30 ways the exercise stimulates your sex life

As if you needed an extra reason to look and feel your best.

You now now know the benefits of exercise. You know: better than better, feel better, live longer, play stronger. But here another: exercise will exponentially improve your performance in the bedroom. "Be active and fiance, that's what's greatsex is based on, "saysPatti Britton, a sex coach and the author ofThe Art of Sex Coaching: Expanding your practice. So, yes, maybe much is a certainty. But these 30 reasons are not. So, read Why Pass your ass to the gym several times a week will ask you to do a work of Bangmat where he counts. And if you need an extra thrust to get there, read on the11 ways of smart men motivate to go to the gym.

You will have better orgasms

Sex exercise shower

When you orgasm - and that goes for both genders, you flex on what is called thepubococcycy Muscles, located in the abdomen. "If someone has lowpubococcycy The muscles, they may have trouble producing an erection, to support an erection or become ample enough excited to have an intense orgasm, "says Britton. So, work this core. And if you want a strong core, learnThe training that will give you abs per summer.

You will be better able to enter the plate

Dream girl, sex

"Many times that people fail are sexually because they are not fit. Literally," says Britton. If you do not work and you are not fit, it does not mean that you can not be a juicy lover, but it often means that you are just not able to physically pass to through the movements. Do you whip in the form, for one thing, open the door on sex. You can refine the technique later. And if you want it to be the best you have ever had, read our11 Secrets for Blowing Orgasms.

You will be good to go to the drop of a skirt

Sex exercise anywhere

"" If you do not use it, you lose it, it's true, "said Britton. "About all aspects of our body and well-being, our cognitive thoughts, the strength of our muscles." So, it's not just a puzzle rhyme; Apply that thinking about how you live, and it will bring you a long way. And if you are looking for ways to strengthen your reader, discover it from the10 best things you can easily approach every day of the week.

You will be able to hold positions longer

Sex missionary

"The strength and toning are what we come out of a regular exercise routine," says Britton. "This translates directly by the possibility of having a better sex", the simplest of the reasons, as being able to stand in missionary longer, to more complex factors than we are going to happen that most of the between us would call fifteen minutes. And if you are looking to strengthen strength, you could do worse thanIn case of training of Chris Evans.

You will get a beautiful Endorphine Boost

Endorphins exercise sex

When you make your exercise, your body frees endorphins. As you know, endorphins produce feelings of euphoria; You will have a better global view of life. "We publish these good feelings," says Britton and bring these good feelings with us where we went, including the room. And if you are looking for better prospects, learnHow to conquer stress once and for all.

You will have a greater self-esteem

Sex exercise self esteem

Similarly, exercise stimulates self-esteem. "We have a feeling of positive esteem," says Britton. "So, if you know you have done your workout, you will feel better about yourself and on the contribution of your body in the sexual arena." And if you want to watch your best, read the10 the simplest ways of losing weight in your 40s.

You will have a deeper connection with your partner

Parenthood sex

"When we think about sex, it's the energy that flows between two people," says Britton. Feeling better on yourself and your appearance will improve your energy, letting you release a blackberry without inhibition to have the most ecstatic sex, "said Britton. Another way to promote a deep connection is by whispering sweet nodes, like these13 sexiest things you can say.

You are doing better

Exercise oral sex

Exercise pastries, knees and toes, up to arms and shoulders and neck. "Most people turn and move his head for oral," says Britton. So, that goes to the reason that if one or the other side of the neck is stiff, you risk something other than you spend the opposite.

You will have fewer cramps

Stretching lubed joints exercise

And while you are at that, you fear your neck, you should also dive everything else. Regular exercise will make you more flexible. The more flexible you are, the fewer cramps you will get. And nothing ruins a good bone session like a member or worse, your back recovery. You can start loosening byMaster the best stretching in the world.

You will have lubricating joints

"Have flexibility in the joints, in the knees in particular, is very important," says Britton. Many of her patients complain that sex is a strain on her knees, especially doggy style.

You will be able to stand it up

Sex standing up

It's about fifteen minutes, right? Costs. Now we will enter what we wanted to enter earlier (phrasing): new positions. "I worked with couples who wanted to have standing sex", explains Britton. "But standing sex takes a lot of strength and muscle tone."

In fact, you will be able to do all kinds of ways

Sex exercise positions

Britton teaches a Kama Sutra program with 36 positions. (And you thought there were only three ...) gender stand-up, however, as we mentioned, difficult to shoot, happens to be on the easiest side of things. So, if you are not in shape enough to do that one, how are you going to tackle others?

You will stay in position

Sex exercise

"Simply put sex gets strengthand Stamina, "Britton said. When it comes to sex, we generally think of endurance in terms of:How long can I last before coming? But we should also apply for things like:How long can I keep this position? OrHow long can I support preliminaries?

You will be able to take yoga movements in the bedroom

Sex exercise yoga

Speaking of flexibility and new sexual positions, you may have heard of this aerobic exercise called yoga? In addition to significantly improve your flexibility and mood (and your link with your chakras, your man ...), Yoga offers a ton of room for bedroom possibilities. For starters, read on themovements that will instantly turn your sex life.

