40 ways we are worse today than we were 40 years ago

Sugar sugar diets, white nights and superbecles do not make our health.

In some ways, Americans are very healthy today. We have beenexercise more And our grocery alleys are lined with more healthy health options than ever. We live longer, with aAverage life expectancy of 78.6-A five-year increase over the last four decades. However, everything does not collect Americans, health. For all progress made in the fields of medicine, nutrition and physical form, obesity rates are still soaring, cancer rates are increasing and countless lifestyle choices contribute to our property. to be weakened. With that in mind, we have rounded 40 ways we areNéesseau today that we were 40 years ago.

We drink more.

men drinking ways we're unhealthy

The Americans aredrinking alcohol As there is a shortage of imminent alcohol. According to the searches published in the journalJama Psychiatry, alcohol consumption has increased in recent years andCirrhosis rate reach epidemic levels. In 1985, only 4.4 people per 100,000 deceased from cirrhosis linked to alcohol, but thatnumber had jumped at 14.85 from 2018.

We eat more sugar.

woman eating donut ways we're unhealthy

Excessive sugar consumption is related to all of obesity with type 2 diabetes tocardiopathy. And, unfortunately, Americans eat more sugars than ever, according to a study published in theJournal of the Academy of Nutrition and Dietetics. From 1977 to 1979, the higher average quantity of manually added adults consumed up to 557 calories a day. In 2012, the number was spent up to 708.

Fructose consumption has also increased significantly, an average of 37 grams per day in the 1970s to 41.4 grams a day in 2016, according to theStatistics Portal.

We spend less time outside.

liberated and free woman ways we're unhealthy

While school-aged children spent an average of an hour and 40 minutes involved in outdoor activities each week from 1981 to 1982, depending on theInstitute of Social Research, this number was less than 50 minutes by 2003. In fact, theNational Association of Leisure and Parks reveals that children spend less time outside today than in a generation that preceded them.

So, what is the problem with our life more and more inland? A study published in the newspaperEnvironmental researchfound that the time to spend time outside is linked to a drop in blood pressure, lower rates ofcardiopathyand reduced depression.

We have less sleep.

Man Lying Awake in Bed Because He Can't Sleep ways we're unhealthy

Feeling tired? You're not alone. According toCDC, more than a third of the Americans do not receive the other seven recommendedsleeping hours the night. Based on the search published in the magazineSleep medicine ReviewsWhile adults become 7.38 hours of sleep one night in 1980, this number fell to 6.69 hours by 2013.

We are sitting anymore.

man sitting down at his desk and working ways we're unhealthy

More than a quarter of American adults spend more eight hours a daysitand 45% report are largely inactive, according to aJAMA network study.

It should also be noted that the research published inProcedure of the Mayo Clinic revealed that the number of jobs in high activity has declined since 1970. Only 20% of adults worked high-activity jobs in 2010. Unfortunately, all thatThe session does not make favors for our health. This increases our risk ofcardiopathy, obesity and early death.

We develop diabetes more frequently.

woman testing blood ways we're unhealthy

Our more and more unhealthy habits catch up, especially in terms of our overallDiabetes. While only 2.49% of the adult population diagnosed diabetes in 1979, theCDC reports that this number has almost tripled 7.4% by 2015.

We get less vitamin D.

couple outside in sunlight ways we're unhealthy


The vitamin D deficiency is running in the United States, thanks to a small part on the rise of hours spent inside and less hours in the sunlight.

Search published inJAMA internal medicine reveals that 45% of people participating in theNational Survey on Health and Nutrition Review Had 30 nanograms or more per milliliter of vitamin D in their blood between 1988 and 1994. In 2004, these levels dropped to 24 nanograms per milliliter. And by 2011, 41.6% of American adults hadvitamin D deficiency.

