15 signs that you should take your therapist

As for your sanity, do not settle for less.

With the stigma surrounding the treatment of mental health related to the minute, more Americans are looking for a therapy than ever. In fact, in a survey conducted by theAmerican Association of Psychology 48% of respondents revealed that at least one household member visited a mental health professional over the past year. When you are dealing with mental health problems, finding the right therapist can make all the difference.

However, just because a therapist is strongly recommended does not necessarily mean that they will provide good treatment to you - and in many cases, see someone who is a bad fit can do more harm than good. So, before passing another hour with a clinician who does not meet your needs, discover the signs you work with a bad therapist.

They can not remember the basic details about your life.

fire your therapist
Shuttôme / Andrey_popov

Therapists are only human and, as such, can notRemember every detail About your life, you provide them, especially if you only see them for a short time. However, if your therapist can not remember important details that relate to your therapeutic relationship - the nature of a specific trauma that you see them, the name of your partner if you mentioned, or basic information about your Family structure, for example - it's time to look for someone's new treatment.

You always want to remember.

fire your therapist

Although it can often feel clumsy or embarrassing to start disclosing the intimate details of your life to a complete stranger, which is the only way to do long-term therapy work. "A strong relationship is the most important thing as a therapist and a customer can have. The strength of the relationship will determine how comfortable customer feels to open up to the therapist and how much they feel safebe honest About situations, "saysDr. Jaime Kulaga, Ph.D., LMHC.

"The more the customer feels comfortable by opening, the better the therapist can treat [them]," she says. "So, if you do not feel comfortable opening up to a therapist, it's time to look for one that you can be open and honest with."

Seeing that they stress you.

fire your therapist

While seeing a therapist should be a net positive in the life of a patient, it does not mean that the sessions will always bewithout stress, especially when you explore trauma. That said, if each session is stressful to the point of where you are afraid, it's time to find someone again. Feeling negative crushing and stressed on your therapist and your therapy itself, only makes it difficult to open and work towards the goals you are trying to accomplish.

They open too much for you.

fire your therapist

Although having a mostly unilateral conversation can be strange for novelties to therapy, it is important that your treatment remains a one-way street. Yesyour therapist Reveals intimate details about their personal lives, complaining of things that have happened to them, or talk to you as a friend rather than a customer, it's time to reconsider your relationship.

"Although this is correct for a therapist to share a little bit about themselves, in order to strengthen the report or give advice, it is only in small doses," says Kulaga. "If you feel that you become the therapist and you are listening to the session, it's time to find a new therapist."

You want to be misdiagnosed.

Doctor in lab coat

Your therapist is a professional, but they are not omnisciable.A bit like any other clinicianTherapists can make mistakes in their diagnoses. That said, if you have raised an objection to the diagnosis of your therapist and you feel like you're not heard, it's time to move on.

"You know yourself better. If you have mental health or in the medical field, if you have a feeling that you aremisunderstood, Do not keep a second-guess, "says Kulaga." Get a second opinion right away. "In other words, no, it's not all in your head.

Their scope of practice does not align with your needs.

Therapist and patient

Therapy is all but a unique relationship. If you are looking for a Strict Freudian, a Gestalt therapist will probably not suit your needs, and vice versa. "Counselor can not be an expert in each hundreds of sectors within the consultation," Kulaga said. "When looking for a counselor, be sure to do some research on them and whether they specialize with the needs you have. If you already see a counselor, and you feel they do not have the Scope of the experience needed to help you with a problem, it's time to find a new one. "

They seem disinterested.

Woman is bored at a wedding

If they are professional enough, your therapist will never share the same type of interest for your personal problems that a friend would be. But that does not mean that the air of disinterest is always appropriate, either. If your therapist seems that they are not invested, even in a professional capacity - in what you are talking to with them, it's time to move on.

They do not provide an exploitable orientation.

man with therapist Being Single in your thirties

Although no good therapist will never try to dictate your behavior, a total lack of guidance is aMajor red flag. "A therapist is not supposed to say what to do, but they are supposed to guide you according to the information and experiences you present them," says Kulaga. "If you feel that whenever you leave a session, you have not gained any preview, orientation or therapist direction, it may be time to look for a new therapist."

They constantly reproduce.

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Life arrives, even to therapists. They fall ill, theygo on vacationAnd their children break bones in the gym class from time to time, as anyone. That said, if your therapist is constantly reprogramming your sessions, especially if they do not provide sufficient notice, you must weigh your options. "If you find that a health professional is always reprogrammed on you and that you are stressed accordingly, it's time to find someone more professional and respectful of your time," Kulaga said. And if you need more "me time", it's time to practiceThe 50 best secrets of a perfect professional work balance.

They cross the borders that you are not comfortable.

Man Crying in Therapy {Benefits of Crying}

"Much remains to be said about ethics and the rules of a counseling relationship," Kulaga said. "Empty point, if a therapist makes you feel uncomfortable because of the crossing of the borders in any way whatsoever, you should ask for the help of another therapist. Stay in a situation with a therapist who has crossed borders can hinder your mental health treatment and even have the ability to do more harm. "

Some signs that your therapist does not respect the appropriate boundaries? They try to see you or members ofyour social circle Apart from your sessions, they initiate contact with you in public, they ask you to help them solve their problems, or they act in a cozy or sexual way towards you.

You do not hear.

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Your therapist does not need - and should not be your best friend, but have real animosity one towards the others is hardly better. If you spend most of your therapy sessions thinking about how much you do not like the person you are talking about, it will inevitably share your process and prevent you from achieving your therapeutic goals.

They save your bad decisions.

alcoholism and the brain - image of a man who can't stop drinking

Your therapist is supposed to provide you with appropriate advice. So if your therapist seems to guide you in a harmful or dangerous orientation, or offers unwavering support for choices that make your life worse, perhaps by affirming substance problems, or encouraging to stay in touch with Toxic Relations - This is the time start looking for someone again.

They are decompressive of your problems.

stroke symptom

It is not the job of your therapist to unconditionally support your choice. That said, if you feel as if your therapist is Conversive of your experiences, it's time to find someone new. A good therapist will not compare your personal struggles with other patients and do not suggest that you simply look at the bright side when problems are the problems you are trying to work.

You have concerns about privacy.


Confidentiality is essential in any patient and doctor will double to a therapeutic relationship. If you have a therapist through and begins to discuss your treatment when you see at the grocery store - or ends your session by calling: "We can continue to talk about these fantasies about your personal trainer next week "in the waiting room - it's time to move on if you can not trust your therapist to keep the details of your sessions and your private relationship, there is no healthy way. or safe to continue working together.

They fall asleep.

fire your therapist
Shutterstock / Fizkes

As absurd as it sounds, therapists fall asleep in time sessions in time. And when they do, there is an action plan. "Fire them now," said Kulaga. "And request a refund for this session!" And if you practically winning the job, it is time to solve these23 reasons why you are tired all the time.

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