20 towers of therapists on the search for happiness

Do you want to increase your mood? Listen to the benefits!

Happiness is such a fugace thing: a minute, you feel like a million dollars, and the next one, something puts you from your game and in a funk hard to break. And given the tenuous nature of human happiness to start, it is not surprising that so few of us consider ourselvesreally Happy people.

In fact, according to 2017Harris Survey at American Happiness Survey, only 33% of American adults are identified as "very happy". Perhaps even more troubling is the fact that our global happiness has been on the decline for some time - a decade ago, this number holding 35% force.

"Our happiness as a society can appear as if it decreases. And there are factors that contribute to our lack of happiness," saysDr. Jaime KulagaPh.D. Given our ways of life constantly, it is not surprising that we are not as happy as we were once. "We are in a society that never stops. We are always on and connected. We are often physically in the same place and mentally in another."

But even if you are not delighted with your life now - or if the pace of your current schedule feels unsustainable - it does not mean the misfortune of your future is a lost conclusion. Follow these advice approved by therapist to live aLife happier And it will be nothing but blue heavens in front. And for greater tips on the search for happiness, do not miss these75 genius tips to become instantly happy.

Rid your life from toxic people.

ways to make yourself happier

While cutting free people you have known for years, you can be an intimidating perspective, it can make you much happier in the long run. "Toxic people can plant seeds in your mind, make you say yes when you mean no, you repel your priorities and you feel like you feel negative. If you want to be happy, you have to get rid of From or define the limits with these people so that you can have more confidence, joy and success, "says Dr. Kulaga.

"Take the inventory of the main people you surround yourself. Share similar goals and values ​​with them? Do they include inspiration in you and motivate yourself to be better? Is it That they want the best for you? If the answer to one of these questions are no, it's time to detox immediately in your life! Remember that you are who you associate. "

Eat healthy.

Woman eating an apple, biting into an apple

Getting happier starts from the inside. If you regularly load your body with a junk food, you put a damper on your potential happiness. Instead, do you treat somehealthy food-You will be amazed how happy you feel.

"Your intestine is the wellness entrance door," says Dr. Kulaga. "When you eat processed foods and fast foods, serotonin is fighting out of your gut and spread through your body. That's why you feel this soaking in your mood." And for more means of science science to stimulate your mood, here is the50 best hacks of happiness on the planet.


woman running

Do you want to become happy in a hurry? Start by lacing these sneakers. "The exercise makes you feel good," says Dr. Kulaga. "This feeling of sensation-well increases confidence and rubs in the things we do and the choices we do." And consider the rush towards endorphin, you get not only fromexerciseBut to look in the mirror and see these muscles emerge, there is no better time to start hitting the gym.

Be grateful.

thank you card

A littleAcknowledgement Go a long way when it comes to becoming happier. Dr. Kulaga suggests creating a list of things you are grateful as an easy way to start.

"The list can start with some things that we are all generally grateful for, like health, family, etc. But as the list is happening, you will really have to dig deep to look around," she says. "Soon, you will be grateful how the rain drops are sitting on a sheet in your garden or the way your son touches your arm just before saying" Mom "600 times in a row. Gratitude increases happiness because 'It's not about the case of wanting more, it's about being aware and knowing what you have already sitting in front of you. "For additional evidence, know thatBy saying that this word will stimulate your mood by 25%.


comfy, baggy

As most of us are linked to our digital devices, it is often difficult to see all the right right in front of us. If you want to get happier quickly, consider taking adigital detoxificationeven for a few hours only.

"We are often blocked on our phones, iPads, etc. and we miss the possibilities of being aware and seeing the joy of what surrounds us," says Dr. Kulaga.

Get in touch with nature.

Couple Hiking Romance

"We lost contact with nature and replaced by technology," says Dr. Kulaga. "Nature requires you to be in the moment and can even put you in a grateful place." In fact, research confirms the connection between spending time in nature and general well-being. According to a study published inEnvironmental Science and Technology, city dwellers who have increased time spent in green spaces have reported significant improvements in their general happiness.

Be patient.

Life Changes in Your 30s

"As for the things of life, we have to wait, like marriage, promotions and children, we become impatient and precipitate the process, which leads to misfortune," says Dr. Kulaga. Although it is a difficult pill to swallow when it seems that everyone hits their goals in front of you, remember that good things invariably come to those waiting.

Go slowly.

habits after 40

If you want to stimulate your pleasure of your life, it's time to stop and feel the roses. "We rush everywhere and everything. We rush into our cars, we rush our children, we rush our showers, we precipitate our phone conversation - we rush the process and the journey of life as a whole, "says Dr. Kulaga. Fortunately, the slowing rhythm of your daily life can travel a long way when it comes to increasing your contentment.

