15 things everyone is wrong

And how to stop doing them a step on time.

If you like a workout, you can do it everywhere, the thrill of the competition in a 5 km, or just know that no other exercise goes tone both your abs and your glutes as effectively as jogging, you are not alone. Nearly ten percent of Americans cite running likepreferred exercise method, And given the inherent corporal advantages, it is not surprising that these figures continue to increase.

The only problem? Simply because you think you know how to run does not mean that you are necessarily properly or efficiently. Whether you are wrongly carried beforehand, making mistakes with your equipment, or simply screw your shape, there is a multitude of ways that you can write this act by heart. Here we founded wise advice, right of fitness pros, to help you ID these errors and correct them once and for all. And if you are looking for places to get your race on, check out the50 best American cities for joggers.

The choice of shoes badly.

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Even before going out the door for your race, you can sabotage yourself with the bad shoes. Not only can opt for bad shoes make it more difficult to perform comfortably for a long period of time, it can also make you more prone to injury.

"The choice of shoes is crucial," saysGlenn Dickstein, Founder and CEO oftrainers. "It's important to know your feet. Are you pronutor or Underpronator Arch high, low arch? Depending on your type of foot, you will know if you need a shoe with more cushioning or greater stability. The choice of bad shoes can cause pain, injury, then, no race ".

New York Adds Holistic Health Based on the City and Fitness CoachDennis Hoop, aExpert in high and medical fitness"It's better to go to a running specialist or a sports shoe store, where they do feet analysis. With the help of store employees, you can choose the best shoe for you running, depending on the shape of your foot, size, step and weight. "For elegant shoes ideas, see the10 Coolest Retro-Inspired Running Shoes.

Tightening your laces too tight.

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While a loose bond shoe can make you more sensitive to injury, excessive tightening can be just as bad. A shoe too waterproof can put pressure on the bones in your foot, forcing you to adopt an irregular approach, while potentially limiting the circulation, as well.

"The worst thing you can do is too tighten your shoes,"said Joshua Margolis, A fitness consultant withMind Over Matter Health and Fitness. "It will limit the blood flow. In addition, it is incredibly uncomfortable. For more ways to optimize your shoes, learnThe best way to tie your shoes before a race.

No stimulation.

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It's nice to imagine that you will be ready to train for a marathon in a few months of operation from. Unfortunately, it's not true for most of us; In fact, you pace, especially when you are still novice, is one of the most crucial things in a runner can do.

"One of them if you are a beginner in the race, instead of starting with sprints or push you to 5 or 10 mile tracks the biggest mistakes what people do when they start running is to choose the wrong pace And the distance for their physical fitness., Start with a few shortest ", says Hoop.

"You do not want to feel completely tired or bad for the next few days. Opt for a mile stroke at a slower pace. Gradually increase your speed and the distance running, because if you increase your load too quickly injury can occur. And to learn more about the issue,Learn all things happening to your body when you exercise.

Do not breathe properly.

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The breathing is instinctive for all of us, but that does not necessarily mean that you know how to breathe to better facilitate your race. The result? You are breaking down and abandon.

"Breathing is the essence of any movement. Without breathing, you will not get enough oxygen to your cells and fatigue very quickly, "says Hoop. "Finding a breath that feels comfortable for you and you can constantly keep in your run, without any effort. »His personal go-to? Two shorts inhale and exhales a long. And for more excellent fitness tips, learn (and avoid!) The30 The biggest myths exercise of all time.

Opt for the wrong outfit.

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While choosing this cute, holding outfit on your Guns n "roses shirt may not seem like it would make a big difference when using, trainers see differently. "When it comes to run and do a cardiovascular activity, I advise my guests to run with a little loose shirt to allow your body to breathe," says trainerAlejandro Terrazas, Founder and CEO ofUnleashfit. Terrazas recommends overweight, which can become uncomfortable and stick shorts instead of pants to avoid overheating.

However, choose something you feel good is quite important. In reality,research Suggests that specific outfits, such as optimized clothing, can make you more motivated to stick to your goals. And for more ways to stick to the plane, master the50 turns of motivation of weight loss genius.

Skip accessory work.

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Warming and cooling are not the only ways to improve your race technique. If you skip accessories, as strength training, you're not going so much about your shopping as you could.

"Running itself has a fairly high impact on your joints: ankles, knees, hips and back. Therefore, it is important to do specific accessories that will help you strengthen and stabilize your joints , to prepare them for the high impact forces during the race, in addition to accelerating the process of healing and recovery. These exercises should include force exercises, such as unique leg movements for lower limbs , as well as the basic exercises, the exercise of coordination and equilibrium, as well as stretching and mobility exercises, "says Hoop.