We get a more UV exhibition.

woman with mole on back ways we're unhealthy


Unfortunately, as we may spend less time soaking the vitamin D of the sun, we get more UV exposure. According to a report ofNasaThe amount of UV radiation reaching the surface of the Earth has increased significantly over the last 30 years, which causes some cancers, such as melanoma. So it is not surprising that theAmerican Cancer SocietyReports that melanoma rates have also increased steadily during the same period. And to protect you, make sure you are aware of these20 symptoms of skin cancer Everyone needs to know.

We die of overdoses more frequently.

A closeup of flowers atop a funeral casket outdoors

The opioid epidemic has claimed a growing number of lives in the last 40 years. Researchers atUniversity of Pittsburgh Discovered an exponential increase in total drug-related mortality in the United States since 1979. At that time, just over 1 per cent of 100,000 people died of drug overdoses. By 2016, this number was nearly 17 years old.

We use more plastic.

woman drinking water ways we're unhealthy

All these plastic bottles we drink to do more than justdamage the environment-They they also harm us. A study conducted byORB media I revealed that, water samples taken around the world, more than 80% had microscopic plastic fibers, many of which come from plastic bottles and bags.

Since it was not before 1979 thatThe first plastic bags We were introduced in American grocery stores, there was not much microplask pollution in our water 40 years ago.

We weigh more.

woman stepping on scale ways we're unhealthy

Nearly 40% of American adults classifying as obese, theCDC reports. Back in 1980, these figures were less than half of what they are today, according to a study published inThe lancet.

We spend more time behind the steering wheel.

Man falling asleep while driving ways we're unhealthy

Today we spend more timeSitting in our cars that never - a record3.2 trillion miles have been conducted on American roads from 2016. And unfortunately, we must less healthy because of that.

Research published in theAmerican Journal of Preventive Medicine Rearie longer sedentary translates into a general lack of physical activity, a poor physical cardiorespitory condition and an increase in metabolic risk indicators.

We get asthma more often.

chest pain ways we're unhealthy

In 1980, about 6.8 million people lived with asthma in the United States, according to theCDC. Today, more than 25 million Americans live with thePotentially deadly condition.

We eat more quick restoration.

millennial eating burger ways we're unhealthy

Four decades ago, fast food sales represented about20 percent $ 87 billion from past Americans to eat. By 2016, this number was up to36.6%, which is almost double.

We consume more added fats.

french fries ways we're unhealthy

The increasing amount of fat on our body is not exit from nowhere. Our meals are full of things too. While theUSDA reported May Americans have consumed a little more than 50 pounds of fat added in 1970, this number was close to 80 pounds by 201o.

We get colon cancer more often - and younger.

colon cancer ribbon ways we're unhealthy

Thanks largely to the diet and more and more sedentary lifestyles, colorectal cancer among young people is upwards across the United States according to the United States.Journal of the National Cancer InstituteThere has been a 2.4% increase in colon cancer and a 3.2% increase in rectal cancer among adults aged 20 to 29 from 1974 to 2013.

We eat fewer vegetables.

Washing fruits and vegetables ways we're unhealthy

It looks likeMichael Pollen's Popular adage, "Eat food, not too much, mainly plants," was lost on the Americans. Data from thePEW Research Center reveals that Americans consume fewer calories of vegetables every day they were in 1970.

We eat more red meat than ever.

Woman Eating Steak ways we're unhealthy

Although there are vegetarian and vegetarian foods more commercially available than ever before, Americans consume more red meat than ever. And it's not an excellent sign, given the food group increases the risk ofcardiopathy and colorectal cancer, among other ways.

In 2018, Americans ate a record amount of red meat, according to theUSDA. The national meat industry has produced more than 100 billion books of last year stuff, which is access to 222.4 pounds of meat per capita.

We drink more coffee.

man drinking espresso outside ways we're unhealthy

According to the search for theNational Coffee Association, The Americans areDrink more coffee Never, with 64% of the adults surveyed admitting to indulge in at least one cup in the last 24 hours. By comparison, archivingNew York Times Article revealed that only 56% of the Americans drank coffee in 1981.

And while an occasional cup is perhaps good for some people,too much coffee Can contribute to insomnia, cardiac arrhythmia, irritability and increased blood pressure.

