The secret to raise healthy children

Tip: This is one of the oldest family traditions of the book.

If you look virtually a US Sitcom from 1950 to 1995, many most alive conversations occur when the family is forced to be together at the table table. Far from being just a television, dinner as a family was really once the cornerstone of American society. But now these days diminish.

According toto a 2016 survey on American parents, conducted by Toluna, an inquiry company based in Dallas, Texas, 47% of parents say they share less meals with their families than when they grow up, and 43% of parents say they have less than family meal that done five years ago. Part of the reason is probably the fact that the divorce rate is much higher than it was in theLet the beaver leaves Days, and another is probably the fact that people are busier nowadays. But even those who find the time to break bread together every night, 57% said that the "quality period" is disturbed by the presence of technology, higher statistics between millennia than non-millennia.

While some mom bloggers believe that the death of family dinner is not a big deal, aRecent study of the University of Montreal would ask to differ. The study, published Thursday in theDevelopment and Behavioral Pediatric JournalAsked a group of children born in Quebec between 1997 and 1998 and determined that children who regularly consume dinner with their families grow to healthier physically healthy adults.

While similar studies, with similar conclusions, were conducted in the past, Professor of Pyschêduction and the co-author of the author of Linda Paganisays that"In the past, the researchers were not clear on if the families who eaten together were simply healthier to start. And measuring the frequency at which families eat together and how children are doing at that time may not seize the complexity of the environmental experience. "

As such, the researchers began to observe the children when they would only have 5 months as part of the Quebec longitudinal study of the development of the child. At age 6, their parents started to report to which frequency they ate a family dinner and, at 10 years, reported their physical and emotional well-being.

"We have decided to look at the long-term influence of meal sharing as a family entrepreneurial of early childhood in a sample of children born the same year and that we have followed regularly as they grew up. Use of A birth cohort, this study examines potential associations between the quality of the environment of the 6-year family meal experience and the well-being of the child at 10, "said Pagani.

"Because we have had a lot of information about children before the age of 6, such as their temperament and cognitive abilities, their mother of their mother and their psychological characteristics, as well as the configuration of the previous family and the Functioning, we have been able to eliminate the pre-existing conditions of children or families that can launch a different light on our results, "said the student's student of the University of Montreal," said Marie-Josée Harbec. "It was really Ideal as a situation. "

Their conclusions indicated that the 10-year-olds who had regularly dinner with their families since the age of 6 have drunk less soda, were more healthy, had better social skills and were less rebellious or aggressive.

"The presence of parents during meals probably provides young children with first-hand social interaction, discussions on social issues and daily concerns and daily learning of prosocial interactions in a familiar and emotional security framework. L experience of positive forms of communication can probably help the child engage in better communication skills with people outside the family unit. Our conclusions suggest that family meals are not just markers of the quality of The domestic environment, but are also easy targets for parents' education about improving the well-being of children, "said Pagani.

Their results are in line with our studies on the correlation between family dinners and behavior. In 2012,The National Center for Addiction and Addictionstudied thousands of American adolescents and found that those who had regularly eaten dinner with their parents as a family were 1.5 times more likely to have good relations with their mother and father, and therefore 4 times less likely To have smoked weeds, half likely to have had alcohol and 2.5 times less likely to have smoked cigarettes.

Sure,Other studies have indicated is that,To raise a well-fitting human being, which is important is to make sure you spend quality time with your child, either at breakfast, dinner or to play outside. If you are inspired to sit your loved ones from this holiday season, here's 5 ways to make much more awesome family dinner .

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