The lady's gambit was made with a lady's wardrobe. Looks that speak for themselves

The Costume Director, as well as the director and the cast, made this series on the pedestal for many spectators.

The Costume Director, as well as the director and the cast, made this series on the pedestal for many spectators. The clothing of the main character Beth Harmon reflects not only the time in which she grows, but also her feeling of her. The suits of it evolve and change with it. But if we leave aside the philosophical nuances, Harmon's style is also a store of ideas for our cabinets. Let the game stylish!

In the first episodes, Beth Harmon is still a schoolgirl. The suits of it are totally chords with age and self-consciousness: strict dresses in dark colors, white necks and male derbis. She only changes her style: instead of a simple and cheap Beth, over time, she can afford more dresses with more interesting cuts and prints.

Beth's clothing was a bit dated, which is most clearly shown the moment when she, once in New York, learns how they live and wear her colleagues. At school, Beth feels that she is very different from other girls, and she does not fit into her company. She from there she decides to change her life, and from a new suit she begins her new life.

The paintings revealed and described the character, as if she unconsciously chose clothes that is somehow related to chess. The contrast of the cell also symbolizes the nuances of this game, it is important to be decisive and guided by clear lines.

Beth Harmon is a little chess genius a little disconnected from life and, despite this, she fell in love with beautiful clothes and spent very much the money she won in her costumes. So each episode became admiration of style and, as a metaphor, of her's achievements. Here we see the print what was a key in those times.

This unusual Look of Harmon reflects the most difficult period of her life. Usually, a strict classic style fan, here Beth is painted her eyes, recreating the chilline makeup of the famous Twiggy, and uses a bright green beret in combination with a mustard-colored high neck. The set gathers all the best of the time, and demonstrates the internal chaos of it stylish.

At the end of the series it was unusual to see Beth Harmon with such a clear suit. In the final images, Beth is seen exactly as a piece of chess - the white lady. And they often told us in the series that whites move first and almost always win.

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