9 tips on how to stay calm for quarantine

The self-quarantine is a challenge, but these basic tips to stay calm can keep your mind healthy.

For many Americans, the second week of self-quarantine and self-distancing is closely close, and unless a dramatic change in coronavirus data is revealed, it seems that quarantine will continue for many others weeks to come. Although our universal self-sacrification of personal activities illustrates the wonder of the human mind, so that anyone be stuck at home for the next consecutive day, living in relative insulation is a remarkable challenge. In fact, he begins to be his own public health problem, but one of the mental care. And if you wonderHow to stay calm In the middle of this panic, you are not alone.

Health professionals start talking about the very real danger of anxiety and potential panic that the public begins to feel because of the CVIV-19 pandemic. On Fox News recently,Dr. Oz says: "These symptoms can cause all kinds of harmful effects, which is why many doctors feel thatConcern and panic about coronavirus will be worse than the current coronavirus for them. "

During this time,Ezekiel, MD, hits the same score on MSNBCJoe of the morning, saying, "Despair and panic does not help. We need fresh and calm answer to the crisis. "

So, how do you stay calm and cool and will not scal off during the quarantine at home? Here are the daily practices that are proven to help mental health, when we all need the most. And for more ideas, check11 ways to manage your mental health while auto-insulating insulation.

Develop a routine.

Man turning off his alarm clock

Fall out of his daily routine is disturbing. Since many of us are nowWork, or do not wake up and do not practice the children and take out the door at school, our regular daily schedule is disabled. To combat this feeling of being lost at sea, create a new routine and new planning for quarantine. Define your alarm and wake up at the same time every day. Plan meals about the same time and look at a basic schedule for your daily activities. Staying in control of the plans of the day goes very far in maintaining a positive perspective. And for more ideas about optimism, check these30 very effective positive affirmations that you can use every day.

Turn off the news.

Woman watching tv on couch

Yes, we live through a historic moment and we respect the recent developments and updates about pandemic coronavirus is very important. But there is also such a thing that is surprised. Keep the news from the cable on your TV without stopping can beDangerous for your mental health. If you want to look at a screen, there is no shortage ofSuper movies and TV shows This can give you a good holiday of the news. And for some ideas, check9 TV shows that we observe in quarantine.

Go outside.

Indian man walking around outside

Although social distancing instructions clearly indicate to avoid groups of people, it is always ok to go for a long walk. And the longer the walk, the better. Try planning an hour to be outside the house and, depending on your place of residence compared to other people, perhaps for some walks. Being outside and seeing others - a safe distance - reminds you that the widest world is always there and you are not alone. And for more motivation to start walking, check out30 reasons why walking is the best exercise.


Woman doing yoga at home

You do not need to be a yoga expert to train at home, you do not need a chic stationary bicycle equipment or home workout. If you just start, do not be afraid to go on the floor and stretch. Work your legs, your back, and maybe follow with someOld school exercises Like squats, boards, AB crunches and leg elevators. Exercise Every day is not only good for your body, but it also provides a sense of achievement. The best way to handle the blues is to oppose it. And for some home exercise tips, checkThe 15 best exercises for people over 50.

Eat well.

eating healthy food all the time doesn't work for weight loss

The disadvantage of storing on food for a long time is that your pantry can be charged with temptation. In fact, it is probably a sure bet that the national levels of snacks are at a height of all time. That said, coming out of her way of eating healthy balanced meals that include fruits, vegetables, whole grains, nuts and unprocessed proteins treats your body and helps you feel good about yourself, at once physically and mentally. And for more ideas about good health, check100 ways to become healthy in 2020.

Practice good hygiene.

woman applying moisturizer after getting out of the shower

It may seem simple, but take a shower and dress each day helps atonneBy making you feel good. Yes, most people find home clothes and heating to be comfortable and it's good. But the lack of interaction with other human beings also seems to come with less personal hygiene. Take regular showers, get dressed and even get ride or shave regularly if it makes you feel good.

Log in with others.

Older woman on laptop and phone call

We live in a magical time of remote communication tools. Whether you used FaceTime, Google Hangouts, zoom or just a phone from old school, do not be afraid to reach out to your friends and family. Organize a Happy Hour cocktail session with an old friend or someone you want to record. The best way to avoid isolation is to stay in touch with others.

Keep your house tidy.

organized desk

A clear sign of low level depression is a neglected household. If there are dishes stacked in the sink or toys for children scattered through the family room, take 30 minutes of your day and store yourself. Keeping an organized house gives you a feeling of keeping in control and makes your environment infinitely more enjoyable to spend your day. Take the load and keep it clean.

Be kind.

self-isolating mental health tips

It is important to remember that it is a difficult time foreveryoneAnd as a result, the national nerves are frayed. Know that you are not alone and that the compassion that you provide to others will be almost certainly returned ... in kind. Keep Calm and carry on! And for more useful information, see:7 myths of coronavirus, you have to stop believing, according to doctors.

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