20 ways you stop being more conscious without realizing

On the quest for equilibrium, you are your worst enemy.

We could all stay more interesting. Focus on self-enrichment and life in the present can make you healthier, richer and wise. But when it really goes well, well,being More conscious, there is an unshakable obstacle: you.

Throughout the day, countless actions, subconscious actions appear as tiny roadblocks. Maybe this is the place where you have fun, or the music you listen in the shower, even the shower. Each of these actions - and more, which we gathered here - can get out of the moment and pulling yourself in the thought of the wound, stressed and mounted on anxiety. So read and learn to be in the moment. And to learn more ways that you pull yourself in the knee, brush yourself on the20 errors that only compose your stress.

You have too much meditation.

Man Meditating Mindfulness

Yes, really, taking the first step on the path of full atmosphere can free you in the wrong direction. According to a study inPlos a, people who meditate for hours at a while are found with poisoned obsessive thoughts. Your best bet is to start small with a few minutes a day and build your tolerance at your guise. And if you want to get the most out of this time, dare on the10 ways to better focus during meditation.

You objectify your thoughts.

Woman Thinking Mindfulness

According to the research of the association for psychological science, Western crops, in particular tend to treat thoughts and feelings as if they are physical objects. (They are not.) By viewing a negative thinking like a physical object, for example, the idea is that you can force it to prevent positive thinking. (You can not.) Instead, the best solution is to think about your thoughts holisticly. Over time, you will methodically become a more interesting and positive thinker in every way.

You walk in the wrong place. (Head on the woods.)

Couple Walking in Woods Mindfulness

Everyone is well aware of the myriad of benefits of walking; a few thousand marches a day can do everything fromIncrease your energy Tohelp you live wholeyears longer. But, according to research in theBritish newspaper of sports medicineYou will only reap better advantages of mindfulness by browsing a green space, loaded with trees. Sorry, city dwellers. And if you are looking for a big pair of shoes to walk, well,We have the perfect pair for you.

You are multitasking.

Man Multitasking Mindfulness

AsSharon Salzberg, the co-founder of theInsight Meditation Societywritten inTrue happiness at work: meditations of accomplishment, success and peaceThe multitasking individual can never actually reach the transcendence - at the time of the multitasking moment, at least. By addressing many things at once, Salzberg explains, it is impossible to live fully in the moment. (You may also earn up to 50% more errors that you focus on a single task.) So look at List your article at a time. And if you feel like you if you need your exit doubts because of this "unitasking", you do not need to worry: just download one of theThe best desktop backgrounds to optimize your productivity.

You check your phone too often.

Woman Looking at Phone Mindfulness

You check your phone a power80 TIMES Per day, according to the research of the Asurion technology company. Couple that, with well-documented effects, smartphones addiction has on your health - sleep deprivation, due to increased blue light at strengthened life levels in a permanent way - and you have a recipe safe for the decrease of mindfulness. For tips on disconnection, master the11 easy ways to conquer your dependence on your smartphone.

You do not use your greatest resource.

brain fm

Although your phone can be a serious roadblock on the path of mindfulness, it can also be an excellent asset. There is a real armada of full perception applications on Google Play and iTunes and, although many can be superimposed, some are quite efficient. Depending on the research of Wesleyan University, some brain concentration applications, such asBrain.fm, can reduce the "spectra of neuronal oscillations ... in the Alpha band". Or, to put it in clear English: it will prevent your thoughts from wandering without purposeabove all When you try to focus.

You do not eat well.

Woman Eating Mindfulness

The real consciousness can be linked to each part of your life, including and above all, if you take people toThe center of conscious eating-Your diet. By developing a strong awareness of the moment you are hungry and when you are full (a conscious practice of consciousness), for example and that eating only on these feelings, you can, by TCME, eradicate the habit of eating emotional eating .

You do not embrace your feelings.

