This is the rarest color of your bag of M & M

Surprisingly, it is the one that looks most like chocolate.

One of the most memorable parts of the classical romcomThe wedding planneris when Steve (Matthew McConaughey) says Mary (Jennifer Lopez) that he does not eat the brown M & M because they "have a less artificial coloring because the chocolate is already brown". Certainly, Steve, supposed to be a doctor, is obviously wrong, since the candy shell consists of food dyes. But it's a sweet scene nevertheless, because it speaks to the fact that everyone seems to have a color of M & M's that they prefer to all the others, and if you meet someone who loves the same color, the rules From Romcom dictate that they are your soulmate.

But if you have already opened a pack of M & M's, poured the candy on the table and took a real look and hard on the heap, it is clear that some colors seem to be considerably favored with others. So, if Steve is eating only the M & M Brown, how much does it really?

It turns out that the answer depends on the period, because these chocolate chocolate trees have had enough Rajovats since their introduction in 1941. The original colors were red, yellow, purple, green and brunettes, but the red had to Be replaced by Orange in 1976 on concerns that the red dye contained carcinogens (which they really do not).

Ten years later, a student namedPaul Hethmon onlybrought Back to life By creating a "company for the restoration and preservation of the M & M of Red M & M" which has been viral worldwide and pagnaré their return. In 1995, Blue was chosen to replace Tan M & M's by popular vote and since then a regular package of M & M's contained six colors: brown, yellow, green, red, orange and blue.

In 1997, the March website went so far as to list the color distribution in the form of 30% brown, 20% yellow, 20% red, 10% orange, 10% green and 10% blue. Then, in 2008, they changed 24% blue, 20% orange, 16% green, 14% yellow, 13% red, 13% brown. But one day, the color failures disappear from the site, and everything became a mystery. Good untilRick Wicklin-A statistician to the SAS software company - has made its mission to understand the distribution itself in early 2017.

For weeks, he took two scoops of M & M from a big pot in the break room of his office and began to count them. Finally, on the basis of 712 M & M,He decided that the color failure was now 19.5% green, 18.7% orange, 18.7% blue, 15.1% red, 14.5% yellow and 13.5% brown, which would make the beloved of Steve Brown Brown M & MS the strangers.

However, there is a Twist plot. When Wicklin contacted Mars to know how it was specified on the break, it was informed of this nature (that is to say "no peanut", "non-pretzel", etc.) M & M are actually manufactured in two different plants - a New Jersey, the other in Tennessee - each of them had slightly different color distributions.

They sent him their data and he found that his sample was approximately aligned with that of the Tennessee plant. The color failure of the new Jersey plant, on the other hand, was 25% blue and 25% orange, with the other four colors divided to 12.5% ​​each. Whatever the way you cut it out, brown, which was once the color of Pointe-Color-has now been relegated to the back of the pack and to date, Mars never offered explanation why.

So maybe Steve was right and eating only brownis Healthier-if only because there are so few of them! And for more stupid knowledge, you can not stop you from reading, see these50 facts so crazy you will not believe they are really sad.

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