We spend more time watching screens.

older woman on computer ways we're unhealthy

While the Americans usually watched six hours and 36 minutes of household television in 1979, according to trustNielsen data, we pass on average11 hours and six minutesInteract with the media via phones, tablets, televisions and computers today. Our ability totake our entertainment everywhere may seem practical. But it is also caused by health problems, includingview problems, Weight gain and anxiety.

We eat more to take away.

chinese takeout box ways we're unhealthy

In 2017, Americans spent an average of $ 7700 on food, with $ 3,400 from this total going to take-out, according to theAmerican Office of Labor Statistics. However, between 1972 and 1973, families spent only $ 400 from theirAnnual Food Budget $ 1595 on go to take away.

And considering that the research published in theAmerican Journal of Preventive Medicine Links home to a greater adherence to food guidelines, it is reasonable for our obsession with takeaway makes us less healthy.

We are dealing with Alzheimer's disease more often.

Older Man on the Bed ways we're unhealthy

The annual mortality rate ofAlzheimer's disease was only 0.4 people 100.00 from 1979, according to theCDC. And despite progress in screening methods, today,5.8 million Americans have Alzheimer's disease.

We are in poor health.

depressed woman ways we're unhealthy

Our myriad health problems are wreaking havoc on our general well-being. While only 11.9 percent of adults have been identified as beingPoor health in 1979, 21 percent said the samefrom 2017.

We consume more cheese than ever.

cheese plate ways we're unhealthy

While the Americans consumed on average15.23 pounds of cheese per capita in 1979, by 2015, the American consumed on averageMore than 34 pounds things. And if we want it that was not the case, nibbling on cheese too will not keep your heart and your body in good health.

We spend more time alone.

woman sad alone on couch ways we're unhealthy

According to a survey conducted by the Office Corporation servicedIWG, 70 percent ofAdults who work Telecomded at least once a week. Before the proliferation of the personal home computer, such a luxury did not even exist a few decades ago. And while there are innumerable benefits for remote work, there are also disadvantages: namelyincrease in loneliness, Which is linked to everything from depression at an early death.

We have new sources of stress.

man squeezing stress ball ways we're unhealthy

There were only two largely reported mass fire in the United States in 1979, but this number increased to 323 in 2018. According to the US Psychology Association of each yearStress in America Report, mass shootings are an important source of stress for 75 percent of members of the Z generation interviewed.

We are most often receiving Carpal Canal.

Woman with cast on wrist ways we're unhealthy

If you find your hand and wrist endolori after a long day of typing on your computer, you are far from being alone. A study published inNeurology reveals that the incidence of Carpal Canal syndrome increased from 258 per 100,000 inhabitants in the early 1980s to 424 in the early 2000s. And given the significant increase in the use of smartphones since 2005, people younger aredevelop more often the condition, also.

We work more hours.

Man is Sitting by His Computer Bored at Work ways we're unhealthy

According to a report of theCenter for American Progress, The Americans worked 11 hours more per week in 2006 than they had in 1979. And more hours behind an office means more sitting and a higher risk of obesity, heart disease,HypertensionAnd early death.

We receive tech neck.

man with neck pain ways we're unhealthy

Four decades ago, the number of people with cell phones was a big zero fat. Today,95 percent of Americans have a-And we have the neck pain to prove it.

tech, A condition of the spine that occurs because of the position we assume to look in our phones, becomes a problem more and more common. According to Chiropractor based in New YorkNicholas Riccio, DC, an element ofNew York Chiropractic GroupFor each thumb neck moving forward to watch our devices, we will add 10 pounds of painful pressure to our thorns.

We vaping.

vape pen e-cigarette ways we're unhealthy
Shutterstock / Lezinav

It's not just cigarettes parents have to look for these children's sock drawers these days. According to the figures mentioned last year by theNational Institute on Drug AbuseThe astronomical sum of 37.3 percent of high school seniors admitted to vaping in the last 12 months. And while e-cigarettes are often charged as health alternatives to traditional cigarettes, fuels, new research published inSmoking fight reveals that vaping may not be so innocent. In fact, vaping was linked to an increase of 170 percent of respiratory problems (including whistling).

