9 relationship councils for quarantine couples, according to an expert

A relationship expert brings advice on how to keep your union in good health during the lock-to-plan.

If you live with a romantic partner, the prospect of spending a few weeks together may seem a blessing in normal circumstances. But there is a difference between not leave the house for days at the end because you do not do itwant to to and do not leave because younotAs it is the current situation with the Americans of self-isolation due to coronavirus. The truth is,Quarantine can put a real pressure on a relationship. In fact, China, which slowly emerges from a long lock due to Covid-19-recently experienced a shot.Spike in divorce ratesAnd experts say that Coronavirus is to blame.

"It can really go one in two ways," saysSusanTrombetti, Matchmaker and CEO ofExclusive matchmaking, quarantine. "It can get closer or make you want to strangle you the light of your other's day." So, to make sure you fall into the old category, we asked TrombettiRelationship Tips To help your union survive and prosper for quarantine.

Spend time apart.

Woman working out and doing lunges with her dog in the living room

As counter-intuitive that it may seem, relational experts sayspend too much time together can be as detrimental as not to spend enough time together. As a result, Trombetti says it's crucial from "Indicate your limits"And respect them, even in close quarters.

And put "only time."

Man sitting home in his armchair, using phone and changing channels

If you share the same living space as your partner, it's normal to feel that you should be able to walk in a room and ask them a question about dinner or your taxes every time you want. But if the other person tries to focus on something, it can be disruptive and cause conflicts.

Trombetti suggests defining time frames when your partner must essentially claim that you are not there, while you do your yoga class online or you look at your favorite show, for example - and diligently in this time. Since the experts say that keeping a routine is essential toMaintain your mental health while in self-insulating insulationYou can also define hours every day of 12 m. At 4 o'clock, when you each make your own thing to less emergency.

Respect working at home.

Latino man wearing apron interrupts wife on phone call in the kitchen, etiquette over 40

The coronavirus left many people without check of check and forced others toWork at home. For people who work better in an office, working at home can be a difficult fit and do not have any work to do at all can cause anxiety - the two disaster recipes.

If your partner isWorkIt is important to treat the situation as if they are in the office and disrupt them only if it is essential. And if you always have a job and your partner does not do it, it's a moment to exercise a small additional compassion.

Ask your partner what they need.

couple having serious conversation on stairs

Quarantine "can really be an opportunity for youdeepen your communication"Said Trombetti-if you ask the right questions, of course. She suggests asking your partner", what can I do to facilitate this period? "

Have serious discussions.

couple talking on couch

It could also be a good time to talk about othersImage Topics And make sure you and your partner are aligned.

"It's a good time to have a" state of the union "style discussion and confronting things you could have sweep under the carpet," said Trombetti. "It's also a good time to discuss your hopes and your dreams." These are the types of important problems that are often put on the back burner in the middle of the agitation of daily domestic life and is now the ideal opportunity to treat them.

Do not make your stress on your partner.

Tired frustrated black woman ignoring angry husband who is pointing his finger at her while she covers her face on the couch

This is a difficult question. This pandemic is of course an extremely stressful period and your partner is probably generally your survey table for all your daily fears and concerns. But since you are stuck together, it's a moment when it's important to be aware and try to overthrow your emotions a bit.

"No matter how frustration of your frustration, you must agree not to get it out of the other person," said Trombetti.

Make a plan

Older couple talking on the couch while drinking coffee or tea serious talk

The fact is to spend as much time in the same place with the same people is a difficult thing to manage. "In one way or another, you will get obperized," said Trombetti. "So you have to agree on that and say," Well, what are we going to do about it? "" Rather than taking every day because it will come responsive, it's better to make an emotional emergency plan and decide how you goTreat with tension and conflict as it inevitably arises.

Make your time set of quality.

Couple Cooking in the Kitchen {Healthy Habits}

As each co-health couple knows, being in the same room together is not necessarily to spend quality time together. It is better to spend time remotely and then come together to make a liaison activity - Cook or watch a movie, than spending a little time in the same room all day with little significant interaction.

Take time for pleasure.

woman applying a clay face mask to her boyfriend's face

"We are so used to going out and having our home being our place for recharging, we must now have fun in our homes," said Trombetti. "My husband and I start our early hour at 5 hours hard, it has become a joke inside."

There are also many other things you can do together: go for a walk In an isolated area, play games at home or make a workout together. I hope that a situation like this will never happen again, so you could also make the most of it!

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