Here's how often you should have sex, according to experts

Provides, there is no magic number.

We hate to break it up, but if you are looking for an easy answer on how muchsex You should have with your partner, you will not find it. With regard to relations, different partners, sexual preferences and the physical or emotional state that you and your other significant are in all major roles to determine what suits you. Even if you are satisfied with your sex life, you might ask you:Do I have enough sex?

And you would not be alone, either. "Couples very often overely overall the quantity of sex from other people have and compare themselves to inaccurate ideals," saysDanica Mitchell, a sexual therapist and a social worker based in NYC.

The reality is, it's complicated. There is no difficult and fast number for the frequency at whichHappy couples have sexBut there are important conversations that you should have with your partner to determine what's right for you. To help you navigate this complex space, we asked the experts all your clustered questions about what is "normal" in terms of sex.

How often do couples have sex?

A 2017 study in theSexual behavior archivesrevealed that the average American adult has sex 54 times a year (or once a week). A frequently cited study published by the newspaperSocial Psychology and Personality Science I found that 30,000 couples studied once the figure once a week was the "Goldilocks" for the frequency of couples and felt happy.

But, while these figures give a reference base for the typical American, theSexual behavior archives Also noted that age has also played an important role. According to their conclusions, the 20-year-old Americans had an average of about 80 times a year, compared to about 20 times a year for the 1960s.

"Some couples can be happy to have sex once a year. Others need it once a day," expert in relation and advisorRachel Susse said. "Everyone is different and it does not necessarily make a better or stronger relationship than the other."

In addition, let us not forget that these landmarks can easily change. "You can not expect that the desire of your sex partner aligns every day every day, week, month of the year of the course of life," saysJess O'Reilly, PhD, host of the@Sexwithdrjess podcast. "Your desire for sex will inevitably be misaligned at some point during your relationship (even if you wish with the same frequency today), and this misconception - the notion that you should find a compatible partner contrary toto become Compatible-can lead to disappointment, tension and conflict. "

The short version? How often do couples have sex can differ a lot, but the statistics show that once a week is regular for many.

How many times do you have dead sex?

"It's a delicate question," says Mitchell. "How many times do you have sexual questions if one or both partners are dissatisfied with the sexual relationship. When couples are unable to communicate about it and find a frequency and a sexual style that works both (or More) of them, he can certainly start more material. "

One thing all our experts have accepted: if you are satisfied with the place where you are sexually, it is not worth comparing yourself to others. In addition, the sexual frequency of a person influences their lives and their relationship is entirely personal.

"Some people do not want to have sex, and it's their healthy base," says O'Reilly. "Some people axual, for example, have no interest in sex and can have happy and intimate relationships. Others want to have sex every day, so you will be better off if you discuss your desires of The appearance of the relationship and continue talking about subjects related to frequency and other sex - on a continuous basis. "

At the end of the day, if all the people involved are satisfied with their sexual relationship, regardless of sexual frequency, the frequency does not really matter. Just be adapted to how your sexual frequency makes you feel.Sari Cooper, Director ofThe center of love and sex In New York, told couples who have sex less than 10 times a year and are afflicted on this subject might want to look for a sexual therapist to help them investigate what reasons could be - and hopefully, recharge This sensual connection.

What are the benefits of having regular sex with your partner?

Beyond strengthening the connection between you and your partner, regular sex can lead to a life of love more specious and more adventurous and have very good health benefits, to start.

"For many couples, a sexual connection provides a kind of glue to renew their emotional links and their physical space to play creatively and explore new erotic arenas," says Cooper. The more you regularly have sex, the more you might feel comfortable, leading to an increased desire to try new things.

O'Reilly also lists aBenefit pain relief with hormonal changes in the body that accompanies excitement and orgasms, to emphasize relief andlowered blood pressureincreased heart rate. Some people can even harvest beauty benefits. O'Reilly cites astudy carried out by clinical psychologistDavid weeksWhere those who reported having sex on average four times a week watched about 10 years younger than their real age - the benefits go beyond yourself and your partner.

In the end, the decision to have an open discussion on the frequency of your partner and your gender partner is personal. You will not get anywhere by reading what you should or should not do.

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Categories: Sex
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