Solitude of surprising ways can destroy your health

To begin, he doubles your risk of premature death.

It is a paradox of modern age. Despite the fact that human beings today have more means of communication than ever, people are longer than ever. A recentCigna report found that nearly half of the Americans Feeling alone almost all the time and the solitude score was particularly high in people aged 18 to 22. During the weekend, the European Cardiology Societypresented a study On how solitude affects our physical health at their annual nursing congress, Euroheartcare 2018. Here are some of their main conclusions. And for greater importance of mental health, check these20 ways to improve your mental health every day.

It's terrible for longevity

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By analyzing 13,463 people with various heart problems, researchers have found that solitude has doubled the risk of premature death in men and women. It is true that single people are more likely to engage in harmful behaviors, such as smoking and drug addiction, which shortens one's life. But what was interesting is that the researchers found that the risk of premature death was the same same when adapting age, level of education, other diseases, mass index body, smoking and alcohol.

It can be so bad for you as 15 cigarettes a day

Testosterone heart attack

Previous research found that people who feel alone have a higher risk of having heart disease and 32% higher risk of having a stroke than those who do not. Once again, while some of them are due to poor humidity, loneliness tends to engender, much of this increased risk of cardiovascular disease comes from high blood pressure and inflammation that comes from feel sad and stressed. It ledSome studies to claim This loneliness can have a similar effect on your heart as smoking 15 cigarettes a day.

This causes anxiety and depression

Man with Depression

The European cardiology study company revealed that the men and women who said they feel alone were also three times more likely to report feelings of anxiety and depression. PrimerAnne Vinggaard Christensen said that, while "loneliness is more common today than ever", living alone and be alone is not the same thing. As mentioned earlier, young adults, many resident with friends or family are the most lonely age group in America, a perplexed statistic that many blameOn the rise of technical dependency. After all,Recent studies have shown that people who admit to be addicted At their smartphones raise a lot higher on depression and anxiety scales.

This is particularly hard for men

Woman Comforting Man with Dementia

The suicide rate for Americans aged 35 to 64 increased by almost 30% between 1999 and 2010 and the numbers were particularly serious among men in fifty, whose rates increased by almost 50%.Many sociologists believe that this increased rate is due to the fact That men have fewer close friendships than women, who lead to the conclusion that men who feel alone or isolated have a risk of death even more than those who do not exercise or are clinically obese. And to educate you about the horrible realities of suicide, make sure you know theSuicide warning signs are hiding for view.

It increases your risk of suicide

woman comforting friend

To feel socially isolated has long been identified as the main impulse of suicide. In a mega-thread on reddit after the tragic death ofKate Spade andAnthony Bourdain,Users who have decided to kill each other and then changed his mind Almost universally cited a friend, a family member or a pet like the reason they stopped. Just like loneliness can kill, reach out on others can save lives.

Studieshave found that even do something as simple as keeping handss with someone can really reduce physical pain in the body. And even if social media often increase social isolation more than the opposite, some studies have found thatOnline forums on depression can also help create a constant support support for foreigners . Whatever you do, do not suffer in silence. There are too many people there who love you and too many people who will love you that you have not even encountered yet.

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