We are smoking wetter herbs.

pot dispensary ways we're unhealthier
Shutterstock / Jonathan Weiss

More Americans smoke pot that constantly45 percentToday, against a little less than 30% 40 years ago. The drug is becoming increasingly popular as treatment of glaucoma anxiety conditions, as well as a legal leisure drug in parts of the United States.

But smoking, it's not safe, especially when it comes to pulmonary health. Each year of marking from marijuana has been linked to an eight percent increase in the risk of lung cancer, according to a study published in theEuropean Respiratory Journal.

We have children later.

pregnant woman ways we're unhealthy

TheAge of the first mothers is upside down, up to 26.3 of 24.9 in 1979. And with more women over 40have babiesThis increases the probability of conditions such as decline syndrome, autism and a number of other birth defects.

We get more MST.

woman at the doctor ways we're unhealthy

Americans use condoms more frequently than ever before, but our STD rates are still soar. In fact, according toCDC The data, the United States rates of syphilis, gonorrhea and chlamydia in 2017 exceeded the entire previous year of 200,000 years. (There were 2.3 million combined cases diagnosed in total.)

And our STDs become antibiotic antibiotics.

Antibiotics ways we're unhealthy

Not only are people with contractual persons more than STDs, the ones we get getting more and more difficult to treat. While gonorrhea is the most commonStd antibiotic resistant, syphilis and chlamydia also become resistant to treatment - and they increase the risk of a person to contract the HIV if exposed also.

We take too many antibiotics in general.

antibiotics ways we're unhealthy

Although antibiotics can help fight some wicked bugs, the Americans are prescribed of these drugs more often than necessary, and it makes us less healthy along the way. According toCDC, 47 million unnecessary prescriptions for antibiotics have been written on an annual basis in recent years, thus increasing the risk of allergic reactions and superbecues.

We use too much disinfecting hands.

woman using hand sanitizer ways we're unhealthy
Shutterstock / Elizaveta Galitckaia

Although alcohol has long been used as a means of killing bacteria, it is only since the 1980s that the alcohol-based hand disinfectant has become a staple in all hospitals and at school. Unfortunately, there is too much good thing when it comes to killing bacteria - theOveruse of hand disinfecting has led to an increase in resistant bacteria.

We are more likely to skip vaccines.

Kid at the Doctor's Office Getting a Smallpox Vaccine ways we're unhealthy

The last year aIndigenous polio case The United States was produced in 1979. However, with the refusal of upward vaccine in some parts of the United States, polio could return. In Washington State, for example, thePolio vaccine rate Vitalize only 88.4% in 2015 - lower than necessary to maintain the immunity of the herd of 95.4% in 1998.

We get the Powassan virus more often.

deer tick ways we're unhealthy

Lyme disease is not the only affliction you can get from a stain jute these days. Powassan-A virusTransmitted disease With a mortality rate of about 10% - has been identified for the first time in 1958. But the spread of the disease has increased in recent decades: 75 cases have been diagnosed between 2007 and 2017.

We jump the breakfast more often.

woman who's not hungry ways we're unhealthy

In 1983, about11.7 million Americans ignored breakfast On a regular basis - which was five percent of the total population. Anew survey Suggests that the number is closer to 50% today. Given thatSkip breakfast is associated withIncreased obesity rate, passing through the morning meal, we do not make us very sensitive and less healthy in the long run.

We consume more GMOs.

heirloom tomatoes are a fancy foodie term

Although genetically modified foods are not provenCause cancerThe health risks of the ingestion of these objects are still largely unknown - and there is a potential hazard in this uncertainty.

"There is no evidence at that time that genetically modified foods currently on the market are harmful to human health or increase or reduce the risk of cancer",American Cancer Society Remarks. "But the lack of prejudice is not the same as security proof, and because these foods are around a short time, the possible effects on long-term health are not known." And if you want to live a longer and healthier life, start with these100 ways of living at 100.

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