Stop comparing yourself to others.

Woman yelling at herself in the mirror

Although it is difficult to give up these comparisons to your friends of success, neighbors with a larger house, or people you judge more attractive than yourself, it will make you happier in the long run.

"As we are focused on our phones, we often look at the social media comparing to them. These comparisons can be self-defeated, minimizing confidence and increase our youth - all the factors that play a huge role in the Decrease in our general happiness, says Dr. Kulaga.

Practice optimism.

orange Life Way Harder

Even if you are usually a type of person half empty, "we know that optimism can be learned," saysErika Miley, M.ED, LMHC, a Florida-based mental and sexual health therapist. She suggests writing things that happened in your life, as well as brainstorming ideas on how to recover from these false perceived projections.

"One of the things we can do to change our point of view is to practice it. Just like trying to get good abs, our mind needs to repeat the non-failure of previous behaviors and thought."

Engage in a certain compassion for yourself.

celebrity photo secrets

Although many of us manage to have a lot of compassion for others, we often fall short when it comes to extending the same courtesy. "The negative things you tell you in your head, would you say these things to someone you like? No? So why on earth does it agree for you to tell you?" asks Miley. "This is where compassion and happiness can meet. When these thoughts come, do they say to yourself:" I'm fine as I'm right now right now. "

Get idiot.

essential dating tips for men over 40

When you feel about yourself, try to recharge these negative thoughts by injecting a small lightness into the situation. "Take this negative thinking and hear it in Donald Duck's voice. Let me see you try not to laugh," suggests Miley. "These are small ways to compassionate with yourself, which can increase the likelihood that you will leave negative emotions and can identify the positives."

Give yourself from some of the things you liked like a child.

Christmas Eve traditions

Who says that playing games and having fun should only be reserved for children only? If you want to make you happier, it's time to review some of these things that have brought you so much for a child.

"I want you to think of something that brought you a good joy when you were younger," says Miley. "Whether it's an instrument, a sport, crochet with grandmother, whatever this thing, I want you to brought back into your life, but in a new way."

Try a new hobby.

crafting hobby

However, it's not just about relying on things you liked who can make you feel again like a child. Trying a new hobby can also give you an undeniable blow of happiness. "Something our brain loves is novelty and novelty," says Miley. "Give your brain a small shake of this new factor."

Accept your difficult feelings.

pensive, sad, thinking

As difficult as it might be to sit with these feelings of resentment, anger or sadness, it can actually pave the way towards greater happiness in your future. "Accept your difficult feelings, such as sadness, anger and anxiety, without fighting with them," suggests a clinical psychologistDr. Inna KhazanPh.D. "All these feelings are natural and normal. Fighting with them or trying to make them disappear will not realize the goal, but you will be stuck in these feelings. The more you are able to accept your feelings difficult like They are, the freer you will be to go from them and feel happier in the long run. "

Nourish your healthy relationships.

friends chatting Embarrassing Things

Even if your life feels like it moves at a rhythm without stopping with little time for social interactions, find a little time spending with friends and family members can make you happier, even if this sub -Courrant stress did not completely dissipate. "We are happier when we have strong healthy connections with other people," says Dr. Khazan.

Be kind to others.

Couple Hugging Romance

While your first inspect when you feel angry, sad or vulnerable could be to get it out of someone else, it will only make you feel worse. Instead, practice acts of kindness towards others and you will be happier in no time. "Research shows that self compassion and compassion of others are associated with an increase in emotional well-being, including happiness," says Dr. Khazan.

Think about your fundamental values.

higher energy person

These values ​​you have once kept dearly thought, thanks to your jam package, but if you want to make you happier, the life of a set of specific values ​​can help you.

"When we know our values ​​and what is important for us in life, these values ​​act as a guided light, helping the help of the most useful way and helping to feel happier in the long run," says DR Khazan.

Practice mindfulness.

40 things people under 40 don't know yet

Too often, we feel that we are drawn in a million different instructions at a time. To fight against stress and dissatisfaction that can come with the feeling of doing too much that you do too much, Dr. Khazan suggests accepting a little calm in your life with someself-consciousness exercises.

"Research shows that we are happier when we are present at the moment, even if it is a difficult or unpleasant moment, rather than thinking about something else, even if something else is nice and Nice, "she says. Give yourself a few minutes to meditate, put your phone or just take time to think about your day to start.

Have made full of sleep.

woman sleeping

A littleto sleepGo a long way when it comes to making you happier and healthier, make sure you record a minimum of seven hours a night. "Sleep is based on our emotional health. One of the first things affected by sleep deprivation is our mood," says Dr. Khazan.

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