Feeling tired? A new study simply says watching coffee will wake you up

How does this image feel?

It's not secret that coffee urges vigilance, which is only one of the many reasons why Americans can not spend their morning without a cup of Joe. But you might be surprised to know that, according to a new study published in the journal.Consciousness and Cognition,simplyseeing Something that reminds us of coffee can make us feel a glow of vigilance.

Sam MaglioAssistant Marketing Professor at the Department of Management at the University of Toronto Scarborough and his colleagues analyzed four separate studies on the physiological effects of coffee and tea cues in Eastern and Western cultures.

"People often meet coffee-related signals, or think about coffee without ingesting it," Maglionoted. "We wanted to see if there was an association between coffee and the excitement so that if we simply expose people to coffee-related signals, their physiological excitement would increase, as it would actually have coffee."

As it turns out, he did it.

Researchers have discovered that people exposed to coffee-related signals apparently perceive time as shorter and thinking about more concrete and accurate terms. They call this "priming" phenomenon -When being exposed to a reminder of something has a similar effect on the brain as something. (It's a bit like how to see a 🍕 could make you understand the pizza simultaneously and get some of the dopamine effect eating pizza, or why seeA nice picture of a dog Can you feel almost as good as caressing one.)

"People who experience physiological excitement - again, in this case the result of priming and do not drink coffee itself - see the world in more specific and detailed terms," ​​Maglio said. "This has a number of implications for how people are dealing with information and make judgments and decisions."

This is a particularly interesting result given givenThe rise of the emojiIn daily communication, as it indicates that just seeing a ☕️ could make you feel more alert and attentive.

In addition, it is fascinating to note that the effect of these coffee-related signals is not as strong in oriental cultures, where the tea reigns in supreme.

"In North America, we have this image of a prototypical leader rushing to an important meeting with a triple espresso in his hand," Maglio said. "There is this link between drinking caffeine and excitement that could not exurer in other cultures."

It should also be noted that, as beneficial as coffee can be productivity, it is also a very addictive and you should try not to do it too much. According toHealth Research Fund, more than 21 million Americans drinksix or more Cups of coffee every day. Given thatDrinking more than four cups a day could lead to an overdose of caffeine And dramatically increase your risk of heart attack, it's not good news. In just as terrifying news, there is research to suggest thatCoffee can increase your risk of cancer!

So make sure you drink your JOE responsibly. And if you like your coffee without milk, you will certainly be interested in reading thatScience says drinking your coffee this way means you're more likely to be psychopath.

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Categories: Health
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