The MIT researchers are the strongest case for mindfulness in schools

"It can help children understand and crop stress."

If the thought of a classroom filled with cross-legged colleges and singing "OM" instinctively rolling your eyes, we have news for you: the main mental health professionals say that such techniques of Consciousness could actually help save their lives.

A new study published in the journalBehavioral neuroscience found that meditation sessions can have the same thingDeep Effects on Child Mental Health as they do on adults. And although the results are to be expected, they are nevertheless important because they arrive at a time when the most recent mental health statistics on young people in America seem more terrifying than ever.

A study, published in May in the newspaperJama, found that suicide rates for persons aged 10 to 19 in the United States increased by 33% between the years 1999 and 2014. and, according to a March report of theAmerican Association of Psychology, the rate of adolescents and tweens with suicidal thoughts increased by 47% from 2008 to 2017. In the same report, researchers found that there was a 52% increase in the number of adolescents who reported Symptoms compatible with major depression at the same time. Framework.

Many mental health professionals think there are no more people with mental illness these days so muchnotification this. But many experts argue that the trend is the result ofdependence on social media and othernew problems Associated with growing at the age of the smartphone. Whatever the case, it is a problem that must be addressed.

"As adults, children are sensitive to stress and distraction"Omri Kleinberger, an expert in full consciousness and the founder of the wellness companyOmeta, RecountBetter life. "In fact, children these days have access tomore stimulus than ever, above having to deal with developing emotional faculties andmitigate social pressure. "

Kleinberger says that the commitment of mindfulness can "help children understand and cropstress"And" build personal care mechanisms that will make them better aware of the different ways of responding to negative stimuli. "

For the study inBehavioral neuroscience, A MIT team has placed several sixth graders from a charter school in Boston in two separate groups for eight weeks. Some of the students took a class on the coding of the computer, while others receivedFormation of mindfulness Designed to help them focus on her breath and focus on the present. Those who have received the formation of mindfulness have reported lower levels ofstress and negative emotions compared to those who spent two months learning to code. In addition, the brain scans of full-minded students showed reduced activity in their tonsils.

"There is a lot of evidence that a too strong response from tonsygdala to negative things is associated with high stress in early childhood and the risk ofdepression," wroteJohn Gabrieli, a neuroscientist at the MIT and co-author of the study.

While new research on the subject must be made, Gabrieli believes that this new research suggests that "the formation of mindfulness would be beneficial for children as part of the daily program in their classroom", especially since This should be practiced regularly to reap the benefits.

"Full consciousness is likegoing to the gym"he said." If you go for a month, it's good, but if you stop going, the effects will not last. It is a form of mental exercise that must be maintained. And if you are looking to engage in mind, do not miss you27 amazing mental tips for when you do not want to pay for therapy.

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