Neglect your heating.

Runner stretching to boost his metabolism.

Although you are hurried to hit the sidewalk immediately when you take a jogging, neglecting your heating can have serious consequences. To help reduce your risk of future injury, be sure to stretch you before starting to run and relax at a gradual rate.

"If you do not take a few minutes to stretch or warm up before a race, you increase your chances of being injured," says Hoop. "When you warm up your body before running, your blood flow increases gradually and prevents you from getting a muscle. A good tracking rule? Include 10 minutes to warm up before each race." And for when you may want a break from your usual routine, start with the5 classes of luxury exercises that everyone needs to try.

Do not be aware.

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Although many people assume full awareness with more meditative activities, it is also essential for an effective race. "When you're interesting, your desire will notice that your body sends you signals, which you feel good and energized, or if you totally exhaust yourself and you really set yourself," says Hoop.

"When you are not aware of how your body feels running, you can lose pressure by putting too much pressure on your joints, holding you breathing and affecting the depending on your lungs, or even fall. " Do not feel motivated? You could be falling into a grip of one of the7 most surprising daily exercises killers.

Start your race without hydration.

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A little water can go very far when it comes to making you a better runner. However, it's not just about drinking during your workout that helps: The key to better run is to make sure you are properly hydrated before you start.

Said Hoop: "Several studies have shown that a loss of 5% body water inhibits your 30% performance. As a result, be sure to drink plenty of water around your training time: before, during (especially S 'It is longer at the top. - Master's environment), and after. As a rule, you must replace each ounce of body fluid lost by 2 ounces of fluids. "

Do not monitor your heart rate.

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You keep track of many metrics with regard to your race habits, how long have you been exercising your weight. So why do you neglect to monitor your heart rate?

"Cardiac frequency is an excellent monitor and an excellent monitor to regulate the intensity of your race, as it shows the progress of your fitness level. Imagine that you run at a heart rate of 8 miles, with a heart rate From 140. Six months later, you will have a constant heart rate 120, at the same rhythm: great progress! Get a good heart rate monitor and enjoy the information you exit, "says Hoop.

Clench the fists.

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Do you think your legs are the only part of your body that you should focus when you run? Still think. If you run with your tight fists, you may be a bad job when it comes to getting an effective workout.

"Many years ago, I used to run and I noticed that I was running with tight fists. The relaxation of your hands helps you concentrate your energy where it should be: on your race to foot, "says Dickstein.

Eat bad foods.

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The mistakes we make run start well before we are dating our shoes. Bad foods can cause ravages about our energy levels and can even make us more subject to cramps while we exercise.

"Half an hour before running eating a snack comprising protein and a complex carbohydrate like whole wheat toast and peanut butter. You will see a difference in your energy levels when you ran with an empty stomach," saysIlaana Milstein, a certified personal trainer withNo XCUS training.

Add Margolis: "In general, pre-training meal: heavy on carbohydrates. Post-race meal: heavy on the protein."

Skip an interval formation.

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A nice long race can give you up, but that does not mean you should sleep on interval training, either. In fact, shorter intervals can accelerate your weight loss without wear and tearing your joints associated with longer races.

"As a tip while weight loss, try running in intervals", recommendsChristopher Gilbert, a certified personal trainer and a NASM certified weight loss specialist withNeighborhood trainers. "For example, you will want to recover the speed for a high intensity for about 30 seconds, return to a speed that is not so exhausting and once you are recovered, return to this intense execution. I recommend performing these intervals for 15 20 minutes 3 to 4 days a week. "

Neglect your core.

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One of the best things about the race is that it uses virtually all parts of your body. Unfortunately, many people forget to engage their core when running, making it less efficient and wounded in the process.

"In terms of form, use your kernel!" said Milstein. "The execution is a complete exercise. Engage your core and not only rely on your legs will help you operate more efficiently."

Skip cooling.

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Although it can feel good to finish your race and immediately hit the shower, doing a bad idea. In fact, if you do not cool, you can prepare for a long-term failure.

"As with warming before a race, cooling is just as important, if not more. Neglect spending a few minutes to cool, post-running, can have a serious impact on your recovery," says Hoop. "If you do not lower Gradually your rhythm after working taking the time to walk, lower your heart rate and stretch your body, you sign up for nausea, vertigo or getting leg cramps. "And for more complete routines, masterThe largest move, total-bodily training of all time .

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Categories: Health
Tags: Fitness / Workouts
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