Beauty and talent are not the main thing. Wise Council for Women from the Doctor of Biological Sciences Tatyana Chernigovskaya

“Beauty or talent is a trump card, but the party may not work out in your favor,” says Tatyana Chernigov, professor of psycholinguistics and doctor of biological sciences. So then what is the secret of success?

There is an opinion in society that some in life is more lucky than the rest. After all, nature generously endowed someone with a beautiful appearance and some kind of talent. But can this be considered the root cause of success? It is unlikely."Beauty or talent is a trump card, but the party may not work out in your favor." - says Tatyana Chernigov, professor of psycholinguistics and doctor of biological sciences. So then what is the secret of success?

Professor Tatyana Chernigovskaya confidently claims thatAll people are born mozzarts. True, not many people want to become at all.“Lucking with genes is like a piano“ Steinway ”inherited. It’s good, of course, but you still need to learn to play on it ”, - Tatyana Vladimirovna believes.

Starting conditions are extremely important for the development of talents.Simply put, the further scenario of fate depends on how childhood has passed. However, if in your youth you did not learn how to play the piano, did not read a hundred smart books and did not master chess, then do not lose heart and put a cross in your future. You can improve at any time. You need to start right from today.

The brain is surprisingly plastic.He absorbs information throughout his life. Only the routine can weaken this process.“If the brain reads idiotic magazines, communicate with fools, listen to light senseless music and watch stupid films, then there is nothing to complain about. The brain should work hard ", - says Chernigovskaya.

Therefore, in order to develop, you need to read complex literature. It is not enough to read small notes on the Internet with a large number of hyperlinks. You click on them over and over again and go to another page - hello clip thinking. It is the linear reading that is important. Here is such a paradox, the innovations of recent times instead of expanding consciousness, narrow our intellectual capabilities.

Just do not think that in order to develop, you need to constantly read complex literature, watch complex films and listen to complex music.Even the simplest work, as if mastering a new route home, is beneficial for the brain. “The brain remembers everything that he passed by, sniffed, tried, heard, touched and so on. The brain is not a sieve. Nothing is sprinkled from him ",- summarizes the professor.

Be open for any experience, but at the same time remain selective. Do not communicate with stupid people. And then no one will tell you that you are not talented or beautiful enough. They love and respect anyway for something else.

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