You will enter a sex cycle

Sex exercise

During the average sex session, according to a study by the Université de Montréal, men burn about 100 calories. (For women, it's 69.) It is therefore a vigorous, erotic and super fun cycle; The sex that buried you, which makes you more attractive, which leads to more sex. Man, sisyphusreally pulled the short straw.

You will have an excuse to spend more time with her

Sex couples times with her

A study by the University of Texas found that couples who work together report more satisfactory sex. So grab your partner and can you - you can get it later. Incidentally, working as a couple is one of the50 ways to be a better man.

You will give better massages

Sex massage

Stronger grip made for a better and firmer massage. Then turn off the tube and give the massages; It will loosen you both, in all respects. Not as good to give that you can get? Make sure to read ourInfallible guide to give a massage to the spirit blowing.

You will have stronger traffic


Here is a free: exercise increases blood flow and blood flow increases, well, you know ... Wait, seriously? The increase in blood flow will make your erections more difficult and easier to obtain. And if you are curious to do more ways to increase your blood flow, discover it from the10 easy ways to reduce your blood pressure.

You will have an excuse to beat her

Exercise masturbation

If you want to work specifically on thepubococcycy Muscles, you can try exercises commonly called Kegels, such as stopping and stopping your pipests. You can also try an exercise that you have probably practiced for decades: masturbation - or, in the scientific language, "pubococcycyStrength training. "

You will last forever

Sex last forever

Most often, sex is to keep it, do not start. If you do more exercise, be it "pubococcycyTraining of the Force "or traditional aerobic exercise, you can simply last longer. When your mind is exposed to long periods of resistance training, such as those you feel in a workout, you can support mentally with more. And at the end of the day (or night, or morning or afternoon),sex is a little more than a mental game.

You will live longer

Old person sex

We all know that regular exercises lead to life longer and healthier.So, if you live to see 100This goes because you will have more years to have sex. And if you are in shape, you will always be able to keep years after your peers were stained, which makes you the stud from the retirement home.

You will have an excuse for eating more

Blueberries libido food

The more exercise you are exercising, the Hungarier you will get. With regard to the recharge of your energy after a workout, do not think it as something you need to do, think it as an opportunity. Now you eat moreFoods that supercharge your libido.

You rarely live an undesirable pain

Sex no pain

"Unless his pain granted for pleasure, the pain is very disturbing of a sexual act," says Britton. "Ouchis not an aphrodisiac. "If you are shaped and strong, sex has a lower chance to hurt yourself like cramps and Charlie horses. If, however, you manage to shoot something, like your back, read your backOur complete guide to defeat the back pain once for all. (It's as good a chance that any reminder to people: the only pain that should exist in the bedroom is between a safe and consenting adults. There is no exception.)

You will have better control

"The exercise - especially activities such as Squats - leads to better control of the sex population," says Britton. With a tonic behind, you will be able to advance things faster and longer. In addition, who does not want tutus carved? Squats are perfect for that, as they are one of theexercises that will give you an Olympian physique.

You will have more

Sex last longer

Enough exercise, and you'll just be more jacked-a.k.a., Wirest to the women you are trying to attract. If presented with a choice betweenskinny WhereDeltoids like mountains, Every person on the planet rather skip the bones of the latter. It is practice makes perfect. If big muscles are what you want, they are sure to learnHow to build muscles quickly.

Your tone will be improved

Handsome skin man

We do not realize it, but the skin is our greatest sexual organ. Exercise moves blood and oxygen through your body, which, in turn, oxygenate your skin, which will make you warmer to the touch - literally and metaphorically. Pair withThe tips of a male model for a perfect body, and you will burn billboards - or more probably, sheets-in no time.

Exercise generates better manual stimulation

Sex exercise foreplay

All that extra force and endurance will go hand in touch literally. If your arms are stronger, it will take longer to move during (yes, of course, it is essential, will come on the sample, especially when your hand is in its pants.

You will have less stress


True, in the moments after exercise, your body frees cortisol, the dreaded stress hormone ". But it is not an excuse to greet. In the long run, exercise increases the resistance to cortisol of your body. Seeing that cortisol increases stress and decreases the sexual player, cut off your life can only be a good thing. And if exercise does not quite reduce your stress, checkOur minute guide per minute to conquer a stressful day.

You will have increased testosterone

Lean, exercise more

Regular exercise, in addition to impoverish the cortisol, increases the production of testosterone of the body. Testosterone, of course, leads to all the good things we have mentioned so far, the increase in blood flow (more difficult erections), stronger muscles, finally, a greatly increased sex drive. And if you are looking for other means of your T-levels, read onThe 6 ways to stimulate them stratospherically .

You will not live anymore a sedentary lifestyle

Each person implicated even tangentially in the medical field will tell you that our collective tendency towards a sedentary lifestyle is simply bad. Eight hours (or more) a day on a chair is good for any man. "So get out of this chair," said Britton. "Unless you have sex on this chair. But it's an entirely different conversation."

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