Sad Woman Mindfulness

If you are sad, do not try to repair it. Just put a good idea and plunge into your emotions.This-A opposite to do anything in your power to be happy, a common belief - is the M.O. Behind full consciousness. According to the research of the University of Utah, people who practice this method have more stable emotional trends than those that do not do it.

You have set everything.

Man on Commute Mindfulness

As anyone has a crude trajectory or a worldly job can attest, it is natural to slide into the autopilot. But, according toJeff Brantley, MDthe author ofCalm your angry spiritThis can happen to anyone, at any time - no matter how hectic and "different", day-to-day or hour ", your life is. Be the beware, and take the tourist sites and sounds of all around you, wherever you go.

You do not listen to good music.

Man Listening to Music Mindfulness

Music can do wonders for you. Just listening to melodies defined on 145 beats per minute, for example, you are instantlyreplace the signals of your brain for fatigue and stay energized longer. But if you want to listen to music for mindfulness, classic is the way forward. Researchers at the University of Ruhr Bochum found that classical music lowered the heart rate of the participants and calm more silence than silence. (For what it's worth it, listen to Abba had a negligible effect-which means you do not have the time of your life, after all.)

You will have lunch at your desk.

Eating Lunch at Desk Mindfulness

Stop the work of all the Seux Dete - AU AUGNIT, GIVING, POMODORO METHOD, where you work hard for 25 minutes, then break for 5 or 10 and repeat throughout the day - help your productivity and your level of focus sharply. Lunching at your desk, you miss a spirit of spirit of Freebie Miday.

You do not sleep enough.

Woman Sleeping Mindfulness

According to the National Sleep Foundation, if you do not get the recommended amount of Shuteye every night, you will have a hard time focusing and keeping your mind on the track the next day. The doctors of all disciplines suggest that you get at least 7 hours of quality, non-nightlife. If you need help to hit this reference, check out the10 genius tips to fall asleep in the middle of the night.

You slip into the past.

Man Thinking Mindfulness

If you are considering things that have already arrived - a bad break, a lost job opportunity, then you are not interesting. Whenever you catch yourself, do this, make a conscious effort to stop you.

Or you focus on the future.

Woman Thinking Mindfulness

Similarly, if you are considering things thatstrength Arriving - A date that could be canceled or an interview you could bomb - you are not conscious either. Once again: mindfulness is to be in the present.

You do not exist.

Man Stretching Mindfulness

The stretches can improve the blood flow and keep your muscles flexible, to be sure, but it is also a mandatory practice on the road to mind: it can improve "postural awareness" and calm your breathing - and your mind. In fact, it is so effective that the Office of Health Services at the University of California, Berkeley,Conscious Stretch Guide at the Faculty.

You stand too much.

Woman Taking a Bath Mindfulness

Be quite clear, we do not recommend younot shower. We recommend that, each time, maybe once a week or two - you are taking a bath instead of a shower. Hot water and longer soaking will help you appease to toe, inside and out.

You go directly to bed.

Man Lying in Bed Mindfulness

The bedtime is an opportunity to think about your day - what happened well, which went wrong, what you will change tomorrow. In housing immediately, you miss a key opportunity for an interesting thought of quality.

You dream only at night.

Woman Daydreaming Mindfulness

For any person with residual fears mentally supervising through conferences, reverie is bad. But, although it is, by definition, the wandering of the mind - generally something experts of mindfulness exhort to avoid - a study inNeuropsychology Suggests that reverie is the sign of an intellectually "effective" "effective" brain.Yes you are able to grant and go out on a cent, that is to say.

You do not practice.

Couple Meditating Mindfulness

Now you do not need to spend 10,000 hours, but full consciousnessis A skill, which means, like any other competence, it requires time and effort. So do not forget to practice. And if you need help to implement, dare on the40 easy ways to develop habits after 40.

You spend too much time online.

Man on Laptop Mindfulness

Do you close this article and get you already!

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