That's why you should always sleep with a blanket in summer

This is the best way to keep cool and sleep all night.

On those who feelsummer nights, when you spend what feels like foreverlaunchIt is tempting to launch your blanket to try to refresh you. But even if it may seem against intuitive, it's not really the best way to keep your temperature and enjoy your most repaired summer sleep.

We talked about medical experts for the best tips for aGood night of snooze during the sweaty season-And it turns out, the blankets are the key!

Covers keep our temperatures regulated in summer.

For most people, the optimal sleep temperature is between 60 and 67 degrees Fahrenheit, according toDr. Kent Smith, a sleep expert and the president of theAmerican Sleep & Academy Breathing. "The body is designed to sleep better at cooler temperatures," he explains. "In fact, our body temperature naturally falls some degrees in the evening to prepare for sleep."

When we enter the rapid eye movement (REM), your bodyStops the temperature regulation and continues to fall during the night, explainsDr. Anthony Kouri, a resident at the Medical Center of the University of Toledo. This means that when you sleep, your body relies on external temperature control means, as you guessed, a blanket.

If you leave yourself exposed to the elements - or, you know, your FROSTY AC you find yourself up with a shiver in the middle of the night.

And the covers also make us feel safe and happy.

There is a reason why children have "safety covers", we feel safe. According toDr. Anil Rama, MD, a faculty member of the Stanford Center for Sleep Sciences and Medicine, people find sleeping with a cover or psychologically comforting sheet.

And Kouri says that the studies have shown that covers help make us feel happy too. "In addition to thermoregulation, during the Sleep REM, the offer of our body ofSerotonin and dopamine decreases, "He explains uplifting chemicals." These are neurotransmitters that make us feel good. "

This means that your blanket could be essential to help you wake up happy.

But it is normal to want to leave a free foot.

It turns out, our feet are rather good to refresh us, because of the blood vessels on the surface of the foot that facilitate the heat to escape. That's why some people like to sleep with a footOutside blankets At night, Kouri adds.

But no matter if your feet are in or out when you catch these Z, if the temperature increases, try to sleep with a blanket. This will help regulate your body temperature and make you feel more secure - it means you are more well rested in the morning. And for a more in-depth direction on rest,Here are the best ways to get a good night's sleep.

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Categories: Culture
Tags: Facts / sleep / wellness
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