brain, help your memory stay strong over the years.

Sun-flower seeds

sunflower seeds, best brain foods

You do not need to be a professional baseball player to collapse sunflower seeds, just a person looking for powerful cerebral foods. Full of vitamin E, the little guys were found, according to aSwiss study, to help keep your brain healthy, thus preventing cognitive decline and improve your memory.


peanuts, best brain foods

Of course, the lenses are large, but the peanuts are also packaged with folate. Eat a handful of the non-salt version like a lunch pick-up or start your day with peanut butter toast to harvest the benefits, improved memory and processing speed tofight against depression, says a study published in theFASEB JOURNAL.



It is rare to hear that someone raves their love of cabbage, but the underestimated cerebral food deserves a place in your grocery cart more often. A 2012 study published in theAmerican Journal of Clinical Nutrition I found that it is packed with the antioxidants of lutein and zeaxanthin, which protect the brain from the cognitive decline related to age and free radical attacks.


pickle jar

Like Kimchi, cornichons-yep, these delicious dills in your refrigerator - are also in the category of fermented foods. Usually low in calories and packed with probiotics, cracking some marinated foods because it can have aPositive influence on your brain health, says a 2014 study published byHARVARD MEDICAL SCHOOL and MASSACHUSETTS General Hospital.

Olive oil

bread and olive oil, Brunello Cucinelli

The next time you prepare vegetables, sprinkle on a small olive oil. A recent study published in theAnnals of clinical and translational neurology Found, it can protect your memory and learning ability, as well as prevent the formation of amyloid-beta plates and neurofibrillary entanglements, which lead toAlzheimer.



Another rich folate food is the asparagus and you can harvest major benefits to eat it: a study published by theUniversity of California at the Los Angeles School of Medicine High levels of vitamin can protect cognition in the elderly, help them better perform on cognitive function tests.

Red wine

wine health benefits

Yep-you can evenDrink your path to a more powerful brain. There have been several studies on the quality of the quality of red wine for your Noggin: one, published in theGirona newspapers, found the resveratrol in each glass can help protect the neurons of the brain, which slows the aging process. And another, reported byNature, those who had only one drink a day had a risk of mental decline reduced by 23% than those who did not do it.


gingko, best brain foods

If you have seen colorful bays fishing that are around the sidewalk which, so much, we happen absolutely horrible (some say that it is similar to the coca of dogs and / or to vomit - and honestly, they are right ), there is a good chance that it's Ginkgo tree. Also called "brain herb", Ginkgo was used to treat dementia thanks to his ability to improve blood flow in the brain, says theMedical Center at the University of Maryland.

Brussels sprouts

brussel sprouts, breast cancer prevention

Cabbage is not the only cruciferic vegetable of the city rich in lutein and zeaxanthine. Thank you for taking all these antioxidants, a study published in theAmerican Journal of Clinical Nutrition Found Brussels SORIIES can also help your brain fight all the bad guys who try to affect his cognitive health, which helped you keep your loud memory as you get older.

The dandelion leaves

dandelion greens, best brain foods

With one of the highest quantities of lutein, it is right behind the Kale and the spinach-dandelit greens are worth added to your plate. A 2015 study published byMedical Center of Rush University I found eating leafy green can help slowly reduce cognitive decline, keeping your brain net.


sage best brain foods

Sprinkling a little sage on your food can actually give your brain a reflection power. A study published byMurdoch University have found those who have taken extracts from the green spice before the cognitive tests really made better than those who did not do it.

Pumpkin seeds

pumpkin seeds stay sharp

Zinc and cerebral power go hand in hand and pumpkin seeds simply if many. The metal is known for its ability to support memory function,Help with ADHDand even keep your brain healthy as you get older, says a study of theItalian national research centers on aging. Considering his pumpkin season, there is no better time to get your solution, even if you have to make party sculptures to do it.


acai bowl laird Hamilton

Açaí does not care to know if you know how to pronounce it or not; He will always help your brain anyway. The tropical fruit - it has become #instafamous thank you for being a bigsmoothie ingredient Bol-has high antioxidant levels that could help protect against Alzheimer's disease, explains a2013 study.

Green tea

breast cancer prevention

Start your day withteawill do much more than just annoy you. A study published in theAmerican Journal of Clinical Nutrition I looked at the effect of green tea on the brain and found that alcohol consumption was associated with a lower prevalence of cognitive impairment. Even more interesting? Study authors say that the results could also explain why dementia is rarer in some parts of the world where green tea is the most popular - like Japan opposed to Europe and North America.

Red grape

Grapes, healthy food

The advantages of Red Wine brain brain are all thanks to grapes packed antioxidants, and that's exactly why you have to collapse on the source. A study published in theExperimental gerontology Journal has found grapes twice a day is not just ideal for anyone with memory-related problems, but they can also help improve your attention capacity.


yellow pepper, look younger

That you love them hot or not, the peppers areideal for the brain. Like celery, veggie contains luteolin, which was found, according to a study published in theNutrition log, to reduce inflammation as you get older and helps keep your brief to check.

The water

brain foods

Ok, Ok-Water might not be "food", in itself. But it's certainly cerebral food. A2013 study By the University of Westminster has found dehydrated, even a little, can have a huge impact on brain performance. Drink: This is the easiest way to improve your cerebral function and make sure your mind remains strong.


brain foods

There has never been a better time to add the thyme to your diet. A2015 study Found the grass contains apigenin, a substance that helps improve the formation of neurons in the brain.

Chia seeds

brain foods

Chia seeds could be small, but they are safe. Jam-packed with omega-3s, throwing some in your smoothie every morning can help your brain work properly, says theMedical Center at the University of Maryland.

Chamomile tea

brain foods

A cup of tea from the relaxing chamomile can make your brain of good. A study published in theAdvances in regenerative biology Journal found that it contains a substance that can treat everything, from the depression to Alzheimer's disease, keeping your brain pleasant and strong.

Sweet corn

brain foods

Obviously, Sweetcorn is a must, but a2016 study I found that it is in fact one of the best cerebral foods because it can help slow or prevent cognitive decline through the lutein it contains.


Parsley, brain foods

Another herb to add to your indispensable list is parsley. Of course, it is usually used for the garnish - but a study published in theAdvances in regenerative biology Journal has found the addition of your dishes also to reinforce the connections between brain cells.


flaxseed food over 40, brain foods

Linen has been eaten for its many benefits for thousands of years, but in particular, is huge for the brain. Because the grease seed seeds are full of healthy fats, they help not only boost memory and performance, but also important for behavioral function, indicates theMedical Center at the University of Maryland.

Goji berries

brain foods

These small red berries have everything. Full of antioxidants, the Superfood has not only been found to improve digestion and general well-being, asmall study By FreeLife International also found that they can have a positive effect on brain activity.


brain foods

A bay you should add in your diet more often? Raspberries. Because they are full of flavonoids, you can count on them to help you give your brain a little extra power. A 2012 study published in theAnnals of neurology Found, they can help even help delay cognitive aging.


stay sharp cherry tomatoes, brain foods

Maybe you love them cool, or maybe you like them as ketchup-form-but anyway, lutein in the tomatoes has been found to help keep the brainstrong as you get older, says a 2016 study by theUniversity of Illinois Urbana-Champaign.

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